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blackbird singing — Hush Meadow 
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Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Go ahead and fade however you'd like <3
Enoki Ashrelle

Within seconds the boy became overwhelmed with excitement after the magpie revealed her choice activity in order to have fun when she was a young cub, in turn, the name of the man who had interacted with the boy before herself was given and Savvy was neatly filed away should she so happen to cross paths with this mystery man. @Mathuin then did the same with the import advice in regards to his traveling route given the unrelenting conditions Winter typically plagued the lore with, the younger wolf shortly after agreeing to her offer of turning their business conversation into a more playful manner.

Instantly smoldering amber eyes watched the boy drop into a play bow, his rump wriggling in uncontained excitement before releasing a bark that Enoki took as her cue that he was ready. There was little coaxing needed to bring forth a playful body language of her own, upper body bowing to mirror the stance Mathuin held while releasing a couple barks of her own. She then scooted forward to slap the ground with her forepaws, the powdery snow flinging in their wake before a surprise attack was made on the boy. Lunging, marred snout parted to nip with a low growl resonating in her chest at the boy's left ear, giving the vulnerable flesh a good tug before bounding away as quick as her current state would safely allow. A glance over her shoulder to ensure the boy was following.

Once she was sure that he was, her attention shifted forward again to search the landscape for a snowdrift surely large enough to make a large flaky splash when their bodies collided with the soft substance. Not long and one that seemed decent enough was spotted, her ebony limbs switching up to alter her path right for the pile of fun she had mentioned briefly. Then, with no warning to the boy behind her, she lunged and landed with a soft thud sinking a few inches into the snow and leaving a small impression where her body touched. The dusting of snow upon her two-toned body further blending her into the ivory backdrop. "Come on!" She encouraged, a wide grin plastered across her face.

Word Count: 368
Ashbash 2017 - Sebastian Unrau 
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
real short fade from me @Enoki

He was content to give chase through snow piles and open fields. Mathuin would never turn down a new friend, let alone a friend who knew how to have fun and could teach him new games. The large boy was content to romp about with the ivory and ebony female until she would announce she needed to go home.

[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts