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Played by Riley who has 6 posts.
Yarrow Ritter
Morning, partly cloudy at 56 ° F, 13 ° C
Anyone welcome!

Yarrow had the feeling he had come upon it, finally.

Dark nose twitched as he loped through the increasingly verdant grasses, intaking a library's worth of information with each breath. An abundance of smells left trails all over this land, fertile with flora and fauna alike - and most importantly, wolves. There seemed to be plenty passing through and plenty settled down. Whatever winter he had suffered through to get here did not seem to have affected the numbers of this land  - and if it had, then he could hardly comprehend the number of wolves that might've been. If there was anywhere else in the world with prospects as promising as the Ridge throne, it would be here. And this time there was no one above him to deny Yarrow the crown he was promised. Especially after all he went through to unseat that pale-faced bastard-

Mahongany-tipped hackles rose and then fell, unwilling to get caught up in anger over the past. No, those days were long gone, and so was everyone he knew. This world was a blank canvas and Yarrow would paint it with blood and sweat - but he couldn't do it alone.

As he slowed to the water's edge Yarrow was irritatingly aware of the exhaustion of his limbs. The journey to this land had been long. The Ritter heir had been hoping to come across viable territory long before now but it seemed he had been lost in a snowstorm one too many times. The wear of the road was noticeable on his frame, the hollows between his ribs sticking out from his pale sides when he moved. To start an empire here, he would need good wolves - but more importantly, a good meal. Perhaps he'd find the right stone for those birds, he thought as he knelt at the edge of the pool for a drink.
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OOC! Hello hello! :)

His presence in the hallows seem unwanted. @Pip had her mate and pup so she no longer needed him. No one else had attempted to forge even an acquaintance with the large sea wolf so why would he stay? He hadn't officially left...not yet but he knew his scent around the territory must have begun to fade. He would stick around the cedarwood forest just in case anything happened to Pip. Once her child was older maybe he would depart. Maybe he'd go find @Nauja or try to find his way back home. Who knows? All he knew was that Grizzly Hallow wouldn't ever be anything close to a home.

The Kersey male walked along doing what he normally did, hunting. It was his forte so why not do it? He would leave kills in the caches closest to the borders in case the new mothers desperately needed food. Spring was finally here despite winters stubborn grip. The prey were coming out of hibernation and becoming abundant once again. Catching squirrels and rabbits is relatively easy for the large man so this morning he was looking for something different. Large paws walked carefully through the forest, golden eyes scanned the immediate area while charcoal dusted ears and a coal nose took in information from a larger area. The tawny man walked just inside the tree line along a large stream completely unaware of the stranger that sat down wind. Tyne heard the turtle before he saw it. While back in Bella Coola hunting turtles was usually left to the fishers, the land hunters were taught how to catch them as well. This turtle didnt look like the large sea turtles from home but the man figured the technique couldn't differ too much. Making his way quietly on to the shore Tyne moved so that his body was between his prey and the river. He inched closer to the reptile who sat unsuspecting in the sunlight. Once close enough the agouti man sprung using his muzzle to quickly flip the turtle over on to its back. The reptile let out a cry and flailed its limbs in a desperate attempt to flip back over. Golden eyes then searched for a heavy rock to kill it with. Having found one he used to smash the turtles belly, effectively ending its life. A grin spread on his inky maw as he looked at his prize.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Trix who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyssa Valsix
Nyssa was hungry. Starving, in fact. She had spent weeks picking her way through the eastern side of Relic Lore in search of anything promising, or with potential. It was not lost on her that at least two packs were present in that region, but she wisely chose to avoid them and their wolves. It was spring time, which meant birthing season for new mothers. An unlikely time when they and their subordinates would want to be bothered with a loner treading on their doorstep. Besides, it wasn't like she was in any rush to settle down. She still had exploring to do.

