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Finding the Time — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Snarley who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elsa Keturah
<span style='font-family:georgia'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Out of the Lagoon and in the huge Meadow, Elda experienced the astounding feeling of smallness. Surrounded by tall, green grass that swayed prettily and shimmered as the wind passed, she was almost forced to pure relaxation. The whispering of the grass brought her to a stop many times that afternoon, simply to listen and gaze at the sky as the sun lowered. Colors stained the clouds and swiftly altered the mood from fresh and light to dreamy and mysterious. Orange and gold set itself on the world and drew the birds out to sing their final songs of the day. It was a wonderful time to simply stand around.

It had been five or so days since her last large meal with the black stranger, but she had been able to catch a rabbit and eat some berries in the time between that. She was feeling healthier and more rested the longer she spent time in this new land but she was also beginning to feel depressed. It was lonely here and it seemed as though she was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. When would she find a pack that needed a wolf like her?

Elda looked at her paws as she felt grass tickle them and flexed her nails into the dry earth. It was a relief to away from the soggy ground of the Lagoon. It didn't suit her to always have wet paws. It was difficult to hunt in mud anyway, it took more effort to run. She sighed and shook her head and began to walk toward a lone tree.

It was old. It's branches reached up toward the evening sky and swayed and rustled along with the wind. She had always enjoyed the sound and thought it would be a pleasant spot to rest. But she suddenly felt inspired. If she was so tired of being alone, why not call someone to her? What kept her quiet? Elda snorted softly at herself as she sat and leaned against the big, thick trunk of the oak. Maybe she was shyer than she thought or hesitant because she didn't want to be disappointed again just yet. But this, she recognized quickly, was childish. She had the confidence and the determination to do whatever she wanted and she would be thoroughly disappointed in herself if she simply kept on waiting. It was time to take action.

She looked around with her amber eyes and then stood. She paced a few strides from the tree and lifted her head to howl. It was a harmonious howl, a sing-song that was quickly snatched up by the wind and carried along. Elda enjoyed herself and the deep howl went higher and then lower, moving along in a complicated pattern that she found pleasing to her own ears. She paused for breath and then released a simpler howl, one that was seeped in her easy wish for company. When she finished her song, she went to the tree and lay down, feeling content and pleased, but also nervous and hopeful.</span></span>
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 10:28 AM by Elsa.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

This was the furthest Indru had been since his return to Relic Lore and it surprised him that this was not such a hardship to him. But with his mate, Cori, growing a belly full of his cubs again Indru found it hard to part from her, so fierce was that protective instinct inside of him. Swift River was strong at the moment, it had many able bodied adults, yet it worried Indru a little at the lack of females in the territory. Corinna would need someone she could trust to help her with the birth and to then help with the cubs, as while she had clearly proven herself an able and strong mother they would take any help that would increase the survival of their offspring.

As the leader reached the edge of the treeline of Drooping Willows, where the trees gave in to their losing battle with the vast, consuming size of Hush Meadow, a howl suddenly echoed up and wavered in the air, the sound clearly coming from the tall grasses south of him. Ears perked, Indru paused for a moment as he digested the scent that he could pick up now that he knew what he was searching for; distinctively female, similar to his own age and, oddly perhaps, a lone wolf. The leaders curiosity was perked to say the least—how often did loners draw attention to themselves without howling? Besides, it had a beckoning tone to it, for company perhaps, but it was hard to understand the meaning of a howl completely if you didn't know the wolf in question. Never the less, Indru decided to head in the female's direction.

Hello there, he called out when he caught sight of her, he was still hugging the treeline and it was a mixture of his reluctance to stray any further from home and not wanting to suddenly approach and startle her that kept him there. I'm Indru Tainn, I lead a pack just north of here. Did you need something? She had howled after all, and he couldn't help but ask whether he knew her or not, it was in his nature to assist if he was able.

