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What Lies Do The Stars Hide? — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
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OOC: Figured I might as well get Vlar out in the open again. Time: Prolly early evening. Temp is 31 and fallin' as night arrives. Fair warnin' - Vlars being extremely mopey and morbid. Don't ask me why :/ x.x

Months - it felt like months since her return to the borders of Grizzly Hollow.. and her subsequent departure from the same. In reality, it was a few weeks.. maybe a month - maybe a little over. Vlarindara couldn't remember, she couldn't be sure anymore. The days melted into one another, her time being spent simply scrounging for food - a means to survive. The heated den that she'd claimed upon her original trek into these lands had once again become her home - but every day it became harder and harder to drag herself out of its confines to forage for sustenance.

She'd grown used to the blindness in her right eye, the lack of depth perception and vision it had once offered. She'd found, however, that simply canting her head to the left a bit seemed to help - and when in doubt she simply took things slow. The vision impairment made hunting impossible... As repeated failures proved to her that her loss of vision had been more detrimental than she'd imagined. Constant misses of the prey creatures she'd thought to hunt - near misses by flailing hooves of the occasional deer. As it was, she sported a bruised shoulder from one doe managing to nick her in the midst of a chase.

Long, thin legs carried the ivory female through the trees, once again simply.. meandering where they may choose to take her. Her stomach had long ago lost its pinch of hunger, a feeling she knew far too well. At least, the last time she'd been this hungry, she'd also been sick with fever - recovering from wounds earned prior to arriving in Relic Lore. This time, she was neither ill nor recovering from wounds - if one discounted the bruising on her right shoulder. Her right eye had healed, the amber color having faded into a muted, cloudy silver.. Both scars on her face had healed quite nicely - including the one she'd earned long ago from Kiche. Both left garish red lines across her otherwise white visage - but she seemed not to mind.

It had taken her the better part of the last two days to force herself from her den.. to come find something to eat. Thoughts of Raigo, of Borden.. the pups.. they kept her mired in a constant fog of doubt, self incrimination and disgust. Not at those that occupied her thoughts, but at herself. Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda.. all played a myriad of broken tunes in her mind.. Each thought a shiv to her already feeble heart.. Each instance of her own betrayal, ineptitude and flaws further driving the point home. Such thoughts made for a rather listless hunt, her steps slow, not really worrying about taking her through the high ground with less snow. After all, she'd successfully pushed those she knew and still loved away - leaving her alone with thoughts and memories of what had been.. and what she wished it could be..but never would.

Her feelings for Borden would never abate - if anything, they'd grown stronger the more her thoughts turned to the masked wolf. Her hopes for Raigo - that he would grow into himself, find his niche in life and become the strong creature she knew him to be....They'd never weakened - and she hated herself for leaving him, but she wouldn't have him seeing her like this - best his last memory of her was a far happier one than the reality.. At least in her own mind.. But then again, what exactly did she know of what was best? Here she was without a support system that most wolves had during the cold winter months, wandering alone in waist high snow.. scavenging on the unfortunates that the winter had consumed.

How long would it be until her own hide was sustenance for the next one to come along? A morbidly amusing thought, and it brought a sardonic curl of her lip along with it. That would just be her just deserts, wouldn't it? But.. a death far too nice for the atrocities she'd committed. No, to succumb to the snows clutches was not a..fitting way to go for the ivory wolf. It was far too gentle and calm. Vlarindara lowered her head, the bite of the icy wind cutting through her lackluster fur and wracking her form with a shudder. She froze in place, simply shivering until the wind stopped.. and continued to shuffle around in the snow she'd initially stopped in. It was the smell of rotting flesh, drifting up from underneath the ground cover that had brought her pause.

After digging a few feet down, she found what she'd been looking for - though it appeared she was not the first to the remains. It appeared to be an herbivore of some kind - little enough meat left on the bones.. but enough that the remains of the carcass that had been buried under leaves had smelled enough to call her attention to it. For a moment, the white wolf blended in with her surroundings as she shoved her head into the hole and closed yellowed teeth over a bone. Jerking the thing out, she was pleased to see it was a femur, and had come loose with a few scraps of meat remaining. Shifting her prize in her teeth, she began the slow trek back to her den - pushing through the snow, following the path she'd earlier walked. Even as hungry as she was, she knew it wasn't safe to eat her meal in the open where anyone could and probably would wander up on her. Meager as it was, she wasn't keen on having her meal stolen.

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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Hre was more snow than on lower grounds, Rebecca ntoiced when she walked at Riddle. She was here to find danger and adventure, once again. Just this time the territory didn't seem as good as in the autumn, when you were looking for somethign dangerous. Rocks were hidden under the snow, she couldn't push them down from slopes as she had did earlier. Well, probably soe bears would be here at their winter sleep, if she could find one and wake it up, it would provide the adventure she missed.

But as she walked through the lands, she accidentaly found Vlarindara's den. And that scent was something she couldn't be wrong about. Eyes started to shine from excitement, tail rise with head, wagging like crazy. Where was she? Somewhere here? Looking around, sniffing the air, Reba got the information: Vlarindara wasn't here, she ahd gone somewhere. but the den wasn't abandomed, the smell was new and strong.

