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I'm drawing circles don't you know — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The monstrous expression on Borden's face did not ease up when the coal-pelted man began to glare back. He braced himself for some snarky remarks, a rhetorical question to counter his own, but instead Kade offered the truth. The words that stung more than anything else...

<i>"I am the one who was there when you were not,"</i> he had seethed and Borden stared hard into his opponent's face. <i>"I am the man who held your shit together when you had failed. I am the man who would not let her fall, and you did."</i> A growl slipped from Borden's muzzle but he allowed him to add anything else while he tried to recover from the blow. Another strand of encouragement filtered into his ears and jumbled with the rest of the white noise he had been ignoring all this time.

<i>"Be that man,"</i> Kade barked at him. <i>"...the past does not have to define the path of your future"</i> The flame that had been burning viciously within Borden lessened, sending fewer and fewer sparks into the dark. Within a matter of moments the flame itself simmered down into a light as tame as the burning wick of a candle. The twisted mask upon the Lyall's face relaxed and as Kade's tail lowered and his head rose, Borden mirrored his actions with the addition of tilting his head. His own tail slowly arched over his lower back, and again he readied himself for an attack, a scolding or warning for brandishing the gesture.

Kade was right and this had all been his doing. Everything, he realized, had also been rendered complicated by his greed, lust, and envy. His eyes sought the ground beneath his feet until he glanced up with the words he had been looking for in the folds of his mind, <b>"Thank you."</b> He offered a pained smile. This man - Elettra's favored leader, Grizzly Hollow's <i>chosen</i> patriarch, the bold hunter he had seen in the Willows - had kept everything he held dear <i>safe</i> when everything had fallen apart in his absence. <b>"Thank you..."</b>

His eyes, now glossy and no longer blindfolded by his wrath, glanced back into the Attaya's face tentatively. His brows furrowed then rose, rather unsure if he was hearing or deciphering everything correctly. He tensed, acknowledging now the sliver of fear that had sparked at the back of his mind from Kade's outburst. For him to provide an answer or react would probably help clue Borden in on his possible intentions. <i>"What do you want from me?"</i> he had wanted to ask, but he bit back the query; he had called this meeting, after all. <b>"What are... your terms?"</b> he asked solemnly, his voice free of suspicion and crossness.</blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
So<3 You may reply, or archive. Whatever your little heart desires. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

<blockquote>Borden's posture relaxed some in turn, and relief washed over the dark man.

<i>"Thank you."</i> They were not words that were expected, although he believed they were warranted, and he did truly appreciate the gesture. His job as Leader was done, now, and truthfully he was ready to see Grizzly Hollow returned to its former glory - glory he'd yet to see in all his days within Cedarwood Forest. The male would hold his position as the Lyall asked of his terms, and with an exhausted flicker of his tail he would consider just exactly what they <i>should</i> be.

Silver accented ears would fold to his crown, and after a moment he would assertively issue an answer.

<b>"My terms are that you <i>never</i> leave her side again-"</b> his dark tone was stiff and serious, <b>"that you think twice before making any rash decisions,"</b> like deciding to wander off. He paused for only a moment before continuing. <b>"Also, should you ever cross Jaysyek or fail her again,"</b> momentarily his eyes narrowed upon the dark featured man scrutinizingly, <b>"<i>I will be there to snatch the life right out of you.</i></b>" If he was going to hand leadership back to Borden, he would be damned it Jaysyek suffer because of his decision at any point. Having made his more serious stipulations, his eyes would lighten as he now looked at his former enemy as...well...his <i>leader</i>, though for now Jaysyek was the only soul to hold any sway over him. <b>"If you can honor that..."</b> he ground his teeth, in a way nearly disbelieving it were so simple, when the dynamic of their relationship had been so negative, <b>"...<i>Grizzly Hollow is yours."</i></b>

(This post was last modified: May 01, 2012, 12:02 PM by Kade.)