(This post was last modified: Apr 21, 2012, 11:14 AM by Indru.)
Played by Snarley who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elsa Keturah
<span style='font-family:georgia'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Settled against the tree Elsa was preparing to doze when a rustle drew her eyes open and toward the tree-line. The sight of another wolf thrilled her but was also surprising. She hadn't expected to be answered so quickly. She gathered herself and stood, taking a moment to shake out whatever bug or plant clung to her fur, and approached him as calmly as she knew how. To show that she meant no trouble, she kept her tail neutral and her head somewhat low. When he called out, she paused and her ears rose up and forward. She measured his tone and decided that he was just as unwilling to start a conflict. The <span class='word'>germinal</span> meeting seemed to be starting on good terms.

His greeting having set her more at easy, she finished closing the distance. He was a leader and she was respectful with her posture. She wagged her tail in a friendly way and looked up at him with her amber-colored eyes and then away. Properly behaving herself, she smiled and said lightly, <b>”My name is Elsa Keturah. There's nothing wrong. I've just been here for several weeks without finding a good spot for myself and I have to say I'm somewhat ignorant about how things are here. But since you're a leader--”</b> She cut herself off abruptly and lifted her head, surprise on her gentle face. <b>”Oh, I hope I didn't distract you from something important.”</b>

She felt the temptation to ask to follow along with him, so long had she been on her own. But she knew that it was the same impulsion that had nearly had her settled with incompetent leaders. Elsa settled into a more relaxed posture, rather than displaying her willingness to be submissive. She watched him carefully in case he decided it was unacceptable. Elsa hadn't been a low ranking wolf in her previous pack but in new situations in new lands it was better to be cautious and flexible-- until she found herself a new pack.</span></span>
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 10:29 AM by Elsa.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Love Elsa! <3

As the female turned to face him Indru tensed, like he always would, while he waited for her reaction to his presence. He was a large wolf—uncommonly so—yet his size could cause conflict to go both ways, it either avoided it encouraged it. Yet this shewolf kept her head and tail held low and at her reassuring posture he relaxed in turn, giving her a dip of his head in acknowledgement. She began to close the gap between them and Indru watched her carefully with his fiery eyes, pleased at her respect for his rank that she could undeniably smell due to his dominant, musky scent, especially with Corinna's recent pregnancy.

The female's tail had started to wag and Indru offered her a quick smile in response when she turned to quickly look up at him. She began to introduce herself, with more back story than Indru had, and he listened attentively nodding in agreement as she mentioned his rank. Abruptly though, she interrupted herself and at her question he shook his head and smiled reassuringly. Not at all, Elsa, I was merely scouting the lands out beyond my own packlands. As it was no good to live within your borders and let the goings on of the Forest escape him and pass him by, to keep the pack safe it was important to remain informed.

Indru paused for a moment while he thought back over her earlier words, his eyes politely (yet curiously) scanning over the female as he checked her health and condition. She seemed as healthy as a lone wolf was able to be with little food and protection compared to a pack, and the time she had spent as a lone wolf only helped to demonstrate her prowess as a hunter. Is it a pack you want then? A home? At his words Indru smiled again, showing the good intentions of the words. As I have the ability to offer you one. My pack needs strong females too, the curiosity in his words was easy to pick out, Indru was keen to recruit females but the pack was strong enough that he was not desperate either. Our borders claim a swiftly flowing river, and the pack is strong, though our numbers are mostly made up of males. We River wolves are a family not just a band of wolves and it would be your complete loyalty that we'd require. The leader's voice had adopted a seriously tone as he spoke of his pack, yet the welcome in his voice hadn't disappeared. Swift River had suffered a great betrayal recently by some of their newer members and Indru would not see it happen again.

Played by Snarley who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elsa Keturah
<3<3 And I love Indru!

<span style='font-family:georgia'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Elsa suddenly sighed, a heavy sound that carried many weeks of her stress and tension; muscles that she didn't know were tense relaxed and she suddenly felt drained. Her legs trembled from her exhaustion and the simple loneliness that she had been staving off and she tucked her ears against her head to show that she was mildly vulnerable. His friendliness and easy confidence had set off a instinctual reaction within her. Readily she was willing to bond herself to this leader and devote herself to his pack. It had taken half a year for her to find herself a home. Bare and raw, she was humbled by her experiences by herself and sought the reassurance of following a capable leader that would see to caring for the pack. And then the pack was free to take care of each other.