Then she noticed the path, someone had walked to that direction not taht long ago. Taking few jumps to get there, sniffing the snow. Ah, her idol had walked to there. Rising her head up in the air, tighting her muscles, running as fast as she could, following the path on the snow. She was going to find her. Accelerating, running through the snow.

This was actually tough! Breathing heavily as she ran, but not slowing down. And soon her diligent payed the price: she saw Vlarindara coming to her direction, carrying something in her mouth. Halting, exploding happiness filled her mind, wide grin on her face, eyes shining from joy. Head raised high, tail wagged like flag above her back. Then she satretd running again, gaining speed, racing towards Vlarindara. <b>"Vlarindara! Vlarindara!"</b> she yelled as she ran.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The voice called to her, and she stopped, turning to see the darker pelt bounding towards her. At one time, she would have offered to share her meal with another, but powerful jaws simply closed tighter around her precious bone, single amber eye watching the other approach. Vlarindara recognized Rebecca, and smiled, only lowering her head to deposit her meal before her feet once she was sure of who it was.

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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca made her final push to reach Vlarindara, the slided to halt in front of her and started lick her face in ecstasy. She was so happy to meet her again! Her happines wa almost as pleasureful as the one that made her insane. <b>"So nice to meet you! You're as beatiful as always! You will never quess how manyt things have happened to me! Are you doing well? It's no nice to meet you again!!"!</b> Rebecca yawed around her, licking all over her, not giving a single look to the food she had. Fianlly halting again in front of her, breathing heavily by all the running and talking, wide grinn on her face, ears forward, tail wagging like a whip. Tongue hanging long from mouth, happy smile in her face. It was Vlarindara!

Still, Reba was disappointed that she had no scars to show to her. But that was something that didn't calm down her joy a single bit. Laughing for her joy, lowering her body and taking few steps closer to her, licking Vlarindara's lower jaw. Then backing away with the same old happy look.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The attentions were making Vlarindara a bit..nervous - as an understatement. As the onyx female bounced around and licked her face, then proceeded to show her exuberance by licking her again, Vlarindara folded her ears across her neck with a soft whine. "Rebecca...I-...You don't have to greet me in such a manner...you.." She could smell the scent of others on her pelt and knew then that as a pack wolf, Rebecca ranked above her already. "You're a higher rank than I - being in a pack..if...nothing else it should be I greeting you in such a way." Her tone was gentle as always, but stunted through her nerves...

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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Who cares? That nowdays so basic thought flashed through the crazy girl's mind, making her grinn even wider. <b>"Who cares?"</b> she also spoke outloud, snorting joyfully. Reba did not care was she a pack wolf or not, but Vlarindara was her idol and she could never be higher than her idols. Never. This situation was no expection and she was going to treat it that way. Like she would still be an loner.

Lowering her body, whining in excitement. She was not going to let Vlarindara act like she would lower rank the herself, no matter how true it was. How could insane go above sane? Hmm... Easily actually. Rolling to he back, pointing her impish eyes to Vlarindara's only working one. <b>"Anyway, as you alrady seemed to notice, I've joined Copper Rock Creek, Ruiko's new pack. And the greatest thing is, that I've lost my mind! I'm now insane, almost like mom! Though I'm not masochist, but anyway! Isn't that great?"</b> she said, rubbing ehr back agianst the snow beneath her, feeling too happy to stay still a one moment. Rebecca did not think clearly right now, joy was too large for taht so she didn't keep in minnd that not all kept crazy wolves as a good thing.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Gone.. crazy? Vlarindara frowned, her triangle ears folding over her head before she listened, unable to persuade the female from rolling to her back.. Unable to keep her from treating her like some kind of.. higher ranking member of her pack. It was unnerving to say the least, but Vlarindara knew she'd have to handle it - it's just how Rebecca was. Copper Rock? "Who are your alphas, Rebecca?" It was a new pack.. perhaps a new chance for her to begin once again?

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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Few rapid movements and Rebecca was up again, black back looking white by the snow on it. Her tail wagged high in the air, wide smile kept on her happy face, head rised up. Reba wanted to fly, but unfortunately that wasn't something wolves were able to do, so the black girl only rised her front paws from the ground, before having to put them down again. Ah, how alite her heart was!

<b>"Ruiko and his mate, Aeylen."</b> Reba replied to Vlar's question, lowering her head and stepping still on her grounds. Tail wagged, shining eyes were pointed to Vlarindara. The black girl had no idea that her white idol didn't look her admiring behavior with good eye. But the rather childish, impish black girl wanted to show her feelings!
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

"I see.." She'd known Ruiko had started a new pack, but not that he'd taken a new mate. She supposed she should have assumed he'd done so, of course. "Are you happy there, Rebecca?" Vlarindara shifted quietly, her eyes lowering to the ground. At least...if the girl was happy, she could accept it, right? Of course that didn't mean she liked it any more that Rebecca seemed to completely idolize her.

She glanced up at the sun and smiled warmly to Rebecca. "Come.. we'll talk more in my den." Vlarindara shifted quietly, leading the dark pelted lady away from their location..towards her den so they could speak more.


(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2012, 04:21 PM by Vlarindara.)
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