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every excuse I made up — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

His voice snapped her out of her current train of thought. So, he had never told anyone about that before. It made her feel a little better, but her heart still ached at the fact that he had lost his mother. She wanted to ask so many questions, to fill her ever curious mind with answers. Her curiosity only deepened when he spoke of meeting with his brother. So he did have siblings after all! Her heart leapt at the possibility of meeting him, but just as quickly, skipped a beat. Her brown eyes widened, her tongue felt dry. Did she just hear him right when he said he wanted her to go with him? To join him and his brother in a new pack?

Neha's head was reeling, her ears filled with static. She was at a complete loss for words, for what to say. Sure, she very much cared for Draven, but she was also tied to her home. She watched over it, basked in the crisp mountain air, while certain that one day, she would be asked to step up when Namid retired. Could she really leave all this, the only home she had ever known, behind to join with a band of wolves she had never even met? "I...I won't leave you. I'll always be there..." She muttered softly, finding that was all that could roll off her tongue, which felt far too thick in her mouth. She couldn't give him a straight answer. Not now. Not especially with how her heat was driving her to the brink of insanity. As he pulled away to hover over her, she whined in protest. She wanted his warmth back. She wanted him to help her. She knew he could, in some way scratch the itch that she had been fighting all season long. Splaying her legs, with a low rumble, she ran her crown along his throat, under his jaw. A pink tongue flicked out to greet his maw in delicate, needy kisses. "Then...come have me..." She whispered huskily. Sweeping her tail to the side, she let their primal instincts guide them from here. So foolishly unaware of just how this day would transform their lives forever.



Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.