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Moonlight — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
OOC: Sorry it's a bit short :c

Today she was alone again. It felt good to be in a new place. She didn't forgot her past but she found finally peace in her mind. All she had to do now was not making the same mistakes again. Kyrie lifted her head up, her eyes reflected the silver moon that was shining in the dark. There were no stars this time, but she didn't needed them to light her path. This new place was still unknown and strange, hopefully she could found her own place in this area and work her way up in life. Oh well, that were just goals for in the future. For now Kyrie wanted to relax and have some fun. Discovering the new area and meeting others, stuff like that. The female wolf took her time to walk to the edge of the woods. There was no one who rushed her or things she had to do. If she wanted she could turn every stone upside down until the end of time. Kyrie heard the sound of water not far away. Immediately she turned to the sound. The threes gave her more space until she found a creek. The shimmering reflections looked liked dancing lights. Enchanted by the scenery Kyrie froze for almost a minute. Above her a owl stroke down on a tree behind her. Kyrie looked at the owl but then walked closer to the water. She put one, two paws in the cold water. A fast chill went across her spine. The night was nice warm but the water was still somewhat cold. Slowly she moved deeper into the water until her belly was almost under the cold liquid. Relaxed Kyrie watched the dark night sky.

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Played by Snarley who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aksel Blackwood
Throughout the afternoon, Aksel trotted his way from the Blackberry Fields and through the Wild Cherry Orchard. He found little to interest him among the tall trees and since there weren't any berries that he could eat from the ground, he had continued on his way. A restlessness had struck him, making him intent and energetic. He decided to run.

The night came swiftly and found him splashing into a creek, the water raising up and over him as it soaked through his fur and drenched his face. He shook himself out and stood there panting, taking his time with catching his breath before he dropped his head and drank the water thirstily. Aksel only became aware of the other wolf when he lifted his head to lick his dripping lips and then he froze, his brown eyes widening slightly as they focused on her. But though his body posture had risen and his chest had come out and his tail lifted, he didn't make an audible threat. He instead walked through the water to greet her.

His gaze swept over the pretty white fur she had and he gently wagged his raised tail. He was a dominant wolf and though he had no intention of harming her, it was clear that he wasn't going to take any misbehavior from her. But there was a smile, somewhat crookedly curling his lips.

<b>"It's a good night isn't it?</b> His muscles still quivered from the workout he had put himself through. And he felt the urge to keep going. But he wasn't the type to turn down a chance to get to know another wolf. He eyed her and wondered if she would take kindly to him splashing her. Probably not. But it would be entertaining.

Aksel rose on his back-legs and then brought his front-legs down hard against the water's surface, sending a spray of water over the she-wolf. And then he stood there, watching her with a calm and collected expression even while he tightened his lips against a friendly laugh. His eyes were somewhat softer though, suggesting his good humor.
Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
The moment she looked up at the sky she were already spacing out. Her head came back in the normal position cause her head felt a bit heavy. Slowly her eyes closed themselves. The sounds and smells were suddenly very sharp but as soon as she closed her eyes those things were already on the background. Right now she felt like everything in her body was relaxed. From top to tail she felt the calmness taking control. Kyrie didn't really feel like sleeping in the water but it felt soft and cool. This totally peaceful feeling was strange for her but not unwanted. Her ears caught the sound of water splashes but it felt like the sound came from miles away. 'It's a good night isn't it?' Words that sounded vague in her ears but she did hear it were words and not some random sounds. Kyrie nodded while her eyes opened a little bit and murmured something that sounded like a yes. Suddenly she felt the cold water splashing in her face. Surprised her eyes opened in a second. Perplex she saw the water dripping against her cheek back in the creek again. Her brown eyes looked above, like always, at a big grey male wolf. Well the most wolves were bigger then her so she looked always up to everybody. She was used by it, but she noticed the high tail in a second. It didn't really bother her since she saw that smile on his face. A thin wicked smile appeared on her face. So that's the game he wanted to play.. Kyrie came a step closer and shook her whole body. Thousands of water drops flew trough the air and the water splashed wildly around them. She was awake now, Kyrie laughed and took some steps back. For the chance there came a counterattack. Her white tail wagged against the water surface. 'The water is nice don't you think?' Kyrie said with a sweet grin on her face but a challenging look in her eyes filled with joy.
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
[shamelessly recruits?!]

Ruiko prowled through the shadows, his nose to the ground and his eyes skimming for any traces of his younger brother. Weeks had passed, and while logic dictated that Kinis was not only gone, but he was no longer alive, the tawny Leader could not let the young male go. Not without trying everything. The pale moonlight guided him, and his bright amber eyes roved the lands as if at any moment he would see Kinis’ eager and handsome face right around the corner. Of course, as the night drew on, Ruiko’s paws became more weary and soon his pace had become sluggish and disheartened.

His travels brought him to Heartleaf Creek, and with a quick glance to the position of the moon, the regal wolf knew it would be best if he turned around and went home to his mate and their unborn pups. About to do so, it was the quiet thrum of voices that stirred him forward, and as he came closer his eyes met the view of a darker male and a pale she-wolf.

