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silent in the trees — Quaking Vale 
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Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
Sachiel was clearly the most adorable thing on the face of planet earth. Cas was entirely convinced, watching his puppy-blue eyes survey the sky in childlike wonder. That desire for a family rose back up in the forefront of the silver-brushed girl's mind; she would have to talk to Niles about it eventually, because there was no one else that she would want a family with. Maybe the two of them could have their own little Sachiels running around next year.

It was clear that the pup was thinking hard about her question for his favorite color. His ears twitched as he watched the sky again, and Cas was content to wait. It took a few moments, but her patience was rewarded with a squeaky reply of, "W'ite,' and a precious little grin. She smiled in return, intrigued by the unique color choice. It made sense, because he was clearly enamored with the drifting clouds, but it was still interesting. She wondered, idly, what he'd think of snow, and made a mental note to seek him out when winter came around. She would have to see his reaction.

It didn't quite occur to her that he would be older and smarter by that point. Oh well.

"Good choice," she complimented on his color selection, tail beating happily over the ground behind her. "I like white, too. Definitely one of my favorites." But, then again, so was every other color. Green just happened to be a little step above the rest, and the pup didn't need to know that. Cas lowered her muzzle down to nudge the child's shoulder with her nose, using as gentle a touch as she could manage. "Is this all you wanted to do today, or do you want to go explore some more?" Because if anyone was going to indulge the pup's wanderlust, it would be Castel. She wasn't the best influence.
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

His denim gaze turned back to the sky as silence fell between them, his soft triangles folding agains the back of his grown. There were still so many colours he did not know the names of. Like the soft bruised hue that filled the sky when the sun began to fall from the sky and dip behind the trees. Or the warm, radiating glow that illuminated the vale once the sun made its return. But he did not want to bombard Castel was an array of questions. Not yet. Although he was grateful she had shown him the sky Sachiel remained cautious.

The boy nodded softly as the girl spoke but did not register the words that spilled from her tongue. He remained engaged in the sky, absolutely enthralled by the tufts of white that scattered haphazardly against the stretch of blue. It was not until she spoke a second time and mentioned more exploring that Sachiel tore his pale gaze away from the heavens. With a single brow raised the agouti’s head fell to the side, his pupils widening with excitement. Surely this was some sort of trap… two adventures in one day? It was too good to be true.

“Wha’ Cas’wan?” He asked quietly as the corners of his mouth curved into a soft frown. As much as he wanted to explore he also did not want to keep her from her duties. Plus, he was fully capable of exploring on his own (even if he was not supposed to).

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
-literally drops everything else to do a Sachiel reply-

A smile crossed Cas' face when the boy turned and asked what she wanted to do instead. It was also, she believed, the first time he'd spoken throughout their entire adventure so far. It was quite the thoughtful question, too - she hadn't really been expecting the boy to be concerned with what she wanted. He was just too cute for his own good.

"Tell you what," she started, leaning down to stage whisper near his ear, as though this were some big, important secret. "I always want to go on an adventure." It was true, too. Even now that she had family and friends and a lover and a solid place in life, something still pulled at her paws, urging her to go find something new and exciting. Perhaps there were landmarks around the Vale that she'd be able to find. Perhaps she could find more neighboring packs and make allies. There were just so many possibilities.

Laughter bubbled from her chest as she tapped her nose to the pup's before leaning back. "So, yeah. I'd love to go find more things to do. But that's totally up to you, bud," the silver-dusted girl proclaimed, tail waving like a banner over her back. "What does Sachiel want to do?" The puppy had to have his own opinions on the subject, and she wanted to hear them.
(This post was last modified: Jul 13, 2017, 05:11 AM by Castel.)
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn
fade w/ ur next post? <3

The quest to find the elusive blue sky had been conquered so now the Leigh could move onto the next quest. He would not oppose to having some company—mostly because he was allowed to travel farther when an adult accompanied him. Once he committed the lay of the land to memory he would be able to wander away from the den alone, for that was what he preferred.

His eyes narrowed softly as she spoke before he nodded gently in response. Adventure was all he wanted to do! Staying confined to the densite was boooring!!! Sometimes a little break, or nap, to refuel his wandering paws was needed, but aside from that the boy needed to keep moving. Especially when the great orange sea overhead taunted him.

Although he did appreciate her giving him the option of exploring more Sachiel thought his answer would be obvious. Of course he wanted to keep exploring!!!! There was so much to see; so much to do! He could nap later. Right now he had an adventure buddy and wanted to make the most of it before she returned him to the dens. “A’venturrrrr!!!!” He chirped excited as he bounced on his toes, his navy gaze seeking out her pale features as his tail wagged excitedly behind him. “Sh’w somepin’ cool!!!!” He requested with another shriek, his eyes growing wide before he remembered his manners and added a hasty “p’ease!”.

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
Sure :3 We need another thread with these two soon! Sachiel is the cutest thing ever.
Short post to end us off ^^

If any of the adults could understand the wandering paws of a puppy, it was Castel. She understood the claustrophobia of being stuck in a den site, because she'd been stuck for the majority of her life before coming to the Lore. She understood the need for new and adventure, because she had been through a time where she had no freedom of her own. So she had no qualms about sticking around and indulging the little one, because it was just as fun for her, too.

A childlike giggle escaped her when he cheered his approval - it was a stark change from the beginning of their adventure, when he wouldn't even speak to her. Cas leaned down to lick his ear, then bounced a little in return - his excitement was contagious. "Come on, then!" she urged, tail waving happily behind her. "I'll bring you to all the cool places!" Or, as many as his little puppy stamina could take. If he started getting tired, she'd take him right back to the den.

But even so, if Castel was certain of one thing, it was that she'd definitely be taking more time to take Sachiel on adventures. And maybe they could even bring Laurel out with them on future trips!

{ fade }