Her eyes, gold in the light, drifted back toward Indru. There was nothing flirtatious or suggestive about her submissive gesture as she stepped forward and nosed him underneath his chin, expressing her acceptance to his leadership by showing herself willing to be family and close. It was perhaps soon and quick for her to step forward with such a gesture but she had missed the readily available contact with her sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, and parents. It was natural to show her praise to a leader and her happiness for his offer.

She stepped back and felt warmth blossom in her chest and send her tail wagging. A smile lightened her eyes and pulled gently at her lips. <b>”I am a strong wolf, leader. I would find it a joy to become a part of your family. This has happened quickly but I am confident that I am making a good decision. I have to follow my gut.”</b> She softened and calmed a little more, knowing that she was being a bit emotional. It was difficult to be somber. She was a simple ragtag wolf off on the side of his borders, he could have attacked or ignored her. Elsa felt a thrill wash through her and her readiness to begin helping the pack filled her and lifted her posture to express her confidence.

<b>”I wonder if you are expecting pups.”</b> She said this carefully, not wanting to intrude into something private. But pups were vastly important and as it was the time of the year that the lead pair became pregnant, it was only logical that she should know. If the lead female was expecting, she would begin immediately with meeting others to organize frequent hunts; although she realized then that there may be a wolf in charge of this already. She did not want to step on any paws. Elsa wanted her arrival to be as smooth as possible. But having taken care of two litters in her lifetime, she knew that she would be useful and she would do her best to make herself worthwhile to the River wolves. <b>”I would like to make myself useful as quick as possible. If you could tell me about the ranks and recent history, I would probably be able to fit myself into a spot more easily.”</b></span></span>
(This post was last modified: Apr 24, 2012, 10:20 AM by Elsa.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
They get along great! :) Small powerplay, if you dislike just say!

Quickly she closed the gap between them and then Indru soon felt her nose underneath his chin, the gesture quite clearly marking him as the dominant wolf (and no longer just an acquaintance) and return he lowered his head to grasp her muzzle gently in between his jaws. It was not a move aimed to harm or discipline—Indru's grip was soft and easily breakable—but instead it was intended to reassure the shewolf in front of him and accept her. It marked Indru as this wolf's leader and if she accepted this claim, his teeth gently around her muzzle, it would truly make her pack.

At her words Indru's nodded, pleased, she was confident in her abilities but not overly so and she had a soft, respectful temperament which he knew would please Cori. It would be good for his mate to form a strong friendship, the last female had the potential to do so until she stole away in the night betraying her whole pack and family and now would never be welcome near the River wolves. We are expecting cubs, the leader replied at her next question, the pride in his voice was clear as he spoke of the unborn children belonging to he and Cori. Her forwardness and eagerness to help impressed him and Indru nodded, pausing for a moment as he gathered all the information he felt relevant. We have a strong number of wolves at the moment like I said, but admittedly our pack has distinctly more males. We have Corinna—my mate—who is the lead female and then one other beneath her, but we lack a strong enough female to take the place of Second. So far, Elsa looked more than capable of fulfilling this role. We have 3 cubs from mine and Corinna's litter last year, two boys and a female, and they will need guiding still in their skills and knowledge when they soon become yearlings. As while the young wolves would be adults in terms of their bodies and other physical attributes, they were far from it mentally. Then, soon, of course we will have the second litter of cubs born to the pack. Swift River had not looked this strong in a long while, the previous yearlings made up of his youngest siblings would soon be adults and taking their place would be his own children, who in turn would be replaced by the newest litter.

