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Let the water turn red — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Despite his agitation, and the stress of those around him, Marsh did his best to remain calm. It didn't help that everybody was speaking so quickly, passing orders and concerns and gah. Disquieted, Marsh sat there silently, his ears pulled back in irritation. It would have been much simpler if she had been in the process of being attacked, so all he needed to do was beat up her harasser. There was little he could do to help here, a fact only made clearer when Finn slipped into unconsciousness.

Triell and the stranger ran off, leaving Marsh and the two females, and his quiet frustration was clear. Unable to contribute other than acting as guardian, he watched as plants and other substances were exchanged as the two males came back, and something was wrong, but who knew? This wasn't his forté. Marsh would have been of better use marching off to find whoever did it and making them pay.

To his surprise, the female turned to look at him. By her tone, he understood her words to have been a command, but what...? The blank look on his face may have said it all. Though the idea of being bossed about by a stranger raised his hackles somewhat, he at least comprehended that it was probably for the good of Finn.

Clearly lost, Marsh glanced over to Triell, hoping that the wolf who knew him would be able to effectively translate whatever-it-was that had been asked of him.</blockquote>
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn was trying to pull herself out of the darkness, and the sounds of the wolves around her began to fill her ears like an empty glass- slowly, at that. Her eyes flickered and rolled back. The female winced as something was applied to her wounds, but she did not make a sound. Whatever it was, she knew that it would serve to heal her.

The voices of the others were slow as well as deep- it sounded so odd. Her head was whirring, a dizzy feeling taking hold and casting her into a world of confusion. Finn had never felt this way before, and it took all of her strength at this point to keep her sanity. With a wonder as to how much blood she had lost, all she could think of now was her brother Jedd. Her brother...is that what he was? It sure as hell didn't seem like it. That handsome deep gray wolf...what had he become? They would always play when they were younger, and he was always there for her. Why couldn't he have respected her decision to leave?
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
sorry not very lovely, but don't want to keep holding ya up. :X
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

He had did part of his job, and saw he had done right. What else could he do? His ears twitch back, nervous energy causing his jaws to grind in their sockets. She demanded willow from him, and he took off without question to get that too. Willow was easy enough. His golden eyes search the ground for an already fallen branch. He had no time to play tug-a-war ripping a piece off. There he was sure was a left over thing a beaver had chewed, and he snatched it up. He practically bounded back, not caring if he bumped into the other wolf. He dropped this too in Nina's reach too, in time to catch her trying to recruit Marsh's help. Triell could see the hint of a question in his eyes. What was he suppose to do?

The Tainn wasn't precisely sure either he had an idea. Nina was using the spider web. Triell grabbed some leaves, and offered them to Marsh. He swiftly picked up some for himself, pressing it against the pooling red blood. Marsh should understand this. They were trying to keep her stable.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
He quickly knew he had done wrong when the female commanded the other male, Triell, to go get some willow. He got gotten the wrong thing, but the leaves were coming in good use. The female, the one of whom he did not know the name of yet, snapped at him. He heard her words clearly and went over to Finn's head. How the hell was he supposed to prop her head up? Grabbing his scruff lightly he lifted her head up, slipped his hind leg under her neck, before gently laying it back down. It wasn't the best way to get her head proped up, but it was the only thing her could think of. Earlier he had seen his female slightly wince, which was probably a good sign. She coudl still possibly be woken up.

He was pretty sure that the River wolves would not appreciate him now, he had no common knowledge when it came to herbs, all these other wolves obviously did, The golden brown lady's words echoed in his eyes, Try to keep her awake. The female had definitely been commanding him to do so. Bending his neck down, straining himself he started muttering things into Finn's ear, "Come on beautiful, you have to wake up. Please?? For me." He hadn't rememebered the last time he had called a wolf beautiful, well actually he had. . .it was with Finn, when they had met by the waterfall. . .

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Though she already had ergot for the female, she sitll needed the willow. . .just in case she needed to wrap something. She was overjoyed when Triell came crashing through the bushes the willow in his jaws. The much older male seemed to have lost his senses and it took until Triell came back and offered him the leaves that Nina understood. The male could possibly be a mute. . .that would explain plenty of things to her. The brown brute finally went over and proped the female's head up. It wasn't the best way to do it, but it was effcient enough for the current situation, well that AND he was out of her hair. Two good things could happen when you were in charge. . .

Glad that Triell had finally arrived to relieve her of pressing on the blood she let him take over that while feeling Finn's head. She WAS burning up. Shit! This was not good for her, not at all. Taking the thyme she had collected upon arriving she bounced over to Finn's head, nuzzled the thyme into the female's mouth, and nuzzled her mouth a few times, only hoping that the silver female had enough sense to actually swallow the medicine she was giving her. Looking through her things she. . .so so few things she had, but she would have to make the most out of it. It looked like the males were stopping the bleeding from what she was seeing. . .
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Triell came to his aid, as Marsh knew he would. In all of his seven years, he had never been a healer - not even close - so when he gingerly accepted the leaves, it was quite clear that he was out of his depth. Honestly, saving lives... really wasn't his thing. Not after-the-fact, at least. Watching the black Tainn, Marsh placed the leaves to an unattended wound and then, feeling awkward, jerked his paw over it, pushing down.

The leaves slipped, and he lost the pressure, finding the task ridiculously difficult. Why such a complex method for cleaning her up? Honestly, nothing would beat a tongue. Keeping an eye on the strange male, Marsh nosed the leaves aside, and began to gently clean the blood away from the wound, encouraging the holes to come closed, letting his saliva act as a cleaning agent. All these wolves and their twigs and fancy shit - how did they survive when they didn't have a stash of weeds handy? He had never seen anybody in Swift River need such over-the-top treatment, mostly because he never let anybody get this bad in the first place! What the hell was she doing, wandering so far, anyway? Stupid girl should have stayed in the pack territory where she was safe.</blockquote>
Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Ok, I don't want this to continue forever, so I'm going to do a fade out if everyone is ok with it :). Finn will be ok, she's just gonna be very gimpy for awhile I guess :P.

The world was returning to her as her her wounds were being covered. Her blood flow was slowing, to the point where it would soon stop oozing from her wounds. It would take more than awhile for her to heal, and she was prepared to endure the path of healing that was to come. Finally, the words of the wolves around her were coming in clear, and a small smile began to flood across her face. She was going to be ok.

She would thank that female who knew how to heal. She would find her, no matter how much energy it took- she owed her her life. No time for thinking of that now, though. It was time to focus on recovery once she was all patched up....

((Fade out......))
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."