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A night like another — Kingsfall 
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Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Siyet listened to Jethro's words. He seemed really apprehensive about the whole situation of puppies, or at least the process involved. Siyet hadn't really thought about that aspect but ultimately didn't really worry too much about it.

"Jethro, all life is created throught miraculous ways. I don't think that life would be as abundunt as it is if it was that bad. Everything will be okay. Don't worry so much okay?"

She looked at him now, with hopeful eyes. She knew that things happen, and that there are complicated things, but she was okay with that
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Siyet, as usual, was somehow able to take most of his worries and boil them down into something simpler. And she did raise a couple of good points. This was the way nature had decreed things would work for their kind, and it had worked that way for many generations before.  

”I know.. I just.. wish we didn't have to, y’know? But I do want kids. I know it’ll be worth it.” There was no way around the touchy-feely thing or the discomfort for two months part. Sadly. But getting to have their own children would be worth it. That was what he’d tell himself. And, likely things would be fine, but.. telling him not to worry about her for the two months after that was sort of like telling a raincloud not to rain. And it didn’t mean he had to like it, either.

Or something like that.

”Can’t help worryin’, though. Know I can’t, but.. I wish I could just protect our whole group from ever havin’ to feel any kind of hurt or pain. Especially when it’s someone I care a lot about. But I trust you.” The dark one did offer his companion a smile though, to try to show that he was alright. And he did trust Siyet, more than possibly anyone. If she believed she was going to be alright, then he’d do his best to believe in that too.
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Jehtro had been a very caring person since Siyet had met him. He had been even more caring the last few months, with the new comers, and wanting to settle down with them. He was now showing an even more caring side, wanting to protect everyone. This was something that warmed Siyet's heart and she knew that he would be a wonderful father someday.

"You don't have to worry about protecting everyone alone Jet, I will help you. And the others will help you. We are all in this together. And with the pups, it will definitely be worth it. To have little ones roaming around, growing up, being one with the others that we have become friends with. It will be wonderful. I am confident. The pain will be worth it 100%."

She looked at Jethro and even gave him a kiss on the cheek. She knew he wasn't overly affectionate but she wanted to show him a bit of her heart.
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
He didn’t have to worry about protecting everyone alone, Siyet explained. There were others. They’d help. And he knew that, expected it even. But as one of their leaders, there was still a part of him that wished they didn’t have to. That wished he could just take every problem they had or would ever face on for himself so they didn’t have to.

But it did seem as if the two of them were on the same wavelength with the rest of their thoughts. And the gentle touch of his companion helped to melt away some of the worries. Enough that the dark one felt comfortable to scoot closer to her again. ”I know you’re right,” he breathed softly. ”But if I have my days.. and I still worry, I’m sorry. But you know why.”

But he’d try not to. As much as he could. Tentatively, Jet pressed his face into the other wolf’s shoulder and closed his eyes. ”We’re not even close to spring yet an’ I already can’t wait to see ‘em. Wonder what they’re gonna look like..” coming from two parents that were nearly polar opposites in color. And names. They’d have to think of those, too. But they had plenty of time for that stuff.

--if you'd like to fade after one more post, I'm good with that! thanks for another thread ^^
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Jethro still had his worries, and based off what Siyet knew, it was a justified worry. She knew that Jethro would always be a little worried about something. This was something that she would need to get used to. A carefree life just wasn't exactly on the table, if it meant keeping Jethro sane.

"I know, you will worry but I will be here for you when you do."

With Jethro returning Siyet's affection she couldn't help but smile. While they were together like this, she felt like she really had nothing to worry about. This was peaceful, very peaceful.

With spring on the horizon, Jethro expressed his excitement about the pups, and Siyet shared this.

"It will be interesting to see definitely. We are pretty different so who knows how they will come out."

With this she couldn't help but laugh as she truly had no idea what to expect from these pups. Either way, she was sure that they would be beautiful pups.