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Awake — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Maeby who has 56 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rosalind Andromeda-Tainn
It's okay! I kinda took a while too, sorry Dx

Rosalind noticed the other fae approaching, but decided to continue on with what she was saying regardless. Probably for the best, because the female was easily able to confirm the fact that uncle Hotei had actually existed at some point. Though she seemed upset, perhaps they were close? "I-I see.." Ro frowned, bowing her head at the unknown figure as if to apologize. It was then that Drestig continued, adding on to what the woman had previously stated. "Ah, O-okay.. D-Dad had s-said-" That he had always been somewhat stern and distant, the pair never seemed to form a close connection with one another, but maybe that'd be better left unsaid. Darrah had also stated that he'd talked with the deceased male a couple of times whilst partaking in hallucinogenics, that the male had in fact told him she'd be leaving home some day, but maybe that was also better left unsaid.. For now at least. "E-er, sorry, never mind.."

"N-Nice to meet you, J-Jessie!" Rosalind's eyes widened as she bowed once more, this time out of respect for her new female lead. "I-I Promise I wont be any trouble! I-I plan on working v-very hard so don't you worry!" A promise she needed to keep, because she really didn't think her poor body could handle doing all of this again if they decided to kick her out.

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

It was best that the other girl did not express her thoughts about her first love. Had they reached Jessie’s ears, the silver woman would have been quick to bare her canines and run the girl off the land. Too bad. The pepper-and-salt colored woman’s brows lifted when Rosalind trailed off, seeming to think better of saying something. She certainly won’t be making her way around the lore to speak for us, Jessie thought bitterly. An ugly emotion reared its head in the Tainn’s heart and Jessie could not pinpoint exactly what it was. Before she could think any more of it, Drestig was quick to clarify exactly who Rosalind was. Emerald eyes glared at the other girl, taking in the family resemblance. She could see it now.

While she had not been particularly close to the Tainn children, she had helped raise them all the same and the Rye Queen did consider them family. It would be dishonorable to refuse Rosalind, especially when Darrah sent his daughter out her specifically looking for Drestig. She wondered if Rosalind stopped at Oak Tree Bend before making her way here. It seemed like the logical way of travel, especially since she had family there too. Well, not anymore really. Triell’s gone. But she did have blood family of a kind there.

In the end, Jessie decided it was best to leave her surname out of this encounter. She was not in the mood for any questions about her former lover, especially when she needed to sort out how she was feeling. The girl stuttered out useless promises. Words that would mean nothing to the aged woman until she saw them put into action. Finally, she dragged her gaze over to her dark mate, dull jade eyes searching his face for a moment. She offered him a weak smile before turning back to the other woman, her voice sharp, “Welcome to Wild Rye Fields. I have something I have to attend to, but I’m sure Drestig would love to show you around.” She nodded her farewell to the newcomer and as she turned to leave allowed her fur to brush with Drestig’s. The Tainn needed time alone to think.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]