Stoical mask quickly slid to place, and the regal Tainn lifted himself slightly, hoping to return some of the pride back to his stature. Offering a nod, the male cleared his voice, completely aware he was interrupting something. “Forgive my intrusion, but have either of you seen a tawny male? He’s fairly young.. and would have likely been injured.”
Played by Snarley who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aksel Blackwood
Brown eyes looked up at him with confusion and he expected to see teeth flashing toward him at any second, which he was ready to avoid. But he was pleasantly surprised with a smile filled with mischief appeared and it was infectious. Aksel wagged his tail slightly as an answering smile drew at his lips.

He shut his eyes and lifted his face away as he was suddenly showered with drops of water, which clung like dew to his fur and face and sparkled with the moonlight. He shook himself out and rushed toward her, splashing and biting at the water to send it squirting towards her. She had stepped back in an attempt to avoid him, so he just kept splashing and making a clown of himself as he threw himself after her and then stopped just a pace from her. Soaked.

His mouth closed after a playful bark and his instinct to dominate dwindled and his tail settled to a friendly back and forth motion. <b>”It is. I couldn't resist. You looked like you were falling asleep so it was a perfect opportunity. And I am not the kind of wolf that ignores an opportunity.”</b>

Aksel turned his head as he sensed a presence joining them. The <span class='word'>obtuse</span> sound of him approaching had immediately drawn his attention. Aksel shook himself out, sending a mass of water out to every side and glanced back at the white wolf. He gave her a quick smile and pulled himself out of the creek.

<b>”No, I haven't seen a wolf like that. I would've noticed. What happened to him?”</b> As usual Aksel was comfortable with asking questions even if it was none of his business. The stranger had decided to approach them and so Aksel considered it fair game. Maybe he would be able to help in some way if he knew more about the situation.
(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2012, 09:24 AM by Aksel.)
Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde

Tiny drop of water flew trough the air. Sparkling in the moonlight like little stars. Not that she had time to look at it. All those tiny drops were splashed in her face and everything that came above the water. Kyrie closed her eyes a little and tried to avoid the big splashes as good as possible. The she-wolf tried to take a run but the muddy earth under her paws and the water didn't seem to help her. Instead she had to look out to not fall in the water with her face. Even though she was already soaked and dripping she couldn't get the smile from her face.

'Well thanks for waking me up.' She chuckled. Luckily for him she could see the joke. She was not the one to get easily angry. As for he she really liked to be in the water and to play in it. It felt somewhat strange to play with some wolf she didn't even know the name of. Most of the time she would have stand from a distance, looking who was coming before making contact. Even after contact she wouldn't be extremely open, this time seemed to be very different.

The grey wolf turned his head away. Just a second later also Kyrie felt there was someone coming. Her brown eyes looked aside his head to see who would come. As always it was a bigger male wolf. A bit large for her feeling, but she wasn't surprised anymore by size since she had met Bear. Kyrie met the eyes of the grey wolf who smiled and climbed out of the water. The white wolf decided to follow his example and came back on the dry land. A young male? Kyrie thought about it but she had met no one who fitted the description. Not very surprising since she hadn't met so many wolves yet. She shook her head but the fact the wolf where he was looking for was might be injured made her worried. 'I didn't met any wolf like that,' if the wolf was injured she should have smelled some blood that didn't came from her own prey but did wasn't the case. 'If you need help with searching I would like to help.' Not that she would be very helpful, she had no idea about the other area's in this land but she could at least offer her help.

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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The two wolves came to the water’s edge, pulling themselves out at his question. Nonplused that he might have interrupted their alone time or play time, the Leader allowed his eyes to sharply drift between both wolves, studying them momentarily. Only when the darker male speak did he shift slightly, and his gaze did not break way to emotion. “That’s what I’m hoping to find out,” he offered, unwilling to share too much of his personal life with a stranger. Still, he had asked them a simple question of their time and aide, and he regal gave a light flick of his tail as he rolled his shoulders back.

The pallid female offered her help, and Ruiko blinked at her momentarily. Finally, his muzzle dipped lightly to reveal his gratitude for her words, though it did not stir a confidence in him. Not yet. “He’s about two years old.” His throat burned with emotion at the thought, though he did not allow this to flicker outwardly. Kinis would have entered the full adult ranks next month. “He’s exceptionally outgoing and friendly. His fur is a darker brown and he has amber eyes.” There was a small pause when he realized he’d have to offer them more information than that. If she was going to search for him, she had a right to know why. “He’s my younger brother and has been missing from our pack for days now. We found an area of his blood and fur.. but no other clue as to what has happened to him.” Oh, how he despised placing himself as vulnerable to these two strangers.. but he would do it for Kinis.

His tongue swept across his lips, tasting the metallic of blood before he even realized his teeth had been worrying them to bleed. When the strangers clarified they had seen no sign of him, Ruiko offered a nod before sweeping off again, his search continuing.
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2012, 01:14 PM by Ruiko.)