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My Heart is in My Hand Now — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Babies inbound! @Miccah @Enia @Cinaed

Spring had finally arrived, and it was just in time. The past couple of days had been plagued by transitory pains, constantly making the expectant mother think her pups were finally coming. But she would be left to sigh resignedly when the cramps quickly died out again. With a soft smile, she remembered how the same process had freaked her out last year, sending her rushing to the den every time she felt the smallest hick. Luckily Nina had been there to guide her, calming those fears. Her smile faded. This time she would be alone, without the old woman's experience and support; Hopefully my own knowledge will be enough…

She sighed again, shifting uncomfortably in the spot of sun where she'd been trying to rest. Her last few nights had been spend here, near or even in her birthing den – the same one she'd used last year, safely sheltered away not far from the borders, freshly refurbished for the new litter – often with her dark mate standing silent sentry. She knew it would be soon, yet they were long in coming, perhaps not wanting to leave the familiar safety of her womb; Stubborn, just what I needed more of… And still she couldn't help but chuckle quietly at the thought, for these children were bound to be as stubborn as the rest; Just as their parents!

Her laughter was broken by a sharp stab of pain through her abdomen, making her wince. It was the strongest one yet, and her instincts send her moving, even before she could be sure this wasn't another false alarm. It was only a few steps to the den opening – wide enough this time to allow for her husband to enter when he arrived – and she paused for a moment in front of it, smiling despite the pain. The children's' hesitancy had given the blackberry bush above the entrance time to bud, and in the afternoon sun, a single, pale-pink blossom had opened its leaves, like a good omen. Aideen breathed in deep, filling her nose with the sweet scent that reminded her of her own childhood. Then another wave of pain quaked through her body, and she knew it was indeed time, leaning back her head and sending out a short howl for her partner, before hurrying into the shelter, to bring her second litter into the world.


Word Count: 395

 Thoughts "Speech"
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

The king had been on edge for the last few days, and everyone knew it. His wife was due at any time, and for the second time father, the wait was just as excruciating as the first. The man had barely left her side for the past few days, much to the probable annoyance of his mate. That morning though, he had decided to leave his post at the entrance of the birthing den to head toward the pack caches and do a brief round at the borders. Miccah wasn't too keen on leaving Aideen's side for long, however, she needed to eat and he had to think of the rest of the pack's safety as well. Especially with the rogue wolves still out and probably wreaking more havoc.

The call that he had been waiting for for the past few days finally came, drawing the man out of his thoughts. He had been expecting it, anxious for it even, but just like last time along with the excitement came fear. Hurriedly making his way back to his wife, Miccah took just a few steps into the birthing den entrance. Growling softly to alert her of his presence, the king took a moment to breathe in her familiar scent to steady his racing heart. She would be okay, and so would his children. There couldn't, wouldn't, be any other outcome.


(This post was last modified: May 09, 2017, 02:58 AM by Miccah.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She curled up at the back of the den, pressed tight against the dirt wall. From last year, she knew this would take a while, and so she tried to relax, gritting her teeth against the pain. She longed for the experienced and comforting presence of Nina, like she'd had last year, but she was well prepared and she wouldn't be going through this alone. The quiet sounds of movement outside send an instinctual quiver through her body, but she eased it, recognizing the paw falls, even before her husband appeared at the den opening, the rumble of his voice bringing comfort, even as another contraction racked her body. She waited for it to pass before replying, a low coo assuring him that she was alright.

A small bundle of herbs lay at her feet, gathered and safely stored away in the den some days ago in preparation. Now she picked out the strands of Sweet Grass, chewing them diligently while doing her best to breathe through the increasing pain. Shifting periodically, she knew to let time do its course, yet she was anxious for it to be over, eager to meet her new pups. For now there was nothing she could do but wait, trying to make herself as comfortable as possible.

Eventually the time came and the petite wolf shifted again, a small yelp escaping her at the force of the pain. Then all her focus was turned to the task, teeth once again clenched as she pushed with the contractions. She felt the movement, urging it on with all her strength. And then it stopped. Panic seized her, heart lurching as memories from last year swarmed her. Large like his father, even at birth, Cináed had almost been too large to pass through the much smaller woman's narrow pelvis. It was only thanks to Nina's help that the boy, and subsequently his sisters had been born unharmed. Now there was no one to aid her.

But luckily, last year's experience had loosened the passage, and perhaps this pup was not quite as hulking as his older brother. For at the next contraction, the mother remembered Nina's words from back then; Mind over matter! And pushed again, feeling the bone and muscle slowly give way, letting her first pup through and into the world. Quickly she turned, running her tongue over the little creature again and again, until he released a low, whimpering cry. Then se hurriedly nuzzled him to her belly, smiling tiredly as he started suckling; Another boy… She wanted to call for her mate, to let him know they had another son, but before she could, a fresh contraction drew her attention, and she was forced to focus on the next pup, already on the way.

Word Count: 461

 Thoughts "Speech"
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

How the king wished for Nina to be here still, to calm the ever-present worry in his heart. But she had never coddled him before, and she wouldn't have started now. Miccah took a deep breath as he walked further into the birthing den, wincing slightly as he heard her moans of pain. He would never get used to these cries. Miccah had spent the past few years of his life determined to protect her and later his children, yet he had never been able to protect her against this. It was a natural process, he knew, but her pain still sliced him to the bone.

As time passed, the dark man never moved a muscle. At her cries, he tried to give her comfort with low murmurs to reassure her that he was still there. He didnt know if his older children would show, but as of now, his sole focus was on his wife. Her cries ultimately stopped, and Miccah wondered if this time they would only be blessed with one child. However, her groans began again. So the dark king continued to sit, providing what comfort he could to his pain-filled mate, forever her steady sentry.


Played by Namara who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cináed Athesila

With younger siblings on the way, and Cinaed formally entering the adult ranks, the young Athesila had taken to patrolling the borders in a formal and regular manner. It was his job now… he didn’t have his age to hide behind anymore. Soon enough there would be other small balls of fur getting into mischief, and, hopefully, asking all the questions he asked when he was their age… it was the call for his father, his mother’s voice reaching out across the thicket, that drew his attention. The boy’s ears perked at the sound, his tail waving from side to side as he immediately bolted.

There was no way he was missing this – even if he did have to traverse most of the territory to get to the den. He didn’t know what any of this entailed – he’d been present for his own birth, yes, but it wasn’t exactly like he could remember that. His smile was wide on his face as he started to slow down, the swarthy yearling arriving at the den to the sounds of cries… immediately his smile faded and concern overtook his features, his ears pressing against his head as his tail sagged, his head cocked to the side. Was something wrong? Was his mother okay? He remained silent, trusting his parents were doing what they could.

Cináed Athesila
we all have stories we'll never tell
[Image: 6TCzUUR.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

This one came much faster, smaller than his brother, and soon the little creature was wiggling under his mother's tongue, tired but diligently licking him clean. As soon as his airways were clear he emitted a wail of surprising power, looking ready to take on the world even in his tiny, helpless state. Aideen smiled at her son, continuing to nuzzle him soothingly, before guiding him to her belly to settle in next to his brother. And then she waited. Moments ticked by slowly as the pups nursed contently, outside she could hear Miccah's soft rumbles of support, spreading a soft warmth in her chest. She breathed slowly, relaxing as best she could while she prepared. But nothing more happened, the contractions gradually subsiding. It would seem the two were all they would get this year; And they're more than enough!

Smiling down at the fuzzy, tan figures, Aideen finally called her mate, a soft croon alerting him that it was over. Their twin boys would need names before she could rest, and their father had a right to see them. "Come, meet your sons," she whispered, full of bliss despite her exhaustion. She couldn't know that her first son was waiting out there too, and she would have reeled knowing that he had listened to her labor. He would have to wait a while longer to meet his brothers though, but whether he stuck around, overhearing their baptism, was out of her control entirely. For now her focus was on the twins, and their father when he appeared to catch his first glance of them.

