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The Road Not Taken — Dead-Drop Escarpment 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Oh its so cute :D @Kajika @Tagg

When she woke up Moon slowly realized something was off. She wouldn't ever have guessed she would have forgotten so much. Her eyes remained closed and her ears remained pinned as Kajika spoke. He was right she didnt know if she wanted to know anymore. That wasn't the issue though, the issue was that she didnt remember either of them or any interactions with them. Her apology was met with them both saying it wasn't her fault and that they wanted to help. To help her remember, remember them, their home everything. She slowly nodded in response to their offer. Looking back up to the one who said he was her mate Moon tried her best to give a small smile. It was difficult however since fear still had a tight grip on her whole being. This fear was strange for the large woman, it was uncharacteristic for her. Why was she so scared? She would have to push that feeling aside for the dark man asked how'd she feel about being helped home, having her wounds tended to and having some food. Her ears flicked forward at the mention of food as her stomach rumbled once more. She was starving and she didnt understand why, so she nodded her head quicker this time. "Oh yes please. I'm constantly hungry and I don't know why" she admitted shyly as she stood quickly. The sudden movement caused a surge of pain to course from her leg. Inhaling sharply she brought her leg up close to her belly to relieve the pain. Sliver eyes blinked a few times to refocus her vision. Once cleared the dark woman looked between the men embarrassed of her injuries. So to "prove" that she was fine she managed to hobble for a few steps before yet another surge of pain originated from her wound. She clenched her eyes shut as she took a deep breath. If she was being truthful the steps were meant to convince herself more than her companions. Opening her eyes once more she gave each male a weak smile. "I'm fine" she offered unconvincingly knowing they were thinking otherwise. She didnt want to burden them so she would try her best to play it off.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It was hard to understand how this had happened to Moonshadow, how she had ended up in the fen and why she didn't have her memory.  She at least seemed to know her name, Kajika held on to that. It gave him hope that she might remember everything one day.  All they needed to do was get her back to the cove, maybe being there would help. It was also painful to know that she didn't know him anymore, he worried she wouldn't know him again and he would lose his best friend. In hopes to get her back to the cove he offered her care for her wounds, food, and rest. It seemed to work as she agreed mentioning that she was always hungry but didn't know why. Hoping Tagg would take the hint that it wasn't the best time Kajika spoke, “There is a reason but I think it's best we get you home before we talk about it,” he suggested, “You need to be looked over and get some food, okay?” The beta didn't think telling her she was pregnant just then was the best idea, she may not have run hearing that she had a mate but the news of puppies might make her.

“Tagg is right, we can try and help you to remember and maybe once your home that will help too.”  It was apparent the pain she was in but even with her memory gone she still didn't want to show weakness. Kajika wasn't sure what to do in that moment, he wanted to help her and care for her as he knew she would him but there was Tagg.  The day they had become mates the tawny male had taken that right from him so Kajika looked to Tagg and then back to Moonshadow, “I know you're fine but perhaps this time let Tagg help you.  I'm sure he will be careful not to hurt you.” With that Kajika stepped aside to let the tawny man move into to help the ebony she wolf.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
Please see OOC Profile for OOC Preferences, Thank you.
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 222

His heart ached for the woman he had come to love.  He was hurting, yes, but he couldn’t imagine what she must be going through.  She didn’t even know she was expecting pups – his pups.  That sent a spike of ice right through his heart, but fortunately Kajika spoke up before him, preventing him from explaining why she was so hungry.

When she stumbled he rushed forward to help her, but stopped himself.  He didn’t want to frighten her any more than he already had.  Kajika was much more diplomatic than he was; the veteran should have let his friend do the talking from the start. He looked to Moon, not wanting to touch her until her permission was given.

When it was, he quickly moved to her side, offering his shoulder for her to lean against as she limped forward. She was a little bigger than him, but he was more than willing to risk being a little sore the next couple of days if it meant getting her home.  Maybe when she was better he could take her to the hotspring.  Since it was the place they’d first told each other how they felt, and where he asked her to be his mate… maybe it would trigger something.  Some memory.  It was their favorite spot.  Hopefully it could be again.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! If y'all want we can do one more post each and fade then maybe start a new thread of them arriving home so that way the rest of the pack can hop in if they'd like? :)

The mention and offer of food sparked something within the ebony woman. It gave her a reason to go on, and even trust the males that claimed to know her. Her instinct to fill her belly overrode any fear she may have previously had - they did know her name after all. Her admittance to always being hungry and not knowing why was met with Kajika saying there was a reason but that it wasn't best to say what just yet. Her large skull cocked to the side at his words. Why couldn't he tell her now? Whatever the reason Moonshadow would honor it, so with that she gave him a nod in understanding.

