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troublemaker — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

A sigh of relief escaped the older male as he reviewed Risaela’s injury. It was nothing more than a little scrape—it would be gone in a day or two with no scarring. XIX did not doubt that it was the first of many injuries that the adventurous pup would endure. She was fortunate to have two healers in Hearthwood, for both he and Lorcán would have their paws full with the agouti. At least her brother was the polar opposite… Lachesis did not know if he could handle two Risaela’s, especially with Lilliana’s explosive personality.

He nearly shuddered at the thought of his daughter and Kisla’s getting into trouble together. Oh boy, they were certainly going to be busy this summer chasing after little ones. Fortunately for the river wolves they had plenty of puppy-sitters available, who could tap out at any time for a replacement. The newest additions knew that they were going to be quite a few puppies to tend to this summer upon joining the pack—XIX just hoped they were as prepared as they claimed to be.

“You might have a preeeetty cool scar, Ris!” He teased, unsure if the agouti would understand the words that dripped off his tongue. She was still young and larger words would beyond her comprehension. But he also did not want to dumb down his words for her, otherwise she would never learn their meanings. He pressed another soft lick to her forehead as she flashed him a toothy grin, his expression softening as she wiped away her tears on his foreleg. “Feel better?”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 241 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Risaela ???
Think we should wrap this up in another post or two? ^^

Lachesis was absolutely not wrong in any of his assumptions - it was very likely that, since there was no shortage of trees and rocks to run into, the growing girl would probably run right into many more in the future. Unlike Matheo, she had no real natural inclination to fear things. Even at only a few weeks old, the child felt completely unafraid, even without being able to see her mother. Perhaps it was denseness, or stupidity, or courage - or some mixture of the three - but whatever it was, it was a recipe for disaster.

The silvery pup didn't really have any idea what the cloud's mouth noises meant - she wasn't very interested in them. In fact, her attention had wandered slightly off of the alpha and onto a passing, light blue butterfly that floated through the air. She almost decided to divagate again, in pursuit of the colorful insect, but a sudden onslaught of exhaustion came over her, and she nestled down into her new friend's chest. Her jaws split in a large, heavy yawn - she might have been a budding adventurer, but she was still just a baby who had had a lot of new experiences that day.

Puppy blue eyes drifted shut, completely intending to just fall asleep smushed into the cloud's fur.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
works for me! <3

The cloud was thankful that the agouti girl had an abundance of playmates to subdue her never-ending supply of energy. Once the puppies were able to wander freely among the clearing they would be able to entertain each other—while under the supervision of an adult, of course. Although having five children growing up in Hearthwood was going to be quite the challenge for the growing pack, he was pleased that they had acquired so many wolves before the arrival of the puppies. They would all have to work together to ensure that the river children were watched over and cared for, especially when their mothers returned to their duties. If their newest members had not sought refuge among the redwoods Lachesis wondered if they would have been able to take care of all three litters without any issues arising.

Fortunately they had evaded that issue.

He watched as her baby blues followed the floating butterfly and he did not miss the excitement that glistened in their milky depths. A sigh of relief escaped him as she settled into his pale fur, her tiny jaws stretching apart in a yawn. Although he enjoyed spending time with Kisla’s daughter XIX was pleased that she had grown tired from her mini adventure. With two puppies of his own, there was only so much youthful energy that the older male could handle. As she nestled into his pale fur Lachesis did not have the heart to move her—not yet. Instead he lowered his stomach to the ground and nudged her closer into his chest, a low hum vibrating from his chest as he attempted to lull her to sleep. Once her eyelids drooped shut and he was positive that she would not wake Lachesis would return her to her mother’s den. But for now he was content in playing uncle and having the bundle of pale fur cuddled up against him. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you