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[M] you'll be the crushing force — Underground Sea 
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Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
He could feel the downed male flail weakly in an attempt to throw him off. But Dread had the advantage and thus with great glee, felt the flailing group weaker and weaker until the man was still beneath him.

With his attention focused on the male below him, and his paws pressed firmly on his throat, Dread would not notice his sister charge him. And thus was caught off guard when she shouldered him of his toy, as she put it. Stumbling back, he snarled back at her.

“Why do you care what I did with him? It's not like you care for him right?” the guy was just a packmate right? And it wasn't like she tried stopping dread killing him so obviously Abbadon didn't care for him in any capacity. “what, couldn't think of a convincing lie? Put on a little water works and say that fell he off the mountain or something?” Batting his eyes at her, he pretended to be sad by curling his lips down and hitching his voice to make it seem like he was truly sad. “We were walking and neither of us were really watching where we were going! Before I could blink, he was tumbling down! There was nothing I could do!” Dropping the facade, he grinned at his sister. “see? Not so hard is it?”

But he knew his sister. Knew she wouldn't like what he said so before she could do more, he leapt at her, snapping his teeth close to her face, meaning to do some damage. But due to his attack, water had been splashed up and thus Dread slipped on a wet rock, nearly cracking his head as it struck a rock and caused him to black out.

If he were awake, he'd surely think how his sister would most likely be laughing at him.
Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She hated him and made sure to show it. "Piss off, won't ya? These pack wolves aren't that fucking stupid. A stranger shows up and suddenly one of their members is dead? Seems normal." The stocky female growled as her tail lifted above her. Here, outside of their home pack and Aurora Heights, there was neither of them who was high ranking. She could and would rebel against any dominance he thought he had. Her inky lip pulling back to expose ivory teeth that were ready for the fight. If she knew her family, none of them would go down without putting up somewhat of a resistance.

Lucky for her. His resistance would fail miserably. She laughed loudly as he fell and conked his head against a rock. Perhaps he too would be dead now and he would pay for his reckless actions. Without concern, she spat on his body before walking off. If he lived from that than he would certainly suffer the aftermath of such a hit. To think she didn't even have to do more than knocking herself into him. Father had always been right in her using her weight to get what she needed. It was an efficient method considering her mass.

Bright eyes didn't bother looking back once as she began to find her way out of this hell hole. While her brother's excuse wasn't half bad she would have to come up with a better story. The Heights weren't too far from here and surely someone would notice the older male's absence sooner or later.
