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Upon This Hallowed Ground — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    [Somewhere weakness is our strength.]

Elettra surely thought her a miserable fool listening to the voice of her heart. Jaysyek did not know any other way to be, as much as Elettra could not change who she was. The silver, and white lady wanted nothing more than to tell Elettra what she most wanted to hear. Borden,Kiche, and Vlarindara were only here for them to remove once and for all from Grizzly Hollow. It wasn't true, and sadly Jaysyek knew it was more likely to be the parting of ways for Elettra. It hurt to do this to the one wolf who had stuck by her side with all the hell they'd went through, and how Elettra had suffered in everyone's abandonment. Jaysyek could not blame her for questioning her. She had questioned herself if what she was doing was right. The only guilt she had now was what she was doing to Elettra.

Jaysyek had been most wary her own growls would not be heard, she had not known if she'd be able to stop El. When all it took was a growl for her second to stop, Jayse was only hit with more shame, and guilt for what she had assumed. Elettra had always been loyal to her, how could she had thought after all this she would not listen? None the less Jayse was happy for Kiche's sudden courage, and to know he was standing up for Vlar. The fact Borden was suddenly beside her helping her, made feel more firm in her actions, and her choice. Might as well get every hurtful cut she was going to do out at once, Vlar's return wouldn't be the last.

She would hide her fangs, and her eyes would sadly meet the silver pair of her friend. Would Elettra consider them any more after all she'd done? If she stared deep into the liquid silver wishing to offer her thoughts, and know Elettra's. It never worked that way. She did not flinch as her Second would snap at Kiche demanding her space from him. If he was wise he would give it to the woman, and let there be some kind of peace. Jaysyek flicked her eyes to the ginger man, if to help him in his actions. When Elettra tunred to Borden, the edge of her black lip curled and she eyed Elettra with a warning. It was not because she didn't think Borden would stick up for himself, but to assure Elettra he was not in the wrong. He was Second now just as Elettra Archer. Half of the leader knew it would not be good enough for her. She would probably never let the past stay where it was. White ears kept flattened to her head, and her mismatched eyes were blazing not so soft as they had been when first gazing to Elettra. She heard the words, aware she was holding back. Jaysyek much wished she'd would utter them, and get it all in the open. She was surprised how tight lip El had become, as with Kiche returning home she'd said more. Wait, that was only after she had defended the man. Could Elettra really not see Kiche, and Borden were backing their leader up against her? Could she not see beyond the past?

Jayse's body relaxed to a point, seeing Elettra submit, but she was at the ready. It wasn't because she thought Elettra would attack her. That was something she could never believe. Once more the black, and silver lady would tell Kiche to beat it. This was when Jayse rose from Vlar, taking a chance to look at her pathetic body. She gently nudged her with the tip of her nose. "Vlar?" She asked, seeing the withering breath working from her ribs. She was alive, but she wondered if she was concious any more. Elettra ironicly would probably be the only one to know how to help her.

Glancing up she heard the question of her hushed voice, and saw her own betrayel. The same time she saw the want. Before she could explain herself, or make a thought of what to even say, it was followed by another. She did not miss her fleeting eyes to Borden. It must be so plain now they were no longer broken pieces, but one again. How Elettra had said it, as if she'd committed a crime hit home. She deserved that didn't she? She deserved no kindness, not after this. But, Elettra she deserved the truth, and a choice. After a moment of silently staring, she turned to Borden. "Can you guys give us a moment?" She asked trying to keep both a mask and voice of indifference. One last look to Borden, she padded over to her Second. "I will tell you everything, but will you help me? I can't let her die, not like this." She whispered, though quite ready for her request to be denied after all she'd done she was unworthy of Elettra's friendship.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: Seriously sorry for lettin' this go for so long. Been one hell of a busy week for me. @__@;

Lie still, don't move and don't make a sound. It was the pure instinct that had her shivering in fear after Elettra's bite, her punishment, but not running the moment the onyx wolfess's fangs had released their grip. Amber eyes remained squeezed tightly shut as more growls came into her range of hearing, and the one that terrified her the most - perhaps was the one that rippled from Jaysyeks muzzle. Was she going to rescind her invitation? To have the owners of the second and third voices help Elettra see to it that she wouldn't be leaving that clearing?

