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Seeing Double — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote> At the mention of Sojourn being another sister, her brows furrowed momentarily. <b>”He told me he only had one sister.”</b> she said a little absentmindedly as she begun to wonder what else he was hiding from her. It didn’t broker mistrust however, just a burning curiousity all of her litter mates were guilty of. They were such a nosey bunch.

The girl, no, woman in front of her obviously did not want to speak of the past, so she would not push the issue. Her next words bought an unexpected laugh to her ears, the tinkling sound a rarity of late, only further enforced by the sudden way it ended, but the smile dancing in her eyes remained. <i>Now</i> she could see why Triell liked the wolf before her so much.

All she could do then was to tell Volkan what he had told her. <b>”From what I have been told...”</b> she began quietly, hoping to give the other female something to think on. <b>”He misses you. He’s hurt that your new family turned him away... but if they didn’t...”</b> She may as well outright say it, she wasn’t exactly showing. <b>”Then he wouldn’t have come to Swift River, I wouldn’t have my own pack and I most certainly would <i>not</i> be pregnant.”</b> The last was said with a laugh. Sometimes, it still amazed her that she had life growing inside of her, sometimes she could almost forget... Until they kicked again. They were a lively little bunch for sure. They would be survivors, just like their parents.

Her stance was still defensive but she decided whether the pied lady chose to hate her love or not... She liked the girl. If she was ok with Triell, she was ok with her.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Uhhh strong language. ._.
<blockquote>Both females' defensive postures seemed to remain, though Volkan was glad Naira didn't take her up on her little joke of a threat. A fight wouldn't be in either of their best interests. Volkan would gladly see the day when <i>he</i> would meet his end, but... not yet, now wasn't the time, and she didn't want to accelerate things further by tearing a new one into his mate. <i>Mate.</i> The word still struck her, caught her off guard as she repeated it to herself, but she fought to shrug it off. Naira instead mentioned that she'd never heard of Sojourn, and Volk kept silent, despite the retorts firing inside her mind. <i>Of course he didn't tell you about her. I'm surprised he even told you about me. How does it feel, being the 'mate' of a wolf you don't even know?</i>

Those words would've been poison, yet Volkan knew she couldn't say them aloud. She'd given her warning, and that would have to be enough. What would it help, turning those <i>he</i> held dear (or appeared to hold dear) against him? Wouldn't that make her just like <i>him</i>?

<i>"From what I have been told..."</i>

<i>Oh, here we go,</i> Volk complained to herself, prepared to hear a huge load of bullshit, things <i>he</i> had said about her. Yet... what Naira said actually surprised her, and the ghostly wolf's eyes narrowed, skepticism clear in her expression. She... couldn't believe what she was hearing, even though Naira's tone was soft, gentle. <i>Misses me? Fucking... </i>he's<i> the one acting like he's been fucking hurt?</i> As though she'd run into a wall, Volkan found herself disoriented, shaking her head in bewilderment, as Naira dropped the next bomb: that he had been to Swift River. What?! Had he been a part of the ranks?

<i>Pregnant?!</i> That was the smell she'd noticed— how had she been so blind? Volkan stopped moving then, returning to the stare she'd previously abandoned. The spawn... evil spawn... it was brewing inside her, right in the stomach of this female. How could— how could Naira <i>live</i> with that? Was she really... did she really... <i>love</i> him?

She was left to do nothing other than blink, hardly breathing. How to respond? What was she supposed to say to all that?

Suddenly the realization hit her: it had to be that Naira had told her that for a reason. Volkan had learned enough about her in their short meeting that this female seemed to choose her words carefully. Finally she let out a small sigh, the cold, gruesome reality sinking in to her stomach. <i>He</i> was multiplying. Just like their father, <i>he</i> was building an empire for himself. Where Volkan had fled to Relic Lore, made a new life for herself here, <i>he</i> had flagrantly followed her here, and now... he was doing the very same thing she had done, with conceit where Volkan's humbleness had been. <i>He</i> was the leader of a pack. Evil was... breeding in Relic Lore. And if Naira didn't know it now, hadn't realized it by now, then Volkan didn't know how to help her. But she had... she had to try.

"...I wish I could tell you I'm happy for you," she began, the shock clear in her tones, underscored by a new sort of resentment that bubbled in her throat. She fought to keep it calm with a deep breath. "It's not my place to try to tear down this life you've made for yourself. But..." <i>your pack, your love is built from a lie. You're mated to a killer, a psychopath, and you don't even fucking know it.</i> Sharply, she exhaled, becoming frustrated with her own thoughts. Frantically, she searched for the right words, but none came, and instead there was silence.

And, just like that, her temper slipped away from her.

"Think about it," she began, a new vigor, maybe determination, in her quick words. "Think about it. Just— for a second. You meet this wolf. This—" <i>fucking pathetic excuse for a—</i> "...Male. For some reason, everyone hates him, and he's been in Relic Lore how long? Months? He's got at least one, maybe even more, packs after his head. Won't tell you about his past, lies to you about his motivation for even being here. And trust me, he lied to you," she added, unable to prevent her hatred, her anger, from slipping into her tones. "Comes to Swift River, maybe that's where you met, I don't even know. If you were a part of that pack, you swore yourself to Indru, to his family. And then this male comes and steals you away with not even the slightest regard for the promise you've made. Makes you a part of his pack. Knocks you up. And you—" by now she was seething, "You don't even question that he might be a bad fucking dude? That something just might not be right there?!"

Volkan's eyes had turned to fire. Her head had sunk below her chest, and she stared coldly at Naira from beneath her weathered brows. Her tail swished furiously behind her, every inch of her lithe frame brimming with the menacing anger she had suppressed for so long. Flashbacks of <i>that day</i> threatened to torture her, and the task of staying above the threshold of manic rage was all she could bear. "I'm sorry, Naira. I really am! It's not your fault, that he can manipulate, that he can win this trust and all this respect where he fucking deserves none. Hey—! It's not your fault! But—" she broke off, the words in her mind volatile, yet she spat them out as though they tasted rancid.

"You wanna know what happened, you wanna know my side?! He's evil, Naira. He doesn't miss me, he's not the one who's hurt. He tried to rape me. And if that's the fucking wolf you want to love, then... fine."

Unable to control the utter sadness, the brokenness that had torn apart the last of her words, Volkan turned tail and ran, her well-travelled legs unprepared for the speed with which she wanted, needed to fly away.</blockquote>

[ exit - wasn't expecting this to turn out this way... sorry if this throws a wrench in anything. :\ feel free to reply, archive, do whatever you want! sorry for leaving Naira hanging with such news, but... Volk is unpredictable and I go where she takes me... :P ]
(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2012, 01:07 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Haha <3 I know the feeling. Shadow was like that XD (Naira's G-Ma)

<blockquote> Her face said more than words ever could, her emotions ranging from concerned to questioning to outright shock. Her ears flattened against her head and her muzzle dropped protectively and pulled back closer to her chest as the other woman finished her little outburst and fled. Her brows drew together with concern. He had admitted wanting to kill his sister but all of this? Was this really <i>her</i> Rhysis?

There was a roaring in her ears as she stared after the retreating lady, her form now gone, even her scent hardly lingered and it was then that she realised the sun was low in the sky where before it had been high and her racing thoughts were her only company. So this was the danger he warned her of? She felt sick to her stomach and even her squirming infants didn’t dare disturb her now. Absentmindedly bending to collect her leaves and roots she turned for home, trying to black out the screaming and gnashing snarling in her mind. It would be a long walk home.</blockquote>
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[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]