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[m] takes me back to when we started — Lost Lake 
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Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Feel free to skip around me if you'd like. Bane is just creeping around cause Van said so.

He was out of place. He should not be here. Whatever brought him back down to this part of the land was beyond him. After spending so much effort crossing over from the west and into east from along the mountains the first time, you would have thought the man had learnt his lesson. Alas, he was here, yet for one purpose and one purpose only - Eidolon. He smelt her lingering here and it was her scent alone that had made him be able to find the Lost Lake up on the mountain again. He was a lucky man to have found it. A lucky man to have found her. After his conversation with Inali, Bane was still at a lost. Broken, unsure, more unsure then he had ever been in his life.... 

His footing shifts. He keeps back, but those deep orange eyes search for her. Deep within her hollow, he would not see the blonde what woman, nor the child she had given birth to. Though he could not see it, Bane had been a lucky enough man to experience child birth again and again, year very year, though never taking pleasure in having any his own. Far too loyal of a man, far too lawful. He would have always and forever outweighed the wants and needs of others over his own, which likely had brought him to his dull existence now. 

With so many faces gathered here, he could not bring himself to come forward. But a dark splotch in the backdrop, he would lift his head to the skies and sing out a small greeting to his little talkative friend. If anything, she could take comfort in the fact that he was here, if it would give her such feeling. 
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Sorry for skipping Neha, but Vesper is offering to take Eido and her cub in

Vespertio Vuesain

Vespertio couldn't blame the new mother for becoming suddenly alarmed by the swell in numbers that appeared at the door of her makeshift den she had given birth in. One unexpected wolf was a lot, but now to have three -- A sudden howl of greeting lofted into the air from behind where those gathered stood, molten gold irises following the noise toward its source only to be met with nothing but the distant horizon and the shrugs and timbers that dotted its surface. So in actuality, there was a grand total of four wolves rallied for Eido despite this mysterious fourth member refusing to come forth and show their face. So be it.

Soon the weak voice of the newly adorned mother recaptured Vespertio's attention, a softened expression making its way upon his handsome features as she proclaimed her sincere apologies for breaking pack laws by breeding where naturally she was not allowed such honors then pleaded they not hurt her newborn child named Neel tucked behind her hunkered yet protective body in the hollow of the tree. At this, the Vuesain shakes his head, a softly uttered series of shushes his attempt at calming any fears that may have been running rampant within her exhausted mind.

"Eido, Eido, hush it's alright.." He began, giving the frantic woman a chance to try and comprehend that despite his presence and the way she had left without a word he was not angered by her actions. This had been her first breeding season granted her age and clearly had not been given a lesson; if at all, that stuck and warned her about the consequences her actions would produce. That was too late now, though, the squealing cries of her son proof enough to attest such.

Now, they would need to move forward. Deal with the situation presented to them currently for the past could not be changed. "Come back to the Cove with us even if just temporarily. Out here is no place for a mother and newborn cub to be. At least in the Cove you can have a proper shelter, food and the protection you need."

Word Count: 357
Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren
Sorry to skip people, but I want to get this wrapped up <3
Also very very crappy post I'm so sorry T.T

She jumped a bit at the howl, but quickly recognized the voice and calmed down quite a bit, her chest still rapidly rising and falling to the beat of her frantic heart. It was comforting that Bane was there, regardless of if he'd actually approached or not. She wasn't exactly friends with any of the other wolves present like she was with the loner, and she could understand him not wanting to show up in front of so many pack wolves.

Heck, Eido herself didn't want to be present.

But the alpha was trying to hush her, seemingly to calm her down rather than just shut her up. He appeared to be genuinely worried for the girl and her pup, and unexpectedly welcomed her back into the pack. The pale wolf's eyes widened in surprise, already flooded with tears, and she glanced over at Neel before turning her attention back to Vespertio. Her voice was hoarse as she replied, "That sounds wonderful, but is that really o-okay?"

She didn't want to take advantage of them - not after what she'd done - but she wanted Neel to be safe, and she wasn't sure she could protect him.
(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2017, 10:56 PM by Eidolon.)
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! Sorry to keep skipping people, but I figured since we're just wrapping up I'd throw Tagg's last post in here while I have the time.


Word Count: 232

Eidolon’s reaction to Vespertio’s presence eased Tagg’s mind.  The alpha had not driven her away, he was sure.  He couldn’t imagine the Cove’s patriarch would send a new mother out to fend for herself and a helpless pup. He was silly to have even thought it.

A new howl caused the guardian to bristle – he was on alert, after all – but the girl behind him didn’t seem upset by it so he forced himself to calm down.  It would be a foolish wolf to challenge so many members of the pack anyway. He still kept a wary eye in the direction the call had originated from, just in case.

Vespertio hushed the new mother, voice soothing against the frantic babbling. His offer to let her return caused the veteran’s ears to prick up.  He knew his faith in the Cove hadn’t been misplaced.  Its leadership wasn’t weak, but it wasn’t cruel, either.  Tagg knew there were some out there who would not hesitate to cast a newborn out to punish the parents, but fortunately none of them resided in his pack.  His family. He’d done well to return.

He could hear the relief in Eidolon’s voice as she spoke, and the soon-to-be father hoped dearly that she would accept, even if only for a short time. He wouldn’t be able to sleep if he knew she was out here on her own.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Molten gold eyes softened further at the look of surprise that passed across Eido's face at his offer to take her back even if temporarily. There were many different types of leadership out there and in Vespertio's case he liked to think himself as just, but not cruel. Eido was new to the whole breeding season and the repucutions from the actions she had made. This he blamed himself for. As a leader he should have taken the time to discuss the coming season with the young girl. Make sure that she was aware of it's deadly attractions and the laws that prohibited her from producing offspring of her own. Now, it was a little too late for that, but he could try to make it right by being there for her now.

In response to her question a warm smile adorned his inky lips, a small nodding following suit shortly after. "If it wasn't okay I wouldn't be giving you the offer. But my offer stands only if you are wanting to accept it. If you choose to stay out here instead then I can not protect you should you need help." Hopefully his later words would help to coax the young mother into realizing the severity of her situation and that coming back with them would be the best bet for ensuring her child's survival and her own. 
Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren
Last, tiny post from Eido

Eidolon noticed the softness in Vespertio's gaze, and the softness of his smile and words. It was almost too good to be true - for the past two months, he'd been terrified of everything - her life, her pup's life, the future - but now it seemed that things were beginning to fall back into place for the young wolf. Fallen Tree Cove didn't hate her for leaving and getting pregnant, and they weren't going to chase her out or hurt Neel. They wanted to help them, and she'd be a complete fool to shove their offer away.

It only took a moment of thinking and deciding for Eido to choose. "Then... yes, please," she told him, meeting her leader's golden eyes with a hesitant smile. "Thank you so much. I'll dedicate the rest of my life to Fallen Tree Cove."