So she headed west, taking the quickest, safest route through the mountains, avoiding the two packs there as well. She kept her presence just as scarce as she had been, opting to hunt down small, bite sized snacks. She was used to going it alone, but with the drizzly weather not seeming to let up, she had a harder time than usual. Either the weather was affecting her ability to hunt, or the prey was being stubborn and taking cover from the rain.

The new place she found herself in now was a vast forest that stretched on for miles. Scents of wolves, both loner and pack animal alike, criss crossed her path. A pack was close by, but she didn't bother approaching their doorstep. She was not interested in a home. First, she needed to take care of herself, and that meant settling the persistent ache in her stomach. The inky female slipped towards the sound of fresh, trickling water. The smooth gray surface of rock betrayed it's location, forming a pool. Her eyes glinted hopefully at the prospect of fish. Or at the very least, a drink. But then a much more tempting, much easier opportunity presented itself as a large, tawny male pounced on an unsuspecting, sun bathing turtle. Oh what a rare treat that was. Her dark tail swished at her hocks, paws shifting in anticipation as saliva pooled in her mouth. Nyssa was no saint, but she could certainly play the part. Paying little mind to yet a second wolf who was taking a drink, she padded up behind the first, offering a soft whine. Body hunched low, ears flat, she offered him a sweet gesture of submission, but did not get too close. "Excuse me sir. I hate to intrude...but perhaps could you spare a hungry girl like myself a bite?" She would see if he took the bait first, by putting on the charming, innocent act.
Played by Riley who has 6 posts.
Yarrow Ritter
As he lapped at the water he maintained an acute awareness of his surroundings, his tongue pausing mid-lap as the scent of another wolf drifted in. Licking his ebony lips in anticipation he twisted his ears until he caught the sound of paws on the dirt. Yarrow continued to crouch at the water's edge, his narrowed gold eyes focused on the form that came into view. It was an agouti male, larger than himself but seemingly unaware of the dark-coated Ritter. The wolf lifted his chin slightly as the other's course of direction took on a purpose - but he still didn't look at Yarrow. Finally he caught sight of the wolf's target: a single turtle bathing in the sun on the bank. Personally he hadn't any interest in hunting turtles - too much hard shell, not enough meat. But if this wolf was successful in his catch, then Yarrow would happily snap up a little aquatic treat. 

The wolf was skillful in his hunt, applying a hard tool against the weak spot of the turtle to effectively snuff its life. The Ritter could only raise a cooly impressed eyebrow, lifting from his crouched position to approach the wolf. Before he could take a step forward there arrived another- this one a she-wolf with a cloak of nightfall, and a similar intention to his own. She approached the tawny wolf and his kill with a sweet whine and a proposition to share. A frown twitched across his muzzle. That turtle certainly wasn't big enough for three wolves, and he wasn't particularly interested in sharing with the beggar girl when he'd been making eyes at the male first. With a lift of his cream-colored chin the Ritter heir moved forward, his gait regal and unrestrained. He wanted to make a first impression far different from the girl's.

"The turtle's hardly big enough for two," he mused, almost scolding in his tone as his golden eyes swept between the male and female, as if to suggest how rude it was to outright ask for a wolf's kill when he hadn't even a bite of it himself first. Yarrow stopped a wolf's length before them, his stance proud but not dominant. "Perhaps the gentleman might teach you how to hunt your own?" An award winning smile stretched across his muzzle, the genuine shine in his eyes a reach from the fierce beat of his heart. If he could just distract the two idiots, he could make off with the kill himself. 
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey


A pleased smile adorned his creamy muzzle while pride filled him as he looked at his kill. This is the first turtle he's found in the lore and couldn't wait to get it back to Pip. He thought maybe she'd like a small reminder of home even if she didnt want to go back. His charcoal dusted tail ceased its movement as the scent of another filled his nose. Golden eyes looked up to see a inky she wolf moving towards him. A soft whine reached his grey tipped ears as they stood straight atop his head. Her stance was submissive which was odd to the Kersey man until she spoke. She asked if he could spare a bite of his kill. While the boy who was dropped in the lore might have been willing to share, this version of Tyne wasn't as keen. He knew Pip was with pups and needed all the energy she could get. But he also knew there were other wolves who could provide her food. This dark woman didnt smell of others.

