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adventurers — Broken Timber Pines 
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Played by Kydnt who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astrid Vangr
Astrid watched her friend expectantly, her golden tail swishing a merry rhythm behind her as she waited for Mathuin's response. She thought it was an excellent idea. It wasn't often that Astrid had ideas, and she was quite excited by this one. 

She whined happily as Mathuin placed his chin on her back, wriggling back and forth and turning to bury her nose in the thick fur of his neck. It was quite the oddity how fluffy Mathuin was, fortunately her tree-like friend was not as rough as a tree was. As Mathuin began to speak, there was clearly some hesitance on his part. "Oh, Mathuin, I told you, you're gonna go grey, you worry too much!" She laughed, finally wriggling out of his grasp and turning to face him. But in the end, he did agree to her pipedream of a plan. A wide grin pulled across her face, her pink tongue flopping out joyously. 

"Aww, thank you Mathuin!" She leaned up on her toes, booping him on the nose. "Everything will work out just fine," She assured him. "If you worry too much, nothing happens! You just have to do it!" She nodded, thoroughly convinced of this. "Its a big, wide world out there. Even if we don't find what we're looking for, even if it doesn't work, we'll find something else, right?" Her tail wriggled behind her, brown eyes glittering. Even if it wasn't a little stream with cattails, there was something out there for them.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid + Mathuin
Two Pure Peanuts
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
could prob wrap up with your next post? @Astrid

He watched as she wriggled free from his cover. "I know, I know." A smile pulled on his lips. It was impossible to frown with her energy so buzzing and fruitful. She was right, though. He would gray like his father from stress if he didn't just go with the flow like he had intended to do. Isn't that why he had left home? In search of somewhere less serious and stressful? The large yearling took in a deep breath, he should take a lesson or two from Astrid.

The large boy's tail eagerly beat at the air as she bumped his nose. "Okay, I believe you." He gently bumped into her as a sign of reassurance. Don't think just do. Mathuin wondered if that was how Astrid lived. Granted her ideas did require a bit of thought but she always seemed to fueled by instinct and nothing else. He liked it.

"Of course." He commented with a strong nod of his head. It wouldn't be the end of the world if plans fell through. The Whitebark assumed that as long as he had excitement and company he wouldn't be too upset. "Wanna go explore?" His tail wagged about as he turned to face away from where they had come from. A little romping about wouldn't hurt.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts