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Consider the coconut — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
It's the 4th here, RE's Naira, is that just a coincidentally odd-shaped mud puddle... or has the rain filled in a giant paw print?! and Winter makes a comeback! A cold snap drops a dusting of snow across Relic Lore, killing early spring flowers. Read Only, if you would like a thread I can put one up later.
happiness is where you are

While the meeting with the Willow wolves had gone as well as could be expected, she couldn't shake the minatory feeling that hung in the air like a dense fog. The days should have been growing warmer, but instead, snow still clung to the ground in a thick blanket, and the sharp bite of Boreas still left her old joints aching and stiff. Maera had given birth just a few days ago and Naira lingered closely to the felled log den she had claimed as her own, close to the main den, but far enough away to give her some privacy with the children that were yet to come.

There was even a small iced over pond nearby, if puddles could get large enough to be called ponds. It was here she sat, staring at the outline in the incessant drizzle, watching the ice melt away. The shape was one that was familiar to her but it was only as the water began to pool that she realised it rather looked like a massive paw. "Ulf," She chuckled to herself as a familiar wave of pains overtook her. She retreated to the den, more than ready for what was to come.

There they were, three squirming bodies resting warmly within the protective curl of her body, one daughter and two sons, already hell-raisers the lot of them. The last had given her more trouble than the rest, and he was smaller to show for it, but not nearly so small as Lily had been. She was exhausted from her ordeal and rested her head across her paws with a heavy sigh, a small chuff offered to invite the father to meet the newest additions to the Tainn line.

(This post was last modified: May 04, 2017, 02:16 AM by Naira.)
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