Before he could even finishing thinking of answer yet another wolf appeared. This one was different shades of greys and creams with a splash of red hues. The way he carried himself was strikingly different than that of the woman. Tynes golden orbs narrowed a bit at the other mans stance. While he wasn't being dominating it was clear to the sea wolf that the man thought very highly of himself. Tyne made no outward notion of his thoughts except a small flick of his tail. As the man got closer he stated the obvious - that the turtle was hardly big enough for two. Well no shit he grumbled within his head. Thats why the agouti man had caught it for one wolf.

Yarrow made a proposition to the woman that maybe instead of Tyne giving her his kill he could show her how to hunt for herself. While he agreed that would be a nicer thing to ask he never agreed to that. Actually he hadn't event been able to get a single word out. Golden eyes looked from the male back to the female. With a sigh he finally spoke. "I'm sorry, given the season I have to provide for my family first. But as this man suggested maybe I can find it in my heart to teach you..."he spoke allowing his gaze to flicker to Yarrow before falling once more on Nyssa. "That is if you'd like" he added not wanting to pressure her into something she may not want. His tone was kept even but not unkind. He couldn't leave a wolf in need, he was raised better than that. So he tried his best to find a happy medium.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Trix who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyssa Valsix
The seemingly meek, harmless female crouched before the males was not who she appeared to be. She was no beggar, asking for hand outs from strangers. But she was an opportunist, and would slip easily into the role of a hapless girl with little skill of hunting. The second wolf, who had tuned in on their conversation, strode up and stated matter of factly that the turtle at Tyne's paws was hardly fit for sharing. Yarrow earned only a sideways shift of yellow orbs in acknowledgement, seemingly considering his alternative. But inside she sneered, her thoughts swirling murkily. No shit genius. Not like I intended on sharing anyways.

The man she had originally addressed spoke, regretfully declining her plea, but instead offering her the opportunity to learn to hunt by his side. Had Nyssa not been so carefully placed in character, she would have taken his ear off right then and there. Again she seethed, invisible to the eyes. Pha! Men...how typical! Hoarding for themselves... Instead of missing a beat, she nodded softly, before slowly easing up out of her lowered stance. "Would you? That'd be most kind...thank you." She stated with a swish of her ink tipped tail, a genuine smile reaching her eyes and muzzle. Had she known of the others intentions and state of mind, she may have chanced shooting him a condescending glance as if to say 'stay out of this while I do my work'. Stepping closer towards Tyne, with her attention falsely directed away from the true item of her desire, she eyed the glistening water of the rock pool behind them. "This place looks like it could be home to some fish, I suppose." She turned her head to catch his eye with her own. "Do you think fishing would be a good start?" She asked with a soft cant of her head to the side. Behind the veil, the amazonian minded bitch was plotting. Setting the trap. Oh, she'd teach this testosterone clogged brute to misjudge her.
Played by Riley who has 6 posts.
Yarrow Ritter
The smile that stretched across his muzzle remained a permanent fixture as the situation continued to unfold in spite of the whirling of his mind. Even if his personality made him undeserving of such traits Yarrow was sharp, and clever, and quick to react. However reluctant the agouti male was, insisting that it was his duty to feed whatever pack he was roped in to, he did end up bending to the Ritter's pleasantly suggested insistence. However satisfied Yarrow was he refused to indulge in it, turning his golden gaze on the dark she-wolf and pretending to care about her needs.

