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the warmest of hues — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

Once his paws connected with fur an elated squeak was released from his small body, pride swelling in his chest. He did not care if his mother had allowed him to catch her tail or if he had moved so quickly he had not needed her aide. Cyril was just pleased that he had captured his prize, regardless of how he had obtained it.

Ever so gently the boy grabbed her plume between his teeth, his denim gaze quickly meeting her pools of gold as he smiled sheepishly around her pale fur. Her praise earned an enthusiastic tail wag from the little smudge, the corners of his eyes tightening as he beamed at her. The more he practiced the faster he would get, and little Cyril wanted to be the fastest.

He released her tail as she ushered for him to come closer, his ears falling against the back of his skull. While he wanted more playtime he would not refuse an order from his mother—not until he was older and could get away with being defiant. For now, the boy did not mind being coddled by his mother. A smile was still painted across his dark features as he sauntered forward, his plump rump swaying behind him before he plopped himself down at his mother’s chest. He pressed his small body into her soft, comforting fur, a hum of approval escaping him as he sought out her bright eyes once more.

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
feel free to fade with your next post <3 @Cyril

She didn't fail to notice his ears moving as he came close. The mother chuckled softly as she helped him settle close to her chest. Her salmon pink tongue placed a few kind licks on his crown. "Would you like to play another game after a bit of resting?" She asked softly as her nose ruffled through his messy puppy fur. His baby blue eyes were undeniably adorable but she truly did eagerly await the day that they changed color.

The mother was content to clean him up a bit even if he was prone to getting messy again. It made cleaning him at the end of the day easier. She didn't mind a squirmy Cyril but she did somewhat mind a dirty squirmy Cyril. They may not have had the tidiest den around but it was nice enough for them to be comfortable and safe.

"You'll grow to be big and strong." She cooed softly as she pulled back from grooming to look at the young boy's face. "Perhaps like your father." Her tail beat against the ground below them as she smiled. He already resembled him so it made sense that he would keep up that trait. Of course, he could very well end up being smaller. She was just glad he was active, healthy, and alive.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

Resting?! Did his mother think he was already tired? His little brows narrowed as his nose wrinkled, but as he was about to protest a yawn dragged his jaws apart, causing his ears to fall flat against his crown. He grumbled in frustration, annoyed at his own body for betraying him. The little Kael wanted to continuing playing, chasing after his mother’s tail and swatting at her large paws, but he was not opposed to a little, teensie bit of rest. He licked his nose in approval as he leaned against his mother’s soft fur in attempt to absorb the warmth that radiated from her. Cyril treasured quiet moments with his mother, for he did not know how long they would last.

“Beeeg!!!” He agreed with an excited chirp as he applied frantic kisses to his mother’s chin, his tail thumping on the ground as he curled up into a ball between her forelegs. “St’on,” he mumbled as he suppressed a second yawn, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth instead. Perhaps like your father. He hummed at the thought, his tail giving a tired wag of approval. Cyril hoped he would continue to grow—he could not imagine being this small forever!! There were so many things he was limited to—so many adventures he could not endure until he neared the size of his parents. “L’ke ma!” The boy added as he nosed her paw, his drowsy eyelids threatening to fall as he allowed another yawn to overtake him.

A little nap couldn’t hurt… then they could play.