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trapdoor — Underground Sea 
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Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
lololol is it obvious that memes influence my writing style??

Iyes emerged from the water with a triumphant grin on her face, basking in a moment of glory before trying to stabilize herself in the water. In her relatively short life she had spent very little time swimming and it showed; a one-legged frog had more grace than she did. She flopped her legs around, awkwardly trying to find the sweet spot between a doggy paddle and treading water until she extended one leg far down and felt the bottom. Oh. Satisfied that she could stand in the water, she settled with her hind legs on the pool's floor and stood upright with her elbows drawn closed to her side.

"So, sea wolf," she addressed him, spinning her body to face him lifting her chin ever so slightly. She matched her gaze with Greer's smile-narrowed silver eyes, raising a single brow before she propositioned, "Truce?" They were both clearly wicked (and really great at water sports! if you could call this a sport) and had shown each other a few of their dastardly moves. The ink-cloaked male was certainly a match for the deviousness she contained below the surface, and that if nothing else solidified Iyes' approval for Kyna's companion. Yes, she had a feeling they'd get along quite well on the mountain.
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
it makes me so happy & you inspired me 

The shadow exhaled sharply out of his nose to eliminate the extra water that had built up, which resulted in an echoing double sneeze to fill the cavern. He blinked as he regained his composure, his nose crinkled as he settled his mercury gaze on his inky companion. Like Iyes, he felt as though they were going to have no problems living together on the mountain Kyna adored so much. His scarlet mate had done well in seeking out members to join their group of misfits while he lurked in the shadows, ensuring strays did not linger unless they, too, wanted to stay with them. The strawberry blond was the mouth and the brains of the operation; Greer was her support and (sort of) the brawn. Without her relatable character and calming demeanour there would be no pack on the mountain.

A crooked grin slowly crept onto his dark lips as the yearling spoke, a question hanging off the tip of her tongue. A truce? He mused the thought for a moment, unsure of whether he wanted to strike the fiery-eyed girl with another tidal wave or mutually surrender. The shadow nodded after a pregnant pause, his ears pinned forward: “Truce.” Enough water damage had done between them… for now. Without another word the Archer slipped below the surface, allowing the water to cascade around him as he succumbed to the silence. He remained there, for a moment, relishing in the eerie tranquility the water provided before resurfacing, only his eyes, ears, and nose breaking the surface as he met her fiery gaze with pools of steel. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
-falls into a youtube rabbithole of sneezing dog videos-

With a wrinkled nose she regarded the male's impressive two-for-one sneeze, the sound of water being expelled from his nostrils loudly echoing through the cavern. Surprisingly, it didn't sound so gross when it was being replayed back by the laws of physics. Iyes maintained her squished that's-nasty expression as long as she could before it dissolved into a wide grin. I mean, that was pretty funny. Her smile grew even brighter when, after a moment of quiet, Greer returned the treaty and a pact was formed.

As the night-cloaked male submerged she couldn't help but shake her head in almost disbelief. Kyna was, of course, an incredible friend - the inky yearling clearly idolized her to some extent even though they had only known each other for a brief time. Having lucked out there, she was almost resigned to inevitability that all the other wolves she'd meet were probably gonna suck eggs. But that wasn't the case here. Greer was of a more subtle personality but he was funny, and he was game - she'd lucked out again. Two great wolves. She'd be more than happy here on the mountain with Kyna and her... uh, whatever Greer was. Boyfriend? Husband? Someone would tell her eventually.

Greer resurfaced to a winning grin from Iyes, throwing her muzzle over her shoulder toward the rocky bank. "Race you to dry land," she dared, swimming a stride closer. "Last one there's a rotten egg!" Then she pressed her paws against his submerged sides and thrust her weight away in a spin move, propelling her toward the bank like she was Iyes Phelps, or perhaps a misbehaving little goat.
(This post was last modified: May 05, 2017, 07:19 PM by Iyes.)
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
greer is trying to grab her tail and tug her back aka he's bein a cheater but he don't care >:B

As much as he would have liked to douse the inky yearling with another tidal wave Greer knew he could not go back on his truce. He grimaced at the thought, his lips hidden below the surface of the water as he remained half submerged. If they were going to become packmates in the (near) future there would be plenty of opportunities to harass the younger wolf. For now he would restrain himself and play nice.

