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Too Much. — Lost Lake 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
Amber gaze fixed on the rising mountains across the lake she listened to his words, pursing her lips critically. Well, those weren't too strong of assertations; they weren't really looking for uncertainty, now, were they? If he only <i>supposed</i> he would be a loyal protector of the mountain's newest pack then perhaps it was better to keep it to himself that he wasn't sure if it was in his best interest. The words that fell from his tongue had to be sure; had to be absolute; had to be a binding contract to forever flow in his blood if he were to be poisoned. Rhysis certainly would dare anyone to come closer without such a resolve, and though Naira was kindly to those who would agree to serve, her pregnancy was beginning to catch up to her and they could no longer afford to bring close to their home those who didn't fall to their knees before the king and queen of Lost Lake.

Before she could assert such a view point, the scent of hare's blood caught on the wind approaching, followed by that of their pale second wolf. Shortly after Athena came padding forward. Ava gladly returned the nudge, twitching a dark ear to her opinion as she spoke. "<b>We were just having a chat,</b>" she mused, a ghost of a smile on her face. "<b>It would appear Ash has family in the Lore but is uninterested in finding them, and somehow ended up here at the egde of Poison Path. Though, it's a little unclear if he has only come to visit, or what have you.</b>" Though she spoke to Athena, she laid her eyes upon the large male. His time was running out, certainly, if he wanted to have a new life in the mountain. For its many benefits there was plenty of hard work required first, both of the mountain itself and of the pack as well. Curiously she watched to see if he had anything to say of such a desire.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The deep voice answered her and his words pleased her slightly. Indeed, he may not say he was here to cause trouble, but Athena never let her guard down around her family. Moreover, the packs he talked about caused her to look around, quickly scanning the area. Who knows, he could have brought some of those wolves with him. In addition, if he was talking about Swift River, that would be a problem. She turned back to him and scented the air, but could not find much of any pack scent on him. He must have been away from them for a while.

Ava spoke then, almost trying to reason with her and she turned to her. A chat, huh? Surely that was not all he wanted here. She has not met a wolf yet, that just wanted to chat. It wasn’t apart of her nature to do that, but was she wrong in this case? She went on to talk about him having family in the lore. Curiosity sparked a flame and she opened her mouth to speak. ”Family, huh? Any names? I may know who they are.” She said, glancing back at him.

Ava continued and talked about her thinking he may want something more than just a chat. So, she thought like Athena too. How coincidental. If he wanted a place in Poison Path, he would have to prove his worth. ”Are you looking for a home?” She asked. If he said he was, she would put him to the test with a challenge and if he succeeded, she would call for Rhysis or Naira. However, if he did not succeed, he will be heading out as quickly as he came.
(This post was last modified: May 13, 2012, 11:26 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
The male remained polite watching the young females in front of him. He wasn't focusing on Ava anymore though, his sole focus was on Athena now. Who was his family. In disgust Ash said with a large sneer, "Nina Hervok." Ash couldn't say the female's name without a growl coming out of his mouth. Biting back a snarl that threatened to erupt from him her nodded had Athena putting it in words that he was apologizing for his small outburst. Keeping his head low he nodded his head at her next question, "Yes, I was looking for a home. Perhaps Poison Pack would be best for me."

He had breifly heard about the Poison wolves and of how they were upmost loyal to each other no matter what. He wanted a family much like so, so he had traveled here to seek them out. Now he was here, in front of two of the pack members talking to them. His light green eyes watched them, his curiousity of the two spiking within him. He wasn't a nosy one though, he would think himself quite rude actually so he kept quiet. Waiting for the dominant wolves' responses.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
A growl escaped her throat when Ash finally dropped the name. "<b>I hadn't known,</b>" she murmured to Athena, knowing very well her pale second and the Creek's bitch did not get along. It appeared he didn't like her either, the way her name came out with a snarl, although earlier he had only seemed slightly dissatisfied with her. Ava's head rose and she looked upon him with suspicion - words were cheap and easy. It was actions that would have to account for how he <i>actually</i> felt. At best she was a little amused that he had wandered over to their side of Relic Lore - had he known the way they thought of Nina Hervok? Even more so was it just wonderful timing that the she-wolf in Poison Path with the biggest vendetta against her had happened to stumble upon Ava and her brother. If he really wanted the home here he would have to show it - Athena was not about to be kindly on him knowing Nina was of his blood... and Athena didn't go easy on rogues in the first place.

She would allow Athena to govern the rest of the situation, but for one detail. Ava narrowed her eyes a little and corrected, "<b>Poison Path.</b>" Whoever was out there talking about them might as well get the name correct. Their little rebel alliance had grown from the random group into a proper pack and it was wise that everyone knew it. The wolves of the mountain were ferocious with loyalty - his would have to be just as much so. The tip of her tail twitched as she awaited Athena's piece about him and his challenge. They could certainly use some big and strong warrior, and hopefully he could prove to be one. Especially if his dislike of his sister was honest - he'd be a fun ally.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Just as the words escaped his maw, a snarl escaped hers. That idiotic bitch was his sister. The stupid wolf that had told her that she pretty much had something wrong with her head. She was also that moron that tried mauling her at the fight between Rhysis and Ice. If Ash hadn't of had the same reaction to that name as she did, she probably would have torn his neck out for being related to her. It could have counted as revenge, but she heard that disgusted snarl out of him too. Ava commented, but Athena didn't have any sort of grudge on being a relative of Nina's here. If this man had some sort of hatred against Nina, he was welcome here. Especially since Rhysis hated the bitch too. However, she would need to get to the bottom of his dislike of her or why he regarded her with such hatred.

