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you're gonna have to count your losses — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>As much as Borden relished the fact that he as able to sink his canines into the youth's shank, he was relieved to a small degree that he had leapt away. It gave him the opportunity to straighten his legs and square up his stance once more. The Lyall's jaws closed with a snap as he made a failed attempt to take another bite out of Valiant's limb. It drew a ferocious snarl from his chest and as the silver-pelted male began to circle about with a cheeky grin on his jowls, Borden did his own little dance, turning about to keep himself facing his opponent. He made sure to tuck his chin in a bit this time, his tail still whisking about above his lower back. His eyes, eerily pale in what few rays of moonlight filtered through the clouds, narrowed in a threatening glare.

His sides, particularly about his ribs, were heaving as he steadied his breathing for this split-second of contemplation. His ribs where Valiant had lashed out stung. A low growl sounded through his teeth as he braced himself for another assault, his dark ears turning forward in rage.</blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote><i>Uh-oh...</i> It seemed the other male was really pissed off now. Sometime during the fight his tail had dropped to be level with his spine, he didn't care to lift it now and further provoke the brute. As the other males ears flicked forward, Valiants subconsciously flicked back and he realised the fight was over. No need to invite lasting injury, one day he may be in Borden's place. He would save his rage for a day when he would truly need it.

His tail tucked, a whine escaped his throat as his ears pinned back against his skull, and he shrunk until his belly touched the snow. He knew it was no reason for the male to stop his tirade, but he hoped he would be gracious. He would have to thank the wolf at some point but probably not right now... No, he would wait and see the other wolfs reaction.</blockquote>
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>After all the commotion, it was almost like clockwork. Borden's ears had rotated forward and the silver-pelted male's folded back. Borden's tongue flicked between his teeth and he silently curled his lip upward more. Saliva trickled from the corners of his black-lined lips. His eyes continued to eye his opponent, staring him down. Perhaps this was a trick... a display of mock-submission... but then the male's frame buckled. The ashen tail curved out of sight and a whine pierced the darkness. The Lyall met the sound with a tense growl and he watched Valiant lower himself into the snow.

He took in the sight before him, puffs of moisture evaporating from his muzzle and nostrils. Borden searched for the words he ought to say but nothing came. Within seconds, the ex-leader's muzzle smoothed and his lips sealed. The fur along his spine flattened. His pale eyes, still wild from the encounter, simply peered out from behind his mask. The anger that had once dwelled within his pupils flickered now, softened by the somber expression his face had adopted.

He trembled from the energy he had spent to keep up his wits in the light skirmish and in one smooth move, he repositioned his left forepaw in the snow and gave the youth a single nod of consent. The dispute had been settled... or so he hoped.</blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>The younger male felt a rush of relief at the nod of approval he received as he moved forward to show the expected respects of a wolf who had just been bested. The tip of his tail wagged a little as he shook the tension from his frame keeping his head and tail low, with his ears pinned back. A smile crossed his face as he glanced at the older male. <b>"Thanks, I needed that."</b> he said with an almost relieved chuckle.

It felt like the weight of the world had lifted off his shoulders. Almost as if he could go another round with Hawke. Yes, he would have to track down the pale female again soon lest she throw herself off a cliff because he had abandoned her again, but he didn't want to make any sudden moves without the consent of the former alpha. Perhaps it would be best to offer his services before he went galavanting across the countryside. <b>"Is there any other way I can aid you?"</b> he asked genuinely. After all, if they had all just stepped aside, how would he prepare for Kade, as youthful and brawny as the protector was?</blockquote>
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Borden failed to find the words he had wanted to say and, instead, the youth purveyed what seemed to be an appropriate sentiment. <i>"Thanks,"</i> he had chuckled with a smile. <i>"I needed that."</i> The older male's eyes closed for a brief moment and he turned away to look to the forest beyond them, to check if anyone had witnessed the shift in the hierarchy. <i>"Is there any other way I can aid you?"</i> Valiant's voice caught his attention again.

The Lyall slowly turned to his new ally. Kiche was already assigned to keep an eye on Jaysyek and Elettra, and was also informed of the name of the man who threatened to take over the position that was once his. <b>"I want you to intimidate Kade,"</b> he replied thoughtfully, a growl still accenting his words. <b>"The male often seen about Lady Jaysyek. Elettra will often be within reach, but I need you to instill within him a sense of insecurity, fill him with self-doubt. Question his abilities about leading a pack. Do this for me and I will reward you with whatever you see fit."</b></blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>Valiants ears flicked forward in question at the mention of the guardian. He was a burley fellow for sure and the silvery wolf didn't have a death wish... But he had offered and he could see he would have to make the choice to either help or hinder. While he was yet undecided he could see the safest course for all was to go along with it for now. The last think Jayse needed to deal with was a civil war and that was where his true allegiance within the Hollow pack lay. His pondering look melted into one of eager agreeance.

<b>"I think I can manage that..."</b> he said with a small genuine smile. He would need to find a moment to speak with Jaysyek and get her opinion on the grey and russet man. If it was her wish for him to return to her side he would aid him, if not... Well he wasn't about to forget who his true liege was. His thoughts were masked by his comical smile, low, slow wagging tail and further enhanced by his ridiculously fluffy, if somewhat now mused and blood patched coat. He would need to step carefully.</blockquote>
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Hope it's all right that I wrap it up? Could either write Valiant's leave or call it finished as is... or tack on a few more posts if Val was curious about anything else. I can edit if need be. Up to you. 8P</i>

<blockquote>The masked brute's features slowly and slightly lifted into a please, but rather eerie grin. <b>"Good,"</b> he cooed in a low tone. <b>"Any information of his and/or Jaysyek's plans... would be greatly appreciated as well if you can spare it."</b> Another nod concluded his additional request. He tensed his muscles for a brief moment, his weary bones ablaze with pain that raked up and down his joints from the short-lived spar. Limping slowly away from the scene, he took one last look to his ashen accomplice. <b>"Get some rest,"</b> he finally ordered in a low bark. <b>"You'll need it."</b>

Once he had been assured that the clearing had not concealed any eavesdroppers, he silently departed the makeshift battleground, completely submerged now in the obsession and bedlam he was possessed by. Minutes later, no more than a mile away from the Hollow, a crazed cackle sounded amidst the winter wind.
