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i realized it was only just a dream — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Kydnt who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eskil Whitebark
Eskil let out a long exhalation through his nose, seemingly deflating the tension that had been steadily mounting in his spine and shoulders without his notice. This was exactly what he was worried about, do the wrong thing and she went spiraling off into despair. Interacting with her was like trying to balance an egg on his nose, one wrong move and she was on the ground in pieces. He could never tell if she wanted his touch, or when. He stood stiffly as she lapped at his chin placatingly, trapped with the knowledge that any motion might be perceived as a threat by her. And would she be wrong to? He was big, he could easily snap her in half if he wanted to.

"Then stay!" He shouted at last, clearly exasperated with the entire ordeal. "I'm not going anywhere, Asha. You've known where I've been. You could have found me at any time." He said bitterly, fighting the urge to punctuate himself with a 'for fuck's sake'. He lived here, where else would he go? Maybe he had been the first to leave her, but it had only been because she said she wanted the space. Was he supposed to second guess her words at every turn? Read her mind? Every time since then, the only one running was Asha. He was sure Elle would appreciate having her actual mother in her life, but not one who was only there because Eskil had strong-armed her into it. 

"If you want to stay, then go ahead. But that decision rests with Enoki, not me." He said forcefully, his tail lashing and evergreen eyes flashing with the fire of the brigadier he had once been.
Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren
The yell had taken her off guard, and drew her back from the large man quickly. Her eyes widened and her ears pinned back to her head, but the fur along her spine rose and her hackles raised. She took on a stance reminiscent of the fighter she'd been before entering the Lore, but logic overrode the physical reaction and she relaxed quickly, straightening her posture and looking him dead in the eyes. Her gaze held an accusation, but all too quickly it returned to the dull, monotonous expression she usually wore.

Perhaps Eskil wasn't so kind, after all.

But did it really matter, though? It was no less than she deserved. She'd been a terrible creature, all of her life, so perhaps she deserved to suffer like this. She couldn't read him - he'd said he liked her, at least, and then had never asked her to stay. All she'd wanted was for him to tell her that he wanted her to stay. Was that so much?

For her, perhaps.

No, definitely.

A woman who'd killed, abandoned her friend, made love to a stranger, and then abandoned her only surviving puppy didn't deserve to be asked to stay. Didn't deserve to be loved or liked or even wanted.

"I have made my decision," she said, her voice calm and even, unbreaking, as she turned her back and walked out of the clearing.

{ Fade }
(This post was last modified: May 19, 2017, 03:32 AM by Asha.)