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even a well lit place can hide salvation — Limestone Bluff 
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Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
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Oula Whitebark
TW: Small mention of implied non-consent

It was clear by the heavy sigh heaved from the russet woman that this was not an easy thing for her to answer. As careful as Oula was in phrasing things, there was no real way to phrase it that would make the conversation any easier. But it was worth it to her to 'hear' the younger woman out rather than jump to her own conclusions, as she was sure much of the pack had done already to both Pip and herself. The Whitebark woman made sure to pay careful attention to the seawolf, watching the thoughts and emotions flicker across Pip's face like shadows dancing on a forest floor through the filtered light of the canopy above. Though the little mute could say not a single word, the conflict was clear on her face. She might have expected to see fear and pain there, or regret, but with an open mind none of that could be found on that pointed russet face. There was something soft there, something hopeful and light and filled with longing. Something Oula could recognize, a distant memory of a feeling long forgotten, and her heart ached in the cage of her chest.

As she watched she could see the light in the younger woman's eyes darken to worry, and hesitancy. And finally, the russet girl shook her head; no. Perhaps if Oula had not been carefully watching the expressions hidden deep in those sienna eyes, she might have jumped to the simplest conclusion of what had happened, that a lecherous monster had taken advantage of dear innocent Pip. But Oula did not think that was so. 

"Pip, you love him, don't you? I can see it in your eyes. He makes you happy, doesn't he?" She asked softly. She was prepared for the possibility that she'd read Pip entirely wrong and that the opposite was true, but she had a feeling that her intuition was correct. "I can see it in you... I loved someone once..." She said, her sage eyes shifting to look at the evergreen vista that stretched out below them into the horizon. "He's gone from this world now. I only wish that I had held on tighter, protected him. I wish that the litter I carry now might have been his, but..." A bittersweet smile pulled across her pale muzzle. Life was not so simple, and not so easy. She liked to believe that the struggle was what made it beautiful, though she was not sure if that was something she believed anymore. She exhaled slowly, turning her gaze back towards Pip. She was supposed to be helping Pip, not airing her own issues on the omega.
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

True surprise was written plainly on the sea wolf's face at @Oula's pointed question. She'd always seen the woman as an impenetrable warrior; as if nothing could ever hurt her. Perhaps it was that which shook her so much when that Azar wolf had come around. That he had taken one with such strength like Oula hostage? It was frightening and maddening at the same time that the man had brought so much uncertainty into their lives.

But this chat had already been enlightening. While the woman was undeniably strong, she was not stone.

In reply, tears swam readily in the mute's gaze as she nodded. Yes. Yes, she loved him. Maybe it was naive and foolish and ill-advised and any number of other awful things, but she loved him. He was fiercely protective and kind and warm and he listened and observed and paid attention and called her gem and named her Signy from a beloved character from tales he knew as a pup. How could she not be wholly infatuated? How could her heart not beat for him? Any time he looked her way, she felt as if perhaps she could grow wings like the gulls and fly over the sea itself in all its yawning expanse.

And yet more of her idol's armor was revealed to have chinks. With empathy, the mute rest her head against Oula's neck in solidarity and comfort for she knew she would feel just as woeful without her dragon. Despite all the heartbreak the woman had seen, here she still stood without contemplating dropping off the edge of a cliff with such detachment. She was relieved Oula had found her. What may have happened without her intervention was a frightening thing indeed.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark
@Pip ;_; Omg sorry this took so long you can reply or archive or whichever

Pip didn't seem to expect Oula's question, but eventually Pip's subtle nod confirmed what Oula could already see written plainly across her face and lit her sunbeam orange eyes from the inside out. The mute was a perceptive little wolf, and although Oula hadn't met Pip's mate she knew he had to be someone special to win her heart like that. She couldn't say that getting her pregnant was particularly the wisest thing for her paramour to do, but Oula couldn't fault someone too deeply that her friend loved in such a way. Whoever it was had taken the time to know Pip, even through her quiet demeanor. 

She wondered what kind of wolf he was, and what kind of wolf Pip was when she was around somebody she trusted enough to take as her mate. Was she the same mousey little woman, or somebody completely different? Oula wanted nothing more for Pip to flourish and be happy. Oula leaned back into Pip's touch, nudging her white chin over the top of her russet head.

"If you love him, that's all that matters to me." Oula said, not caring to make the crusade of it that Veho had.
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

That Oula had even taken the time to talk Pip down off her ledge, both figuratively and literally, meant more to the little mute than she could ever communicate. She was the only one in the pack who'd made the effort concerning this issue to truly, truly understand. Veho, darling and protective big brother as he was, listened about as well as Blitz and paid as much mind. But he had been more focused on the broken law than of what truly happened. She could not blame him for his priorities and would never hold it against the leader when he already had so much else on his plate.

But it seemed fitting that another female would know. And to so blatantly say in no uncertain terms exactly what she needed to hear was a gift she couldn't repay. Content and quite pleased, Pip sighed deeply and smiled with serenity as the sun dipped below the trees and painted the sky with brilliant colors. From their perch, the pair had the best view in all of Cedarwood.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]