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ask your soul if you're alright — Verdant Mosses 
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Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
Wanna fade with your next post? ^^

Thankfully, with the calming of her own temper came the calming of Greer's, and the conversation eased down into something that could be considered along the lines of pleasant. The smile and wag of her tail came in a more genuine manner as she listened to the shadow before her. He told her that, no, he would not take Niles away, and relief rushed over her like a tidal wave. She couldn't help the small sigh that exited her nose after his reassurance - she even felt good enough to be a little more friendly toward the inky black wolf. "Well, when you stop by, come say hi to me, too!" she told him, much more of a demand than his next request would be - but not a cruelhearted or malicious one. It was a demand that she would give to any of her friends; playful and sing-song in its tone. "Maybe we can find you some food or something like that."

It took several seconds for Cas to comprehend the 'Tell Niles Greer mountain' thing. Her brows drew up and her maw pursed as she tried to decipher the message. Greer-speak was significantly more difficult to translate than Niles-speak, even though the latter had many confusing words and connotations to his speech patterns and accents. It was probably just that she had had almost half a year to learn how Niles talked and what his words meant, and she suspected Greer's friends and family probably knew exactly what he was talking about all the time.

Eventually, though, it did click, and she bobbed her head once in a nod. "Of course I will!" she chirped brightly, her banner giving a wave. Perhaps he had a family, or a pack up in the mountains to head back to. She inhaled deeply for the first time in the conversation, picking out the scents of several other wolves, and maybe even a pup. It brought a grin to her lips. "He'd probably be so happy to go see you." Niles had said he spent most of his time with his dad, so maybe he would appreciate more time with his family.

Cas turned then, glancing behind her at the way she'd come from. Her legs were beginning to stiffen up from walking so far, and she didn't want to overdo it. "I gotta get back to my pack now, but it was really nice to meet you, Greer," she told him, sky blue eyes rising to meet his mercuries. "Seriously, you gotta come say hi if you visit Niles. Maybe you and I can be friends, too!" It was a hopeful statement, but she'd overcome more serious obstacles before. An antisocial wolf was nothing.

She wagged her tail once more at him, and forewent the usual nose-to-the-cheek farewell that she would often give to wolves she was leaving. Perhaps it was fitting that this goodbye was a silent one.

{ exit }
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

At first the shadow blinked at her request, a line forming between his brows as he contemplated the words that rolled off her tongue. He was not opposed to the idea of searching for food, for he knew that his mate would need it. If this wolf and his brother were as close as he believed them to be Greer did not expect to visit his brother without her being present. The shadow just hoped that, like Iyes had when his sister had visited him, Castel would give the siblings some space when it was needed. It had been quite some time since he had last seen his brother.

After a lengthy pause he gave a short nod as a response, a single corner of his mouth lifting in a half smile. If it meant seeing his brother he would comply. Perhaps all of the Archer-Lyall’s could get together—except Morganna, for he did not know if she would venture from her rock in the north. Eventually he would have to visit her, too, to explain why he had not yet returned.

“Thank,” he murmured softly to show his appreciation, his tail swaying gently behind him. Greer hoped that Niles would be pleased to see him. Ravenna had forgiven him for abandoning the willows, but would the white-cheeked Archer do the same? He frowned slightly at the thought but dismissed it quickly, for he did not want to dwell on the negatives.

“Greer will,” he offered lamely as the russet wolf announced that it was time for her to take her leave. At least he had acquired some useful information out of this encounter. He was grateful that Castel had been willing to share the whereabouts of his brother (even though he would have gotten it out of her whether she was willing or not). He dipped his head in farewell as she pressed her nose briefly to his cheek before disappearing into the mossy foliage. Greer stood in the silence for a moment before retreating from the scene, his nose returning to the moss-covered floor to seek out something edible to bring back to his wife. Fade.

(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2017, 06:01 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]