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certain as the sun rises in the east — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
If no response by 3/27 AM, will consider the leadership forfeit and Wraith will assume control.

He'd been patient. Vigilant. Loyal. To a fault, it seemed. When he signed on for this, Wraith had never imagined that Craw could become so pointedly distracted by one goal that he would lose sight of the first. A family, they'd agreed. A pack where family came first and they could be stronger for it. How long had Craw been out there chasing after his own interests when he had a family here? Too long, Wraith decided. He had duties! A responsibility! That the spider thought he could lead as absentee was beyond him.

It was true Wraith had no aspirations for leadership. Perhaps his brother, his most trusted friend, was counting on that. That he'd keep his throne toasty and warm for him while he went off fucking old flames and left his own mate wanting and needy for another to ease her heat. And it had gotten to the point where even the likes of @Renier was welcome back with open paws? The black male had no doubt now it was who @Morganna was out gallivanting with. The male's scent was a fresh reminder. He'd not argue Morganna's decision. As far as he was concerned, it was her pack to do with as she chose. But damn if he wasn't going to have a say in it anymore.

Had anyone even checked in on their allies lately? How was Hearthwood River faring the winter? Were tensions still high for them while females' seasons came to their end? Wraith had avoided them with the intention of showing respect to the leaders as proof that he'd not go spreading his own lifeblood around in their pack. But he'd also assumed Craw would be here to check on them.

Irresponsible! he thought again with frustration.

He loved Craw. The man was family and he knew no stronger brotherhood. So it was his responsibility to make certain the spider lived up to it and proved he was worth all the credit he gave him. Standing on top of the Monadnock, the brute lifted his baritone voice to the sky and howled out a summons for his leader with the challenge clear in it.

'Craw. Come home. Now.'

If the bastard would bother to show, he had more than a few words for him.

(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2017, 11:01 PM by Wraith.)
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

No word. No acknowledgement. Not even so much as a 'hey buddy!' That's how it was going to be, was it? Fine. Fine! Damn it all, Craw, these aren't pawns in some game of yours. These are people who respected your leadership and expected you to lead them! No one could lead from half a league away without word. And while they all had Morganna, steadfast and stubborn as she was, she couldn't do it on her own. She shouldn't have to. And so she would not. No longer. Wraith had been assuming all those duties anyway. It was time he made it official. He already knew he had Morganna's blessing, so why the hell not. He couldn't be half as bad of a leader as the previous-absent one.

Wraith lifted his muzzle and boomed out a howl to proclaim his new title for all in the Monadnock to hear. If Craw wanted the pack back, he could damn well fight for it.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health