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Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

She tried to take his words of encouragment, she knew she was young with only months of pratice. It was uplifting to acknowledge it would only get easier. She smiled a shy smile of thanks, and at his second statement of facts. It was true there were some creatures who didn't know where to go, and she had no problems catching those. Somehow she thought he might need to see she was taking his words to heart. "That's true," she murmured a little curious what it was like for him. If he was healthy she would have mistaken him for some small white bear, and for a moment she hoped he stuck around long enough so she might find out.

Her white tail beat the air silently behind her, pleased by his comment. Her name was her favorite thing about her. She titled her white head, taking in his. Alexander. A strong name, that perfectly fit the large gentleman, and she would not forget. She actually was growing fond of him by the minute, and was very tempted to question how he'd joined the Hollow. "Alex it is," she tried to quietly giggle, but could not quite control it or her wide grin. The young lady always liked making new friends, and could not hide the joy it brought her. She was not only making a new friend, but on a new adventure to fill their bellies.

He broke the moment, and she became serious. They had work to do. He gave instruction her bright face became still, and engrossed in his directions. She slowly bobbed her head. Block off exits. It wasn't a guarentee. The part about him being quiet, and her loud intrigued her. She'd be the one flushing them out, and maybe he'd catch something. She liked this plan, and bobbed her head again ready to start. When he sniffed, she did to being striked by their strong smell. It made her tummy ache, and her mouth water. She had to concentrate. She swallowed, and again nodded her head. She'd try to flush them out. Hmm where to go? She eyed the man, and than let her paled yellow eyes turn to the entrances and exits. Where are you rabbits?

She tried to choose carefully, encircling the warren before stopping across from him. She offered a quick smile, and than dropped her head, pushing her muzzle into the darkness. It was then she'd unleash the deepest woof she could muster, repeating it again, and again.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Alexander attempted to stay low, while continuing to watch her pick out a hole. He'd offer no suggestions, choosing instead to let the girl make her own decisions. There was hardly a way to make a wrong choice anyway. If anything he'd be the one who made the error, picking this hole to stand and wait. He smiled in expectancy as Arlette seemed to pick her target, and he dropped his eyes, one ear turned towards her, the other twisted down slightly, as if attempting to pick up sounds from beneath the earth.

Grinning at the powerful sound his daughter let loose, he waited silently, only letting his eyes lift for a moment, meeting hers in an instant, trying to convey a message to her, encouraging her to check out the other holes as well, just in case. They could both come out of this victorious. There was a muffled sound of movement somewhere near him, and in that moment, a thick white body shot from the hole at his paws. The rabbit, clearly not expecting such a blockade, immediately turned, trying to run away from the warren, rather than right into the paws of the wolf. But Alexander had been ready, and managed to narrowly grab the rabbit as it skidded to turn tightly. Though he'd lost his balance, his hind leg going out beneath him, but his forepaws came down upon the rabbit rather hard, and he instantly pulled it towards him, teeth locking around its neck as he killed it.

His blood-stained prize between his paws, he shook his head, a weak, airy laugh coming from his throat. That certainly wasn't the way he'd wanted that to go. He certainly had made a fool out of himself in front of the light-hued child. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

Nothing stirred, and her face wrinkled in her disappointment. She met Alex's eyes at the same time, and understood his message. Try another spot. She side stepped, half bounded to the closest hole, and repeated her actions of dropping her muzzle, releasing a loud bark. This time a brownish blur went shooting out towards Alex. She merely glimpsed it when another came to her right. Instinctively she took a dive for the quick creature with open jaws, and paws. Her timing was perfect, and she landed over the small long eared thing, clamping her jaws around it's neck before it could do much more. It's life ended quickly, and the girl's tail wagged proudly when she picked it up. She had only half noticed Alexander's loss of balance, but thought nothing less of him. She was merely happy to see he had a rabbit too.

Happily she bounded over to him, letting loose her own light chuckle. She loved to laugh, and smile always took an opportunity to do so. She sat across from him, dropping her rabbit, her nose down inspecting the creature for a moment. "No hungry bellies today," she said with a broad smile, and constant wag of her white tail. No longer able wait she carefully began pruning the hair from the flesh, snapping the bones, and ripping the meat into her mouth. The hot blood oozed her lips, trickling down her throat eased the dryness her actions had caused. Straight away it soothed her stomach for it knew it would be full. In the process she would lick her lips, trying to keep herself clean, and also not waste. After some mouthfuls she watched Alex, and decided another question was in order. "If you don't mind me asking, where did you use to live?" She asked, a curious ring to her smooth,high tone while her head was cocked in wonder.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
The rabbit between his paws, he hauled himself into an upright position as Arlette came towards him with her own prize. Her light hearted laugh struck a chord within him, and he had to take a breath to control himself. She was so much like her mother, so kind. He let out a slight breath then, and shook his head, as if the whole ordeal had just taken it out of him. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Indeed!" He laughed, dropping the rabbit at her paws. Picking at the fur with his teeth, he managed to pull off a decent bite or two before setting it aside. While externally he was mostly healed, internally, his stomach still didn't feel as if it could hold all that much. It would catch up eventually. He'd wake up one day and want to eat his weight in warm flesh, but for the time being, he was being cautious. He didn't want to keep Elettra up at night with his indigestion and moaning.

The rest he would save for Jaysyek, if she'd have his slightly picked at meal. Or perhaps Elettra. He'd taken a bit from her store when he'd arrived. Licking his chops, he closed his eyes for a moment, head tipping back towards the sky. Her question broke him from his mild stupor, and he lowered his slowly, eyes falling upon her. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Oh! Um, the mountains. Of Dire. It was a lovely home." For a moment, he wondered if it was a mistaken to give her that answer, rather than the name of his last home, but he realized he couldn't actually remember that...It hadn't been that long, but it had completely gone out of his mind. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

She nibbled on the warm flesh, swallowing it carefully and the empty ache in her belly became instantly non-existent. She felt a bit guilty, noticing he was not eating more than a couple pieces. Was he full or saving it? A brow quirked, but she tried to mask it by continuing shredding through the rabbit. She hoped he didn't notice, and she half thought she shouldn't ask what that was all about. Maybe, he didn't want to scarf it down. His ribs did prove how many meals he had missed. She almost wanted to offer what was left of hers for what he was doing with his. She passed on the idea, feeling he would object, and the rabbit was close to being done. She'd learned another lesson, to wait to eat? She licked her lips, not sure if there was something to know here.

She made a bit of every scrap of the rabbit, trying not to stare to often at the larger man. She could not help, but let her eyes flicker up when he began answering her. She was most surprised to hear receive his answer. She'd never thought of wolves living up there, even though she might have thought of the idea. It was strange not being on "flat" ground. How did wolves manage living on those rocky peaks? "Really?"She can't help, but say her tone entranced, and excited. Asking more seems cruel since it's apparent he does not live there any more.Perhaps one day....she'll know about the wolves of the mountain. She continues finishing off any ort on her rabbit, and then following the partially grey man to the heart of Grizzly Hollow.


[Image: oaktreebend.png]