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Cold as Ice — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>As his back claws made contact he felt a satisfied smile cross his mug and even though his paws slipped back to the ground as she continued to move forward he allowed her time to stop and face him head on. He took a few steps backwards from her then, giving him enough distance so that he could move with a forceful lunge if he needed to but in no time she was coming for him again.

As she elevated herself to rise above him he dipped his head and shoulders low. He allowed her jaws to make contact with the thick fur at the back of his neck where his hackles were raised, he could afford to lose a chunk of fur and with the density of his winter coat and hackles there wasn't much damage she could do to the area, what made the position even better was that from this angle her stomach was right in front of his face. With a snarl he ploughed his pearly whites forwards towards her very soft underbelly, situated just beneath her ribs, hoping to latch onto a nice chunk of exposed flesh as his shapre canines lunged forwards at her. To keep her in place he tried to snake a front leg around her back, so evn if she pulled away she would be caught within his grasp. What an amature mistake to have made, he thought between his deep snarls.

-- Edit for inactive wolf --

As the female dropped into submission, he released her. With a snort right in her face. <b>"I win."</b> he snarled and with a final snap towards her face with his pearly teeth, he made his leave and his point.
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 02:14 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]