"I hope so" she replied her tone sorrowful. She truly hoped that @Kajika was right and that they could help her remember. Now that it was definite that she was missing some a lot of her memory the dark woman couldn't help but feel like this was somehow her fault. Her guilt wasn't full fledge since she couldn't remember how she had got there so she couldn't be certain if it was totally her fault for if someone else had contributed. Her brooding was pushed aside as she stood and tried to walk. Mercury pools avoided their gazes until she stopped to meekly state she was fine. She knew this was unconvincing so when the dark male said he knew she was it caught her off guard. It wasn't until he suggested that she let @Tagg help her that she knew he didnt fully believe her. It wasn't a bother since she knew that she wasn't actually fine and that she did need the help. With that the inky woman gave the russet man a small smile and nod of her head.

His red form moved quickly to her side sending shivers through her body as his coat intertwined with her own. The sensation caught the she wolf off guard but was welcomed...he was her mate after all. She allowed him to bare some of her weight but not enough so that he was overwhelmed. She was larger than him and despite her sever injuries she had been able to get around a little bit at least to hunt and whatnot. The help was greatly appreciated and gave her much needed relief. They trio walked for a bit in silence before curiosity took hold of Moon. "How far is, uh home?" She asked, the word feeling strange on her tongue. As it stood right now her home had been burnt to the ground but the prospect of having found another one both scared and relieved the woman.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Sounds good!

The beta felt that being as gentle and understanding with Moonshadow during this time was the best way to go so that she wouldn't become scared and it become impossible to get her to come with them.  That was what it really boiled down to, they had to make her feel comfortable enough to go with them . The mention of food and keeping the fact she was pregnant to themselves were the things that he felt would help them to bring her back to the cove. Kajika was glad that Tagg had taken his hint that now was not the time to tell his student that she was pregnant. He was also glad that the fact he wasn't telling her hadn't caused her to not want to go with them.

Kajika offered her a reassuring smile, he felt that since she still knew her name there might be hope she would regain her memory.  He didn't want to get his hopes up in case she wasn't able to get her memory back.  “Home might help to stir some things up and help you get it back.” At least that was what he hoped would happen.

When it was time for them to start home it was clear that the ebony girl needed help as she stumbled.  He knew she was in pain so he suggested to her to let Tagg help her.  Kajika would have rather help her but he didn't hold that place any longer.  So he stepped out of the way once Moonshadow had given the tawny man permission to help her.  Once it seemed they would be alright Kajika moved in front to lead them from the fen.  “It's a couple of days but we will get there as soon as we can.” The dark man didn't want to stop to rest, they needed to get Moonshadow home as soon as possible and get her checked out.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
Please see OOC Profile for OOC Preferences, Thank you.
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 204

Tagg was glad it wasn’t a fight to get his mate to return home with them. He didn’t want to force her to do anything, but he also wanted to do what was best for her, even if it wasn’t what she wanted. It was a struggle for him to get his mind to the present now that it had returned to his time fighting.  He wanted to find out who did this to his beloved, hunt them down, and tear them apart. He was very much in soldier-mode, but he knew that would do nobody any good.  He had to return to husband and father-to-be.

He needed to focus.

Moon was doing well only putting part of her weight on him, but he didn’t expect it to last their entire walk.  It had taken him and Kajika about three days to get there, but he expected it to take longer to return home with the injuries Moon had sustained. Just thinking about it made his blood boil. It was bad enough that what happened had affected her memory, but somebody had hurt her.  Somebody had attacked an expecting mother. Somebody like that should not be allowed to exist. Not be allowed to live.


"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! @Kajika @Tagg I'm archiving if one of you wants to start the next one or I can :)

They hadn't been walking long when her curiosity set in. How far exactly were they going to be walking? Its a couple of days but we'll get there as soon as we can. A couple of days? Didn't seem too bad, yet again that was two healthy wolves making that journey not one who could barely walk. The ebony woman held her tongue however for she didn't exactly know her relationship with the swarthy man. The rusty colored male had stated that he was her mate but the other hadn't said anything. Both had seemed equally relieved and happy to see her. So how close could they have been  be for him to have reacted that way? She would just wait and see the dark woman was sure that she'd figure it out soon enough. So off they went to this "home".


[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]