She was grateful to his suggestion, and even helpful as well, observing the water and suggesting fishing as an easier trade. Either way was perfectly fine, so long as it distracted them long enough for him to make off with the prize. What happened to them next could remain a mystery so long as he lived. He truly didn't give a shit. Unlike the other actress on stage, Yarrow's patience was beginning to wane. It had been a long time since he'd had a meal and he simply did not tolerate failure. He would have to press on.

With a delicate nod the Ritter tilted his muzzle back toward the male, offering an encouraging wave of his tail. He masked his inward grimace with an outward smile, and feigned interest in participation. "Perhaps I could stand to learn as well, if you don't mind the burden." 
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

Feel free to pp him beginning to teach @Nyssa

It seemed the offer would be well received, even if it wasn't his own. The dark woman nodded and gave a genuine smile. Had he known either of their intentions he would have made off with his prize already. Since he was naturally kind he would help the woman. She motioned to the river behind them causing golden iris's to follow. There was a shallow pool that looked as if it could contain fish. Catching her gaze as she asked if fishing was a good start. He nodded "Fish are easier than turtles" he admitted. If one didnt know the art if catching a turtle then they could sustain a nasty bite from the creature. Just when he thought one student was bad enough the male also asked to join in on the lesson. When did this become fishing 101? Suppressing the urge to roll his eyes the Kersey male moved his gaze from one stranger to the other. "I guess thats fine, if the lady is okay with it" he remarked looking back at her then to the pool.

A sigh left his inky lips as the woman responded. Then a thought hit him. He's teaching two complete strangers how to fish but they haven't even offered their names. Something deep down didn't sit right with him as he momentarily glanced down at the turtle between his paws. Being raised to help others Tyne shook the uneasy feeling off. "Before we begin, shouldn't we at least offer names? Mine is Tyne" whether these wolves offered their real names or not was up to them. The tawny man had been brought up to never lie. Picking up his prize he moved closer to the waters edge. He placed it on the shore underneath him and took a few steps forwards so that it was placed between his hind legs.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Trix who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nyssa Valsix
Slight power play of Tyne. Let me know if anything should be changed.
Last post here. The actual fight will take place in another thread.

Oh what a fool this pack wolf was turning out to be. With a nod of her head, eyes on the water, she agreed. "So I've heard...fishing does seem easier." As Yarrow asked to join in, to her surprise, she glanced his way. Sparing him an unconcerned shrug. "It's fine with me...if he wants to join, then I won't protest." Her focus now was less on getting the turtle she had wanted so badly, but on teaching the first male a lesson. Of what happened to his kind when they denied her, a woman, what she was rightfully entitled to.

Her expression remained pleasant as he went even further, offering a name. Tyne. So that's what this brutish male was called. "Of course, Tyne." She nodded and offered a name of her own, albeit a fake one. "My name is Kissara..." Nyssa was not so foolish as to give away her true identity, especially in this case, should either of these wolves want to track her down later. With the introductions over, the fishing lessons began. Tyne proved to be a knowledgeable and patient teacher. She feigned a few misses, to make her act look even more realistic. And when she was certain that he was utterly and completely focused, with his eyes squarely on a fish, the warrior made her move.

The transformation was swift and drastic, as inky lips peeled back in a silent snarl, poisonous yellow eyes narrowing into gleaming slits. Like a wraith of the shadows, the once meek, soft spoken female leapt forward in one fluid, single bound. Jaws parted wide, exposing ivory teeth, her aim was spot on. There was no sound. No snarl. No warning. The back of Tyne's neck was exposed, and it was there, with great satisfaction, that she grabbed him by the ruff. With deep, fearsome rumbles in her chest, she shook her head violently, before using the weight of her upper body to force his head underwater. But he was strong, and struggled valiantly in a panic to break free. In his thrashing, he managed to loosen her grip, throwing her off and to the side. Spitting hairs loose from her mouth, she got a glimpse of Tyne, who was now fleeing, towards the forest. With a sneer, and not so much as a glance towards Yarrow nor the discarded turtle, she pursued.
