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Deep in the dark I don't need no light — Secret Falls 
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Played by Arla who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orionis Rigel

His little tail thudded along the hollowed out log at the male’s response. He knew the lake! Oooh boy, Orionis had lucked out with the golden-eyed beast (even if he was still a little scary)! He inched closer, his nose quivering as he studied the dark male against the forest backdrop. His rusted gaze followed the direction that he had motioned to—the same direction that Orionis had originally come from. He nodded softly, committing the directions to memory although he couldn’t guarantee he’d actually remember how to get back. But he did not want to ask the older male for help… although the stranger—Askan—appeared to be transparent with the boy he was still a stranger and Orionis did not know if he could trust him.

That way, he repeated, flicking his nose in the same direction Askan had indicated. Where Shallows Edge? He asked, his curiosity heightening as he took several steps forward, his forepaws now hanging outside the log as he flattened his stomach against the cool wood.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
I don't care if heaven won't take me back

Askan nodded. The lake was indeed that way, though he supposed he couldn't blame the boy for needing reassurance, so he could fully commit it to memory. Orionis was young, not old enough to be out and about without a chaperone, but it he was to be believed then the hadn't wandered too far from his Mother. With luck they'd meet each other in the middle- and he'd probably get a scolding for wandering off. It wasn't his place to do that, of course, but he hoped that his mother would give him a piece or two of her mind. The sooner he realised how dangerous it was to be alone at such a tender age the better.  

"South from here." With a flick of his snout he gestured to the forest behind then,as thick and as dense as ever. Not the sort of place a child should idly wandered through. "Why, are you going to tell your mother?" He then asked, quirking a brow.

Askan wasn't overly fond of telling everyone where his home was. He wasn't particularly secretive, but spelling it out for them with intense directions just didn't seem wise. The forest hid them well, he saw no point in ruining that.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orionis Rigel

That way. Okay—he could remember that. If he just kept walking in that way he was bound to find his mother and the lake. It was a big pool of water; how hard could it be to find?! As much as he would like to ask the yellow-eyed male for help he could tell that the ashen male was important and had better things to do. Orionis was just grateful that Askan had not gobbled him up or whisked him away, further from his mother. He seemed nice and as though he actually wanted to help him find his way back. Orionis was very fortunate he had encountered such a kind individual, even if he had been a little scary at first. But all strangers were scary. Heck, every thing was scary.

South. He nodded. The male’s next questions, however, started the boy. His expression tightened as he shook his head. The yellow-eyed male did not appear keen on having the boy know where his pack was. But Orionis wasn’t really interested. Not unless his mother really wanted a new home. For now they were content wandering the lands of Lore just the two of them. He did not know if she ever intended to settle. No, he answered meekly, his rusting gaze settled on the older male. Don’t hafta tell.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
I don't care if heaven won't take me back

Askan hummed. He wasn't going to tell the kid to keep his mouth shut as it didn't really matter if he told his mother or not. What could one lone wolf do? Shallows Edge weren't the most social of packs but they weren't too secretive either, they straddled the line between being hidden and not and that worked just fine for them.

"Off you go then, run home." Askan flicked his tail in a shooing motion. His good deed for the day was about done."And try not to get lost again."

Little did Askan know that the pup was about to get more than a little lost. Perhaps if he knew he would have escorted the boy back himself, alas there was no way he could. And so, the Selwyn turned and headed back into the depths of the forest, where he belonged.


[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]