Triangle ears had folded as tightly against her skull as she could manage to get them, hoping to protect at least *something* of her person from the mangling jaws of those present. It wasn't until she knew she was safe that she shifted, thin legs gathering beneath her. The cold touch of Jaysyeks nose upon her hide made her shiver again, but she lifted her head up, changing a glance at the leaders bi-eyed stare before instantly lowering her gaze to the ground at her feet. "S-sorry.. I made too much noise..di-didn't I?" Vlarindara did her best to shuffle backwards, knowing that sitting smack dab in the middle of the two ladies..if something happened, she would be in the way. She hadn't intended to wake anyone up, and felt guilty that not only was Jaysyek awake, but Borden and Kiche were as well. Next time, she would simply have to clamp her mouth shut and let it happen, tend to her wounds afterwards.

Vlar didn't want anyone to get hurt over her. Physically or emotionally.. and she truly just wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere and hide, wait out the aftermath of her decision to ask to return. But, that was something of the cowards way out, wasn't it? Hadn't she been a coward for the rest of her recent life thus far? The white female scooted backwards until her rump bumped into the rough bark of a tree, and she shifted, almost huddling near the base as if to make herself as small as possible. The fear of those gathered overrode the notice of the damage to the back and side of her neck, but it didn't stop her from being tired because of it.

The single amber eye darted around, wide and erratic as she sought some kind of hole to bolt into.. The tension in the air was palatable, and it scared her even more than the attack by Elettra herself. Did she blame the packs Second? No. Not at all. The entirety of the blame rested upon her shoulders. That was her atonement, or at least, that's how she saw it.. Any wounds she'd received were nothing compared to the deaths that Prosper and Theo had to have endured. It was all simply karma, in her eyes.. Repayment for past sins. That didn't stop her from attempting to put herself OUT of the dangerous situation, but it would keep her from fleeing should another set of jaws come for her.

Quietly as possible, the white female lowered her head to her paws, still huddling next to the tree, her tail curled so far beneath her it seemed not to exist. Thoughts shifted through her mind a hundred miles an hour. She was happy in a way, that she *wasn't* dead.. It had given her hope that perhaps, not all was as it had seemed - that she hadn't been brought back here by fate just to be killed. Guilt overrode the hope, however.. in knowing that she was causing trouble - yet again. The words that Elettra had uttered had cut Vlar just as her fangs had, but..could she really let it..go on like that? Let Jaysyek take the brunt of it? No. She couldn't.

Jaws worked a few times in silence before a breezy whisper slipped by, her left eye focusing on Elettra's dark form.. though ready to dart away. "P..please don't be angry at her..I..I was the one to.. ask to come back..." It wasn't her place, but she had to try. "It's...my fault I p-put her into..that situation.."

Table by Katsuma. Coding by Ryn
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
hope it's okay i get a quite reply up. i've been eager since this is the turning point for el.

