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It's Snowing Right Now, I Wish It Was Summer — Sunrise Ridge 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan's words were meant to clear the air, to make Cotton feel better but he couldn't help but worry that they weren't enough. Since when were they ever? He had no earth shattering advice to give, there was nothing he could say that would repair his wounded feelings. And yet, he wanted to try, so that had to mean something. He'd ran into the dork more than enough times to develop at least some sort of fondness for him. He was okay and he deserved to be happy, so at the very least Askan had to follow this through. He couldn't just give up on the kid because he wasn't saying what the Selwyn wanted to hear.

Cottongrass was a flighty thing when he was like this, Askan had realised he'd wanted to run a moment ago but at least now he had the mind to ask.It was just too bad that Askan wasn't going to say the words he was probably desperate for.

"It depends on where you're going and if I can come too." He knew full well that Cotton wasn't going to like that. So before he could freak again Askan supposed he ought to continue.As hard as it was."I just, I want you to try living with me in the field. Just try. And if it isn't for you, or you think we're mean and awful then you can go. We've never stopped others leaving before, not going to start now. I'm not good at this and clearly neither are you so lets just make it easier and meet in the middle."

It was either this or dragging the white mutt along by the scruff of his neck. The former might probably be easier in the short term but he wasn't really into the idea of abducting others and forcing them to do something or live somewhere they didn't want to. And Cotton? Well he deserved a whole lot better than that.

"So what do you say Cotton?"

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased

For a second, Cottongrass thought that he was going to off easy. That Askan would look at him in all of his tired, pitiful glory and let him disappear for what might be forever. But it was hard to disappear when the wolf you were trying to run away from wanted to follow. His face scrunched up into a childish grimace and he took a tentative step back, trying to widen the gap between him and Askan. He was pretty sure it was a lost cause. Because could he actually outrun the other wolf? And if he were to start running, where would he even run to? Back to Aytigin? To another pack's doorstep expecting savior?

He took a daring glance over his shoulder, looking at the nearby forest that surrounded the meadow. And finally—he looked back to Askan with wary eyes. It was, admittedly, a good offer. One that he had no reason to decline because he had nothing to really lose. If he really wanted to, he could stay a night and declare he didn't like it in the morning. But Askan was his friend and so was Reyes. And he liked having friends! Even if he was flighty and as uncommitted as could be when it came down to it.

"'m bad at being in a pack." He mumbled, breaking the silence while he stared down at his paws. But Askan had spoke moments ago about how he could forget about his family. That things could be different. And maybe this time he could be useful or maybe even important, like how he always wanted to be. He didn't have to be the Cottongrass that his parents remembered, the one they hated even when they tried their best to hide it. With a slow breath in he braced himself, meeting Askan's gaze. And with a hammering heart said—

"But okay."

(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2017, 03:13 AM by Cottongrass.)
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan sighed. So this was it huh? No one could say he hadn't tried, because Gods above he had, it just wasn't enough. What else was he supposed to say or do? He couldn't-he wasn't any good at these sorts of things. He should have known better really, shouldn't have set himself up for disappointment like this, but it was too late to regret it now. The words were out there and no matter how much he wished he could he couldn't take them back or remove their impact.

Cotton had always been rather expressive but Askan had never seen him make that face before, as though he'd just licked something that was really sour. Was it a good sign? Did it mean he was actually thinking about his offer? Or was he just freaking out, in a strange almost funny sort of way? He took a step back and the Selwyn belatedly realised that the loner was probably biding his time, waiting for a lapse in his focus so he could dart away and vanish off into the woods. It was understandable really, Askan was an expert at running away from his problems so he couldn't blame Cotton. Not really, even if he wanted to.

Finally, Cotton worked up the courage to speak and to the Guardian's surprise he seemed to be willing to at least try. To make an attempt.

It was far better than what he'd anticipated, and honestly a flood of relief washed through the Selwyn, sweeping away his former worries and concerns. By no means was everything perfect, but it was better than before so he had no room or reason to complain. In fact, Askan was sort of happy, relieved that he'd said yes. That he was willing to start anew and try again, to learn to trust even after what had happened to him in the past. His tail began to swish a little and his expression softened as he met Cotton's gaze with a firm, but somehow gentle look in his eyes.

"We'll see about that." He responded, sounding as dubious as could be."I bet you'll fit in just fine...But if you want to talk, or whatever, just find me or Reyes, we'll sort you out. Got it?" He paused for a moment to let it all sink in."Now come on, lets get a move on."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Askan didn't believe him. And if Cottongrass were the type of wolf to swear beyond the absolute bare minimum, he would probably be swearing up a storm right now. Because that was a very dangerous mistake for the older wolf to make.

He considered trying to convince Askan otherwise. That this was all one big mistake and the older wolf was going to regret it if he didn't let Cottongrass go right now. Because did Askan know that one time, Cottongrass peed in the pack den and it wasn't on accident? Or the fact that every single pack hunt Cottongrass had ever been on ended in spectacular failure. (He even had the scars to prove it!) And worst of them all—Cottongrass was no doubt the reason why his family was such a dysfunctional mess. He was the reason why his parents argued all the time. And he was the reason why his parents kicked his ataatatsiaq out of the pack, never to be seen again.

But no matter how much he wanted to talk and ramble for hours on end about how much of a tragedy he was, he kept quiet. And with no more stalling to do—Cottongrass fell into step back the older wolf, shuffling after as obedient as could be. Even if he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder with every other step.

(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2017, 08:07 PM by Cottongrass.)