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Inertia — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
guardian dem 1/3

Did Reyes really have such a hard time seeing him as his superior? Now, Askan wasn't the sort to lord over others, nor did he think that Reyes was anything other than his equal. But in terms of the hierarchy of the pack, it was simply the nature of things. Askan was second and Reyes and the other were below him. The Selwyn truly wanted to backup his claims though, after all what was the point of talking big if you weren't willing to back them up with actions?

Reyes was being pretty damn demanding and didn't really give Askan to shoot him a response before he barrelled into the beta with all of his weight. He'd expected something, but not to be blindsided without any damn warning!  A grimace tugged at his lips and a compliant was ready to rush off the tip of his tongue when his mate spoke up again, clearly very pleased with himself. There was no use in scolding him, Reyes wouldn't take it to heart anyway, and deep down Askan knew he wasn't mad. Not really.

He wasn't going to take that hit without giving one in return. And it'd be twice as hard as Reyes'. Now sure, Askan had no intentions of actually hurting him, he'd sworn that he'd never do so again but they were tough. A few bruises here and there wouldn't do them any harm. Besides, the snow would surely act as a cushion if they fell.

So with that, Askan bared his teeth-as was his habit- and launched himself at Reyes with a thunderous snarl. If anyone happened to come across the duo, it would probably look as though they were fighting, for real. But no, Askan's growl was empty, a knee jerk reaction. Before Reyes could even recover from the first hit, Askan barrelled forward with another and smeared a lick across the side of his face.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Askan did not seem to much brace himself for impact – and perhaps that was for the best. To run into his partner at full force and to be hit would have sent a shockwave through them both. As they moved, the force spread between the pair, deflecting the majority off and away. The growl was answered with a matching one. Instinct for instinct, his lips peels back to reveal his handsome row of teeth as he wheeled about; he knew the beta well enough to know he’d not be allowed a free strike. Drestig’s second would be after him as soon as he could.

Glancing over his shoulder saw the dark wolf already upon him, throwing his weight into Reyes’ side and – smearing a wet kiss across his face?

It was enough to startle the older wolf for a moment, stumbling sideways through the snow as he blinked moonstone eyes owlishly. He took a few more steps, gaining himself space – and a moment to recover – before maintaining his balancing and circling back, snapping his teeth together before he lunged. There was no reason to put his teeth on Askan (and so he did not), opting instead to throw his chest into the beta’s haunches and (hopefully) tumble him over.

REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan couldn't help but grin and swish his tail about in delight at the bemused look on his mate's face. Was it really so odd that Askan had kissed him? And did Reyes really have to pull such a funny expression, as though he was doing his best impression of an owl? Sure, the timing wasn't exactly appropriate, as he'd just barrelled into him with most-if not all- of his strength  but Askan just couldn't resist. It was like dangling a chunk of meat in front of his nose, an opportunity that was just too good to resist. For a second he hoped that Reyes would kiss him back in turn, even if it was just a quick little one, but it seemed as though Reyes had other things on his mind. His head was in the game and if Askan didn't follow suit soon this match of theirs would quickly be over.

Bracing himself, Askan spread his gait and gritted his teeth. He had no intention of taking this hit, of letting Reyes thump into him for a second time. No, instead he planned to dart out of the way and respond with some sort of counter attack. He didn't know what yet, but he'd always been pretty damn good at thinking on his feet. Going in with a plan would only get him so far, circumstances changed and something set in stone just wouldn't do when facing such an unpredictable foe. He'd have to be fast, which wasn't exactly his forte but at least he was no glass canon. Sure, he could take a beating and still get back up, but did that mean he wanted to? Hell no.

Not that he expected this to go that far, this was a tussle, it was a -not so-harmless game between mates. That was all.

Spinning to face him, Askan barely dodged Reyes' strike in time. He felt the gust of air rustle his fur and even the warmth his body radiated. The Selwyn couldn't help but be tempted to try and lean against him, to steal some of hid body heat, but he managed to resist as he knew exactly what would happen. Or as least he had an idea. Askan couldn't given Reyes any room to steal the upper hand here, the fights between them were always close and so Askan always had to be on his guard. They could play nice later, right now was ass kicking time.

With another snarl, Askan skitted to the side as though he intended to charge into his shoulder. But instead, at the last moment he turned and  ducked down to hook Reyes' back legs over his wide shoulder. With a grunt of effort-fuck he was heavy- Askan reared up and tossed him mate to the floor and quickly backed up so he wouldn't get smooshed in the process.