Vlarindara would lift and skitter back and away, her words of being loud causing a snort from Elettra's muzzle at the very thought of the foolish remark. Really? Did she honestly think being to loud was the problem here, or was she that dimwitted. She huffs, turning her attention back to her leadess, catching her words as she approached after asking from the male's a moment of time without him. And then, she questioned Elettra, asking of her assistance. She meant to undo what she had done? It was a slap to Elettra's ego and she held back the scoff. ”No.” Her words were spoken quickly after Jaysyek's questioning, as though she had not even bothered to think it over. But Elettra had no intention of undoing the damage which she had done. Doing so when mean she had regretted her actions and the vengeance she had given Vlarindara- a lie which Elettra would not commit. She regretted nothing.”If my services as the pack's protector are not needed here, then my services as it's healer are not, ether.” She would explain delicately, taking another few steps back wearily from her leader, surely knowing she would not enjoy the answer she had be given. Elettra's head remained scrunched back into her forth shoulders, leveled with her spine and ears back. Her legs were bent slightly, played outward. Still, she kept her defenses strong. Although Jays could trust that Elettra would never harm her, Elettra could no longer assume the same for her.
”I thought she was trespassing. I could never imagine you allowing her back. She attacked you.” But how could she expect anything different? Kiche had done the same, had struck out not only to his leadess, but second (who was Vlarindara at the time) and Elettra. It is here, that Vlarindara speaks, defending Jaysyek as well, stating that this was all her fault- and perhaps it was. Elettra snorts, turning what few moments of attention she gaze to the thin white woman away and back onto her leader. ”...Theres a stick wrapped with cob web in my den; use that.” If she was so desperate to help out her friend then Jaysyek could do it herself. She would need to learn, anyhow, if Elettta wasn't going to be hanging around here anymore.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
I'm sorry for the wait Vami, I know you want to know what to do with Elettra. I keep hoping to help instead of hinder.

    [Somewhere weakness is our strength.]

Jayse's request would be taken as an insult. It wasn't the fresh wounds that worried her, it was the mere state Vlar was in. She looked like she would become a ghost any time. Elettra was taking care of Alexander, and she'd supposed she was hoping for something to keep Vlar's heart beating. It was too much to consider, and request. The Grizzly Hollow Leader believed helping Vlar was a crime. If Elettra couldn't see nor understand she would no longer waste her breath. She would deal with this in a cool headed manner. Though she was tired of feeling the younger sister who could never make the right choice.

"I understand, butI wasn't asking for you to fix this for me.....just to help me. This is my mess, not yours," she stated keeping her tone level while glimpsing to the familiar eyes wishing Elettra might feel, and know what she did. They were polar oppisites, but Jayse would never deny she'd ever had a better friend. "Elettra I don't want you suffering because of your loyalty to me, and the choices I have made. I know you can not trust those I've let return. Why should you?" She calmy spoke, wanting to convey so much to the dear lady. "But, I want to clear the record for everyone's sake Vlar did not attack me. She challenged me, but it's I who attacked her. Anyone want to condemn me?" She paused looking around as if someone might shout guilty, guilty, guilty at her. It was rather silent, and she briefly turned to Vlar. She'd been aware of the words she'd muttered, but Elettra was ignoring her. It was in a moment of anger, how sick she was of trying to hold the pieces together, and fix every damn broken thing she let her eyes rest on what was left of Raigo's sister. "Vlarindara, I expect you to find a damn good reason to keep living, and to remember the proud wolf you were understand me? Until than I do not want to hear any more appologies." She let out a feeble snort, and raised her head. She was done, and her patience tried. She was more than ready to have a decent night sleep. This night was far from over. Eyes shifted to her Second, recalling the wrods about the spiderwebs. They hit some memory in Jayse, somewhere she thought someone had said they had many uses. It became clear Elettra might not turn her back on her yet.

