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Every valley is not a lake — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Winter who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Stella Vuesain
Stella smiled. It would seem it was not that easy to shake off Moon's worrying for her - of course, they were kin. The yearling just meant that she didn't want to be a source of extra burden for anyone. She was still trying to understand the bonds that bound her family and pack now after her father's loss. Still trying to find her place while helping make sure they were all getting by okay. But bit by bit that's what she was doing, getting by okay.

She gave a nod to the offer of fishing. "That sounds great," her eyes lifted to the sun, glinting out over the lake. It would be good to try and enjoy the day a little, to remove herself from dwelling on her thoughts for a bit. They always returned when it was quiet. But for now, she could seize the moment and share the afternoon with Moonshadow. Perhaps they could even catch enough to share. Her little siblings would like that.

Besides, life was short. One shouldn't spend it in trepidation, not when there was time to share with loved ones instead.