Snickering to himself Askan slapped at the snow with his front paws and arched down into a bow. "Come on old man, get up. Unless you're spent of course."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank


Askan was starting to get faster. Or maybe the other wolf had just let him win last time, but the delta found that hard to believe. Lying was not something the younger wolf was good at, nor something he seemed to particularly believe in, even if it were for the best of the misguided party. Or, and Reyes decided (as he went zipping by his sparring partner) this was most likely the case, he was starting to get predictable. If he wanted to beat Icicle the next time he challenged the albino for the man’s rank, that was going to have to change. Frankly, the southerner couldn’t handle another loss like that.

But that would have to wait. All this thought was distracting.

So distracting, in fast, that it seemed like maybe Askan was hovering. Or something magic. Which was stupid, but it was the only way to explain the fact that he was suddenly toppled in the blink of an eye. Old man. Shitty, but not exactly wrong. Not if he couldn’t handle a damn spar. Puffing his cheeks unhappily, the wolf shoved his snout into the snow, silver eyes tracing his lover as he slapped the snow again. “‘m done,” he murmured. Tired, maybe. “I think we need new ideas. I need new ideas. Once we get back to the Fields – we should work on it.”

REYES | Dead man walking.

Guardian Dem 3/3
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
guard dem 3/3

Despite his playful demeanour, Askan really was ready for round two. He had no intentions of attacking Reyes when he was down, but he couldn't help but put a plan together in his mind. What would he do next? Should he try and grab the Southerner's bushy tail? Or would it be best to charge him again and see if he could land a real hard hit, the sort that would knock the wind out of him? Before Askan could even decide Reyes made it clear that he was done. And even if he hadn't said as much, the Selwyn would have been able to tell anyway. His tone was deeper and more subdued, and his eyes had lost that mischievous glint they'd had just moments ago. The change was sudden and yet subdued, like a drop in temperature, as if the sun was hidden by storm clouds.

For a moment, Askan feared that he'd done or even said something wrong. He wanted to apologise to his mate, to make things better, but couldn't because he didn't know what he'd done wrong in the first place! But as Reyes continued the Selwyn got a sense that whatever had caused the abrupt change wasn't his fault. Or at least not entirely. And yet, he was still troubled. If it wasn't Askan then what was bothering him?

Stepping closer, the beta snuffed at Reyes' neck and began to nibble and groom his fur. He could never quite do it with the same finesse his mate managed, but it was the thought that counted, surely? Without having to make things all awkward and mushy, he was saying that he cared, that he was here and was willing to put in the effort to make this work. Even if it meant stepping out of his comfort zone from time to time.

"That's fine." And as if to prove his point, Askan swiped a lick across his snout. Just for good measure."We can work on it later. Not everyone is as skilled as I am, so it's probably not something you need to worry about anytime soon."

With that, he pulled away and gave his lover some space to get to his feet. As he did so, his gaze flickered to the little mound he'd discovered earlier, and as chance would have it he was standing rather close. Perhaps a couple of steps away. It was still gurgling, churning away and Askan took one step forward so that he could get a little closer and- like a volcanic eruption, a jet of ice water shot out. With a high-pitched yelp, Askan just barely managed to prance out of the way and hid behind Reyes, like a cowering pup scared of a clap of thunder.

"I uh...We should probably go. You know, back home. The weather is pretty shit." He stated-not so- cool as a cucumber, as though he hadn't just been scared out of his skin by a bit of water.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Indeed, it was the thought that counted. Reyes shifted only slightly, just enough that he no longer buried his muzzle in the powdery snow – and he sighed. It was not the same as before; gone was the melancholy, replaced only with satisfaction and reassurance that the beta thought no less of him for quitting when it was clear he’d lost the day. The swarthy male tipped his muzzle back upwards, returning the kiss with one of his own. He had a few smart remarks lingering somewhere on his tongue, but Askan had earned his victory, hadn’t he? Fair and square. There was no need to tear the man down. So he kissed his muzzle again instead before hefting himself to his feet. Snow sprayed in every which way as he shook out his thick coat, lost somewhere in thought as he considered possible training exercises. There was a whole world of options, and—

Askan’s alarmed tone snapped the delta out of his day dream, moonstone eyes narrowing slightly as the lake gurgled ominously. Before he could say a single world, a jet of ice cold water exploded skyward. The wolf jolted, ears flying backwards. “Yeah. We should definitely go,” he agreed breathlessly, turning and shoving his snout into his mate’s shoulder. There was no time to lose. “Nature’s a cruel bitch.”


REYES | Dead man walking.

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]