"Thank you," she murmured, much more in her regular tone. She stepped over to the silver, and onyx lady. She briefly grazed her cheek with the tip of her muzzle, and quietly sighed. Her mismatched eyes had softened, and looked even sad in her tired mask. "Elettra I want you to be happy, and if you don't want to stay in Grizzly Hollow I understand, and would never hold it against you. And I want to make it clear no matter what you will always have a home here, and I want you to make a choice for you.. You are not blind to the changes, and you should not have to suffer by the choices I have made," she softly spoke for only her ears. Then she kindly gave the lady her space, letting her think. Jaysyek hoped she took the true meaning the leader meant. Elettra would always be her fierce,loyal guardian, and friend. If she wanted a different life she should take it, but there would never be a time frame for Elettra to go. There would not be one long enough for her not to be welcome to return. She then swiftly headed to her medical den, hoping to see where the remedy was stashed.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Jaysyek was quick to explain, doing all she could to simmer Elettra's rage, but doing nothing to simmer her worry, her questioning. She was suffering, oh, yes, how she suffered! Living amongst those whom had abandoned the pack, attacked there own members. Elettra could not rest without thought of them baying down her throat, would keep up her guard even with little sleep she gained- tense and haggard with each passing day. But she worried more of her leadess and her decision to let those whom broke her wiggle back into her heart and pick at the glued pieces. What would happen if she left? What would happen to the remaining children? The thought that maybe they would be better off without her didn't cross her mind. The fighting, it was all because of her, and her lack of forgiveness to those whom were not fitting, whilst Jaysyek poured out her heart to everyone she met. Elettra had worked through blood and sweat for this pack whilst it was but her, Raigo and her leader. But the pack of plentiful now, the pups were nearly grown and the lands were abundant with food and water. During their hardships Elettra played the savior, but now, the fallen angel was no more then committed with her now lack of usefulness.
Jaysyek's words, in most ways, ached her to the very bone. For a year of her life, she had stood unwavering at her side, her shadow where Jays basked in the light. They were close, even as they were breaking, but what was there to hold their friendship together should Elettra leave? El had been bound to her the moment she had arrived, swearing her alliance and trust. But had Jaysyek ever took the moment to know Elettra? Had she ever sat down and try to casually talk to her? Other then her obvious interest in herbs, there was nothing Jays would know of her likes, her interests. She knew nothing of her past and what had made her- her reasons, her views, her side.
Elettra's sudden realization of this, made the gap between them that much wider. Jaysyek had formed this pack with Borden, Vlarindara and Raigo, with Aisling and Kiche not far behind. Though Elettra had never left her, and poured her very heart and soul into the pack- it was obvious. She was the outsider. She always had been, and always would.
By the time all this settles in, Jaysyek touch comes as a shock to her, even as she had approached slowly. She flinches away, as though struck, but once she comes too, sighs, nodding to the woman's words, head falling with her ears as her defensive stance becomes lax. She wasn't happy here, though she would miss it, this much was clear. A deep smell of the cedar around her caused yet another sigh, and another nod. I was obvious now, she was living her life here for Jaysyek, not for herself. Her lawful ways had imprisoned her, but Elettra Archer could not allow her to forget whom she was- she was royalty and she was destined for something much greater then the Hollow's beast.
Jaysyek's whispers end, and Elettra's muzzle reaches to her, to touch her cheek as she goes. For a moment, Elettra would only turn and stand, watching as Jaysyek retreated. She would clear her throat and then, boldly, openly (without the care of who other may here) she speaks. “Then I'll be leaving, Jaysyek.” And unlike the others, she would offer her the curiously of allowing her to know, instead of sneaking away one day out of the blue and come groveling back when things didn't work out the way they planned. She wouldn't abandon her pack, nor her leader, all the way to the very end. Far too different, were these two wolves, despite their alliance to one another. It seemed Elettra's way or working was far too much for the soft hearten queen and Elettra didn't want to live in a place that would hold her back from who she was. Her pride was her biggest quality and her royal nature unbreakable. ”You know I cannot call a place home where I am forced to continuously watch my own back.” Cause surely the moment she let her guard down, someone would be stabbing it- Kiche, Borden, Vlarindara and unknowingly Valkyja and her brother. ”And I cannot feel safe under the authority of someone who abandons their pack, you know this already...” If Borden had done it once, what was to prove he would not do it again? What may happen this season should Jaysyek have pups and one stamper off? Elettra wouldn't allow herself to go through that same agony all over again, just because of Jaysyek's foolish mistake. ”I'll do what I can to figure out where I may go, and collect all my things as quickly as possible...” If Jaysyek wished to tell the others of her leave (Raigo, the children, Alexander) then she was free for, in time, they would surely find out on their own. However, Elettra would not 'burden' the pack with her news, seeing as it seemed most distrusted her as much as she distrusted them. And it would seem to Elettra, having multiple wolves whom had previously abandoned her was far better then having one whom had not.
And with these final words, she turns, and leaves.
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>pulling kiche out so this can get finished up... having a feeling this is going to be terrible</li></ul></span>

