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loud rumble — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

Such a simple sentiment from her left the male itching to go out and provide. For her, for the pack, and for the life she bore. Wraith fiercely wished he could share her burden. Her belly looked stretched to uncomfortable limits at times and he knew her appetite was more voracious than a starving wolverine. Not to mention the mornings of illness and unsettled guts. But all he could do was accept her kiss and sweet nuzzle and return it in kind.

His mouth quirked in amusement as Piety delicately placed a few ptarmigan feathers along his neck and gave a quick shake to watch them flutter a little in the breeze before joining the snow at their paws. "Now in that, I must question your judgement, my dearest Queen." Golden eyes bright with unbidden laughter, he watched for her reaction with no small amount of mirth. In truth, no one but Piety had described him as handsome before. At least, not to his face. The compliment brought with it an impish, male pride and his tail thumped against the ground.

Her extended offer for a job left his brows lifted and he laughed outright as she called herself fat. "You, my darling? Never." She was the pinnacle of health, pregnancy included. "But I suppose if you feel like a lard of a goat, we can work off a few of those extra love handles," he teased with a roguish grin. He didn't wait for a responding nip and instead leaped to his paws and dashed out of reach. "Come on then, my lovely goat. Let's get a move on!"

One thing was certain in all of this; a life with his mate would never be dull.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]