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son you are no island — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

Had you been there tonight, you might know how it feels to be struck to the bone!

Finally, Oula did indeed force the alpha’s paw. She came to a haly, and so did Veho moments later, ears laying flat against his skull. The silence weighed heavily upon his shoulders as the wind buffeted them both, throwing ice and large flakes of snow in every which way. Quite frankly, he almost preferred mother nature’s cruel winter trick to whatever the beta was playing at. This was not something he had been prepared to deal with. What was it she was trying to force from him?

His tail lashed once behind him, and only once as he wrinkled his nose (though no teeth were offered to the woman who’d borne him his children).

“I am deeply displeased,” he finally rumbled. “I am hurt. I am confused. Am I angry? I cannot be sure – as soon as I turn around, another woman turns up pregnant and no one as actually told me. It is all second-hand information, be it from the scent, or from the mouth of another.”

Finally, finally, a small growl rolled free. “This pack is falling down around my ears and I seem to be the only one who seems to fucking care that we are going to wind up with more pups than we can care for!” Oh, to howl like the wind, to rage like this winter storm. If only. “But being displeased and hurt and unhappy will accomplish nothing. So do get inside, Oula, before the weather gets worse.”

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

Finally, Oula watched as something cracked within the man who had long served as the rock of Grizzly Hollow. A man who she had perhaps once loved, but now she could not tell how she felt. She watched his face, and yes, witnessed the long awaited anger and frustration that freely rolled across his grey features and rumbled in his voice. It was a mirror that forced her to look into her own heart. There she found something dark that stirred within her, creeping slowly to her core.

The ramifications of what she had done had begun to manifest in the bitter words she forced out of him. Consequences that she had, in a way, foreseen long before Savion had even been a tempting scent on the breeze. The pernicious rot that had settled its roots into her heart had been sowed long ago.

Her eyes stung, but she blinked away the sensation and set her mouth into a firm line. This was what she had wanted, wasn't it? This was what she deserved, if no one would give it to her, she would force their hand and bring upon herself her own punishment. 

Her hackles bristled at his command, but she remained silent. Wordlessly she trudged forward, roughly pushing past Veho. She did not wait for him, but rather she ran.
(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2017, 08:19 PM by Oula.)
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]