The leader gave her time to absorb all of the information he had provided, he was more than certain that Elsa would acquit herself quickly into the pack and the idea of having another capable female join their ranks was a great prospect. Especially with Cori's impending pregnancy. Let's go home, Elsa, Indru suggested, smiling at her as his tail waved behind him softly, eager to show the newest pack member her new home. But first... And with a playful grin Indru pushed forward, aiming to rub himself against of Elsa's sides, leaving his dominant scent along her fur, as it was this scent that made a wolf undeniably pack.

Played by Snarley who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elsa Keturah
<span style='font-family:georgia'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>The grip on her muzzle had expressed the clear acceptance that she had been hoping for. It appealed to her and soothed her tired trembling. Elsa felt rejuvenated and calmed by his presence and the trust that she was giving to him until he ever proved himself untrustworthy stabled her doubts and nervousness. She was curious and eager to meet the leader's mate, as he was sure that she must be as impressive and welcoming as Indru-- she hoped. That was something to worry about later. For she would find a gift for the she-wolf before they met; a rabbit would do wonderfully or perhaps some flowers to scent her den? Her puzzling was apparent on her expressive face but she smiled at Indru, showing that she was very glad to hear that they were expecting cubs. <b>”That's wonderful.”</b>

Elsa tilted her head slightly as he continued, simply because she was thinking deeply about the information he was giving her. Elsa wondered if it would be a problem that there were more males. She had no issues with it herself, since she considered gender obsolete when it came to hunting and caring for the pups.

Second was available. It was a rank that she knew she could manage and her readiness to show herself capable doubled. A hunt would need to be organized immediately, even if one had been recently done. Extra food would only allow Corinna to become stronger and healthier; if there were problems later with prey, it would be best to fatten her up so that she could still care for her cubs. Her gaze lifted as he mentioned the cubs from last year. They would be nearing a year of age now, so it was the best thing she could do if she could teach them confidence and strategy and self-control. Their mother would be going through a lot of changes over the next few months and it would fall on the pack to help her manage these cubs and raise them up as well-rounded adults. She would talk to the cubs herself about what they knew, what they thought they didn't know, and decide what she would do. But first she would talk to Corinna and get to know her. As a lone-wolf coming into their pack, she was sure that it may be difficult for them to trust her immediately.

<b>”I would like to claim this position as Second, leader. I will show myself capable and if I do not, I will accept the consequences. But be assured that you can trust me and that I am determined.”</b> Her smile wrinkled her muzzle and she bounced forward when he grinned and began rubbing the Swift River scent onto her. She rubbed back just as playfully and even had to pause to sneeze when she had scuffled up too much dirt from the marking. Her steps were high and energetic, and also somewhat sideways as she danced toward the treeline while still looking at him. <b>”I am looking forward to meeting everyone.</b>” She admitted, the social side of her blossoming. <b>”Thanks for this chance, Indru.</b>”</span></span>
(This post was last modified: Apr 24, 2012, 12:09 PM by Elsa.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Feel free to archive this if you don't want to reply again! :) Welcome to SR. <3

The leader waited for her to digest the information, pleased that she was already taking such an active role in the pack by seeking out this information. Most wolves were not quite so forward thinking and Indru couldn't help but think they may have found themselves a great shewolf to hold the second dominant ranking within the pack. As she confirmed the choice he expected Indru nodded, pleased, and his tail waved behind him to express it. A good choice I think, Elsa, he admitted truthfully as he scented the air, eager to return home with the newest shewolf in tow. I think you'll make a fine Second for the pack, and I can't help but believe your determination to prove me right.

Indru laughed quickly as the pair mixed their scents, the leaders' naturally becoming the more dominant one of the two, and the Tainn was reminded of the importance of this ritual as the pair began to bond like all pack should. The female's energy did not go unnoticed and Indru grinned at her refreshed posture, soon she would be well fed and protected by the pack she would help fed and protect in turn and her strength would only grow. My pleasure, he rumbled as she thanked him and he turned to nip gently at her cheek before beckoning her on with a quick nod of his head, expecting her to follow him home as he led the newest River wolf to her new home.