Lifting his chin from the water his mercury gaze wandered to the walls of the cavern, relishing in the brief silence that consumed them. Silence never lasted long for Greer when he encountered strangers, for they all seemed so desperate to fill the air with their wasted words, spewing nonsense. Sometimes he humoured them, but not often. Not unless he wanted something from them, or required whatever it was they were saying.

Iyes, however, he did not mind. Like Kyna, she did not overwhelm him with too many words.

He snorted at her words, his brows narrowed in determination until she used him as a backboard to launch herself forward, bringing her closer to the shore. A low growl bubbled inside his chest and he dove beneath the surface once more, using his hindlegs to kick himself off the submerged ground and propel himself through the water. Breaking for air, the shadow used his long legs to catch up to the yearling. He craned his neck forward, teeth reaching for the tip of her tail in an attempt to grasp it and pull her behind. 

(This post was last modified: May 06, 2017, 06:32 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Certain that she would be victorious what with her Greer-provided head start, Iyes was not expecting the nip at her tail and the sudden stop that followed. With a yelp of surprise she whirled to find no fish on her rear end, but the shadow-cloaked male speeding past her. Her dark jaw fell that she had been so easily duped. Dark ears slicking back against her skull she gave an indignant whine, but understood that her moment was gone.

There was little contest after that. He easily reached the shore before her so she took her time swimming over, a cheeky grin reappearing upon her blackened muzzle. The loser of the contest was still impressed with Greer's ability to hang.

Pulling herself out of the water she gave a passive shudder as the cold cave air surrounded her. With a vigorous shake she rained pellets of water from her pelt all over the cave (and admittedly she did attempt to launch a couple of fat ones over in Greer's direction - juuust for kicks) and turned to concede the victory. She bent her dark forelegs, letting the front half of her body fall while she bowed her head in an attempt at a wolfish curtsey. She lifted her gaze, her bright eyes finding the stark silver pools of his own to graciously accept her defeat.

"You win, Wicked King."
She lifted a single eyebrow - at least for now. One day she'd unseat him, but for now she had been bested - and made a friend of her packmate-to-be, which was possibly a better prize than winning the sea monster race.
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
@Iyes we could fade here, or with your next post if you'd like? and have more updated one? :B <3

At first he did not think he would be able to latch onto the yearling’s tail, for she was much smaller and more agile than he was. However, when his teeth oh so gently connected with fur, the shadow gave a tug and halted her movements before propelling himself passed her. Guilt evaded him as the shore crept into view, almost within grasp. Once his paws connected with the cold stone Greer (reluctantly) pulled his water-logged body out of the water, a shiver creeping down his spine as his damp fur was greeted by the chilled air of the cave. With a rather smug grin perched lazily across his dark maw the Archer turned to greet Iyes as she took her time swimming back, clearly accepting defeat.

The shadow accepted the shower of water drops graciously—he had cheated, after all—and took a step away from the small yearling to rid his own dark pelt of water. An amused expression relaxed onto his features as he watched the girl take a bow, his mercury gaze narrowing softly. The words that rolled off her tongue earned a snort of amusement from the lanky shadow, his head canted to the side. “Wicked Iyes win next. Maybe, He clucked back in response, his tail wagging slowly behind him. He would not object to spending more time with the fiery-eyed yearling in the future. He was also curious as to how she and his scarlet mate had met, and why she decided to join their group of mountain misfits. Perhaps that was a conversation for another day—when the ebony duo decided to adopt more serious personas. For Greer, that would not be difficult, but for Iyes… it was difficult to tell. Her youth was infectious and he did not know if the girl possessed a serious bone in her body.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
i'm sorry this is complete garbo lolol

Greer was a gracious enough winner to accept her light peltage of dispersed droplets, even more so that he stepped away from her to shake the excess water off his own inky pelt. Of course, he did not promise her a victory in their next go around - just a maybe - and she showed her appreciation with a toothy grin. Earning it was so much better than being handed it, and that was exactly what she intended to do in this new life she was going to start with the wraith wolf and his red-headed mate: earn her keep.

The resolve to be a worthwhile companion was set deeply into her bones by now. But Greer's premonition that her serious side was hidden way far down was still quite true - for she couldn't help but turn her cheek toward the male and stick her tongue out to blow a little raspberry in his direction. There. Now they were done.
