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The Verdict — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
Lachesis' exit!

The white king hoped that they could restore the frayed alliance between the two packs, but for now he was wary. Wraith had been visibly rattled when he spoke of the attack, so XIX knew that he had nothing to do with it. He just hoped that Mittani did not influence any other wolves in Whitestone prior to his departure and that someone would retaliate on his behalf. Or, worse, the exiled wolf would return what he started. He grimaced at the thought, quickly dismissing it with a slow wag of his tail.

Although his trust toward the monadnock wolves was strained, Lachesis also did not want to lose them as allies. If all three packs would going to live cohesively in the north (even with the distance between them) XIX needed to ensure that they remained on good terms. Perhaps not as strong as it once was, but at least on a neutral level.

“Thank you,” he added after the blue-eyed agouti spoke, a soft smile rolling onto his dark lips. He appreciated the swift update—Whitestone was already returning to his good books. “Let Wraith know if he needs anything for Piety’s delivery I have enough herbs to share.” Now that they had acquired Whitestone’s former healer Lachesis did not know if Lorcán had left anything for his previous pack, or if any of the other members knew what the mother would need. The ghost was happy to help, for he did not anything bad to happen to the mother or puppies.

He dipped his head respectively before turning to leave, his nose brushing against Lilya’s shoulder as an invite for her to join him. They would have to seek out Kisla and update her on the news, as well as get her opinion on the matter. Before disappearing into the trees he glanced over at the agouti healer and gave a sharp nod to thank him for arriving at the borders alongside him and the blue-eyed sparrow. He was proving to be a worthy addition to the river pack.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Last post from @Lilya? or feel free to archive. Guardian demonstration 3/3

Embers of suspicion flickered within Lorcan’s mind, ignited by the mention of Craw and the others. A frown tugged at his pale brows, casting a dark shadow across his sharp golden stare as he looked the agouti female up and down. She returned his question with a question of her own in an attempt feign innocence, or so the agouti male believed. Whilst his muzzle wrinkled in irritation, he never got the chance to take the matter any further. The arrival of Lilya and Lachesis soon after worked to dampen the fire within his mind and forced him to reign in his emotions. 

Standing on the opposite side of Lilya to their larger white leader, Lorcan faked a neutral expression and flattened his ears in respect for his superior. Golden eyes remained firmly fixed upon Cheedo, watching closely for her reaction as Lachesis spoke. His eyes did briefly flicker to the pale leader however at the mention of alliance which apparently remained safe between his old pack and new. The news pleased him, but the idea that the alliance could have been shattered if things had gone differently made him nervous. Salmon-pink tongue swept anxiously across his maw then, digesting the news, before he focused back on the new Whitestone recruit.

It seemed that both parties were satisfied with the outcome, although Lorcan could not be entirely sure about Lilya’s opinions on the matter, he presumed her silence to imply that she was at least content enough not to bring up anything else. Glancing across to Lachesis as he thanked the messenger, his russet ears perked at the mention of herbs for Piety. Golden gaze returned to Cheedo, his eyes narrowing on the Whitestone woman as he wondered if she was aware of the gifts which he had deposited at Whitestone borders. 

As Lachesis turned to leave along with Lilya, Lorcan remained at the borders for a few moments longer so that he could watch as Cheedo too took her leave. Only when he was satisfied that she was moving away from the territory and back in the direction of the lowlands did he move from his position and turn around to trail after his leader towards the heart of the Hearthwood territory. 

-Lorcan exit-
(This post was last modified: May 31, 2017, 05:53 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

Lilya stood by Lachesis, just slightly behind him, until the woman turned to leave. His nose brushed gently against her shoulder and she nodded, turning to follow him. She should really rest, and ensure that her injuries were recovered from; praying silently that nothing ill would befall their children because of the actions of the former Whitestone wolf. The thought nearly made her sick to her stomach, but she held it back, evidently still troubled given the look on her features. The agouti couldn’t shake the paranoia that he’d be back. She couldn’t help it at this point – there was always something to fear.

Lilya only offered a friendly smile back to Lorcan, shortly after Lachesis had turned and given him a nod. Lilya didn’t like to cast judgement on other wolves, especially packmates, until she knew a little more about them, and not just by their actions. She was fairly certain that she liked Lorcan, though all she knew about him really was the fact that he was a former Whitestone wolf, and he’d left when Craw had. That alone cast some small sliver of a doubt, but enough that she could brush it off and wait for him to act again.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]