Word Count: 266

 Thoughts "Speech"
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

The man barely glanced at his son as he arrived, clear concern etched on his features. Miccah had never believed in coddlung his children. He had tried to not lie to them about the reality of the world they lived in when they were younger, but at the same time he had wanted to shield them of the evils of the world. The Woodlands was their safe haven, and he hoped it would forever remain that way. However, his son was older now and the oldest of his children. He could not shield him from this and he didnt want to. The king would not tell him a false truth, that everything was fine, when he had no idea if it was. So he just stepped closer to his son, brushing his form against his in silent comfort.

In time, it was finally over. Aideen's cries stopped and Miccah looked at his son as Aideen called out to him to share the good news."Your mother is fine. Stay if you wish, but make sure to check on your sisters and the rest of the pack." Smiling slightly and leaving his son with that order, Miccah wasted no time in entering the birthing den and making his way to his wife's side. Seeing his newborn sons and his tired wife struck him as strongly as the first time, and the dark man had to simply just drink it all in. Aideen, tired and yet glowing with a beauty that made his chest hurt. His sons, so young and small and damn perfect that he couldnt help but be proud of what they had created.

Finally making his way to his wife, he wrapped his form around hers and kissed the crown of her head. After some time in silence, his usual rumble was soft as he spoke. "I have a name for the larger one. Adimar Athesila, after my father. He was a good leader and a great warrior." He waited, wondering what she would think.


Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
@Miccah <3 Feel free to wrap up.

She could feel her eyelids grow heavy but fought it, sleep would have to wait just a little while longer. Her mate’s dark figure appeared in the narrow den entrance, and she beamed at him, cherishing his expression as he saw his new children for the first time. Miccah had never been a man of many words, and his wife had quickly learned to get by without them, instead paying attention to the subtle shift in his deep blue eyes. Seeing the light of adoration there now, she felt a dull ache of love in her heart, tears brimming her eyes.

A quick blink cleared them, a low gurgle of embarrassed laughter escaping her as she quickly turned her gaze down to the pups; I’m just tired..! So tired. Yet not enough to keep her from smiling and snuggling against her husband as he came to lie with them. Together they watched the young brothers, finishing their first meal and squirming around blindly for a while before settling to sleep, huddle close against each other and their mother’s belly. Aideen sighed contently, closing her eyes and leaning back against her mate. When he spoke, she felt the sound of his voice reverberate through his chest and into her own body, as if it were hers as well. She cracked her eyes ajar and smiled dreamily up at him, taking a while to process the words. Then she looked back down at the pups, the bigger one yawning in his sleep and rolling over on top of his brother. She grinned silently. “A strong name,” She agreed with a faint nod, wondering if the boy would grow up to be as mighty as his grandfather.

That just left his twin, smaller but just as fierce. As the mother watched them, he wiggled out from under his brother, snarling in his half sleep and pushing against the bigger, unmoving body. Aideen chuckled again, admiring his fervor as he struggled to crawl on top of the other, settling there proudly, as victor of their very first brawl. “Bero,” She whispered, after her youngest brother, who he already reminded her of. It was fitting too, that she should have sons named after both her litter mates; “For his fiery spirit.” And it was done, all she awaited was confirmation from her husband, and then she would be off, sleeping soundly against his chest.

Word Count: 399

 Thoughts "Speech"
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

Aideen agreed to the name, and his chest shook as he chuckled lightly at her dreamy expression. She was tired, he knew, but at least they only had to decide on one more name before she could finally get the rest she no doubt needed. Nuzzling the crown of her head, Miccah was silent as he let her think on the future name of their other child. He watched the boy in question climb atop his brother, eager to play and scuffle even at this tender age.

Aideen's voice drew his attention away from his newborn sons and he stewed over the name she had suggested, nodding to himself. He liked it, smiling lightly at the meaning behind it. Miccah gave a gentle rumble of agreement as he tucked his mate deeper into his embrace. Planting a soft kiss at her nape, the dark king took a few moments to simply breathe in her scent. The familiar perfume always managed to ground him and bring him peace. However, now that their sons had been properly christened it was time for his wife to finally rest. As she dozed off against his chest, the dark man watched his pups follow her soon after. Miccah stayed up for a few moments longer to simply soak in their presence before he too joined his family in slumber.