But he <i>was</i> needed here. Vlar needed him here, or else she would surely have been torn to shreds. Was he just supposed to go back to sleep and hope that someone with the <i>rank</i> to step in? That didn't bode well with his morals. When Elettra's teeth flashed towards him, it took every ounce of self-control to keep himself from leaping towards her, fangs out-stretched. He mustn't start raise to the challenge and start a war. <i>Focus, Kiche. Focus.</i> He knew if he just held on, if he just waited, if he just <i>stood the on the moral high ground</i>, Elettra was bound to spiral out of control, bound to fall from grace, bound to do <i>something</i>. Remembering the task Borden had given him, he felt a tingle of excitement, and his soul flooded with a deep sense of satisfaction. It was happening. He would not fail his lord.

Silently, with barely restrained smugness, the Hollow wolf looked on as Elettra lave some small show of submission. It was a surprise to see she was even capable of such a thing. Beside him, Jayse fell silent, the aggression gone out of her. Suddenly Kiche was worried, <i>No, Jayse. You need your strength. You need your aggression for what you are about to do.</i> And what was it Kiche believed she would do? Why, of course she would banish Elettra. Of course. Kiche was all but completely assured that all that he had longed for would surely come to pass in only another moment. Surely they could all feel it in the atmosphere. The air was charged, it tingled with expectancy, an electric current that flowed through them all, filling him with an energy that he could hardly rein in any longer. But Jayse could not soften, could not back down if it was to happen soon.

His leader's words struck him as worrisome. <i>Give them a moment?</i> What on earth did that mean? A thousand fears and a thousand delights flashed through his mind as he stared at his leader walking away with the black monster, leaving him with Borden and Vlar, who still lay on the ground. Maybe Jayse just wanted to keep things private. But this was bad. What if Elettra turned on her, hurt her? But the question had been spoken to Borden... it was as if Kiche wasn't even there. That stung. More than anything, Kiche longed for some sliver of acknowledgment from his leader, just to know that he was doing something <i>right</i> for once in his life. Vlar scrambling backwards caught his attention, however, and ripped him from his bitter thoughts. His heart aching just looking at her, Kiche decided that his place was with her, not this mess of feelings and grudges, all of which would be sorted out soon... Giving those mismatched eyes of gold and sky one last, lingering look of concern, the red saint padded towards the broken she-wolf that huddled against the tree. She was the one who he had come to defend after all, <i>You mustn't lose sight of that.</i>

"<b>Don't talk like that, Vlar,</b>" he whispered, his ginger muzzle brushing against the base of her ear. "<b>You are a member of the Hollow again.</b>" And that meant she deserved a better welcoming party than a blood bath and dissension. Asking to come back did not mean that she had forfeited her safety, that... that was so backwards. "<b>You should be safe here. That's... that's what we're for.</b>" If she didn't understand that, well, then he would have a lot of work to do. Warily, Kiche glanced back towards Jayse and Elettra. They were talking, but Kiche heard only one word in ten, but it was over quickly, and the conclusion of the conversation was made clear as the black monster turned around and walked away, She was gone.

Before he could begin to jump for joy, however, he told himself that Jayse was still here, and it was unlikely she would welcome is celebration. For reasons that escaped him, she was terrible attached to Elettra. All of a sudden, his heart sank with a realization: Jayse would be sad. Kiche loved his leader, loved her as if she were his mother, and it hurt him to know that she would be mourning. Worry clouded his eyes, and he longed to breech the distance and say, <i>Be strong, my mother, be strong.</i> But he couldn't. All of the strength went out of him. He could do nothing. Couldn't dance, couldn't be happy, couldn't fix things with Jayse, couldn't fix things with Vlar... and it made him so tired. But Jayse had Borden, and the saint trusted him to comfort and console her. Wearily, his nose bumped against Vlar's scarred muzzle, "<b>Come on, Vlar, we should go to sleep. It's been a long day.</b>" <ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>kiche fade out?</span></li></ul></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2012, 01:10 AM by Kiche.)
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!