Then he continued and told her that he indeed was searching for a home her in Poison Path. Her head lifted slightly as she peered at the man before her. What type of challenge would Rhysis put him through? A hunt, a race, a swim by chance? Ideas swirled in her head, but she couldn't find exactly what she wanted him to prove his worth. Perhaps a mountain climbing test? She hadn't seen Rhysis demand that before. The other day, she saw a shrub with pale pink flowers on it up on one the highest ledges, but she was too short to jump up and get it, but perhaps Ash was larger enough to get himself up there and grab it for her. Sounded challenging enough.

"Alright, before I call my leaders to come see you, I'm going to have you go on a challenge to prove your worth. All you have to do is go find a small shrub with pale pink flowers on it. It's located at one of the highest peaks on the nearest mountain. I want a complete pink flower with all the petals. You succeed, I'll call for my leaders. If you don't, I'll chase you out or you can leave willingly." She believes it was called Mountain Spiraea. She then looked up at the sky above. It was about midday and he'd have to hurry to get up to that ledge. However, she wasn't going to let him take all day. "Be back before the sun disappears from the horizon."
Here's the link to the flower. (:
<a href='http://relic-lore.net/library/reliclore/the-flora-guide-to-relic-lore' target='_blank'>http://relic-lore.net/library/reliclore/th...e-to-relic-lore</a>
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
The immediate reaction he got from Ava pleased Ash. . .so these wolves didn't like Nina either. . .satisfaction gleamed in Ash's eyes as he watched the two wolves in front of him. The white girl, seemed to not care by the fact that he was blood with Nina, which was probably a good thing. He wanted a family and this was the way to get this. They wanted him to pass a test? Didn't sound too hard. The only pink flower that he had heard of since arriving in Relic Lore was the mountain spiraea. It shouldn't be too hard to find it but if what Athena said was true then he would have to be getting off his ass and working for his spot. Nodding his head politely at the beauty he turned and lifted his head. It was time to work for what he wanted.

Looking around him he saw the nearest mountain. It wasn't too long of a run towards the mountain, but it was quite high, meaning it would be awhile until he would be able to reach the top. Taking off down the small area of Lost Lake he lifted his muzzle to sniff the air. It smelt pleasant here, something he could deeply appreciate. Within about a half hour he arrived at the mountian's bottom sweat was dripping off the ends of his thick fur. He was not tired yet but he was extremely hot, not considering the fact that his fur was so thick he shook his head hard before continuing on.

The mountain already seemed to be making a way for him to climb up it on his own. Might as well start now. . .the suns rays hit highly overhead as Ash made his way up the mountain. His muscles seemed to flow like a river as he climbed. As he took each step he made sure that his pawsteps were secured so that he wouldn't slip. As he reached the top of the mountain. He looked at the sun and was happy to see that the sun had only fallen slightly. It was in the middle of the sky, if that made any sense, and none of the sun had been cut off from the land yet. Turning to see the flowers that Athena had described.

The pink of the flower drew his attention to it instantly. But he knew he couldn't think for too long. He would have to get back to Athena and Ava soon. Picking off the flower carefully he made sure to pick more than one. Athena had said that she was looking for a pink flower with all od the petals on it. As he gathered a few of the flowers into his mouth he remained careful. He made absolutely sure to pick flowers with more petals than the others, which was probably her safest bet. As he secured the flowers in his mouth he started his decent.

He wanted to be as on time as he could be, but he knew that he would have to be careful so that none of the petals would fall off. He knew that a few would, but at least he knew he had a few stems so that if a few petals fell off he would still most likely have a flower. As he made his decent he was happy to see that his fur had blown dry. The heat still bothered him but not as much as it had when it had been midday. As he landed on the ground he checked over his flowers and was completely overjoyed to see that only a few petals had fallen off and that he still had a few flowers intact.

Reajusting the flowers in his mouth he started towards where he had left Athena and Ava. The sun was finally starting to set and about a quarter of the sun was hiding behind the horizon. As he made his way towards the two females he saw their shadows and was soon in front of them. His paws were sore and he wouldn't be surprised if they were bloody and scabbed. As he slowed in front of Athena he dropped the flowers in front of her before backing away a few steps and leaving his head down, bowing in front of the two ladies respectfully. Closing his eyes he exhaled, almost as if sighing in relief. He had finished the job that had been asked. A few flowers missing a few petals and about two or three completely intact.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
A brief growl would escape her throat as the male took to the mountains, her amber eyes narrowed. Perhaps this would be the first time the roles would reverse and a loner would have a harder time getting on her good side than Athena's. A brawny male would be helpful to their pack, perhaps, but he seemed too damn kindly and his words were ever changing. First he said he hadn't a clue what he could offer to the pack, and yet he seemed so keen on getting in... and then he'd merely offered distaste for Nina - though she <i>distinctly</i> remembered him adding "<i>but she is my sister</i>" as though his hatred didn't quite match up with the brawny snarl he'd offered Athena. Ava did not trust this wolf's integrity at all, but there was little to be helped. Athena outranked her, and should he pass her flower test and gain Rhysis or Naira's approval, he'd be among their ranks. The dark-coated girl's nose crinkled a little with the thought - there were so many skittish, uncertain newbies presently running around their precious Lake. Ava had half the mind to set them in their place.

She had watched Ash disappear into the mountain range, slow and steady at first. At least he wasn't stupid - as wolf of his size and inexperience was not likely to be given the mountain's mercy. After a short while she could no longer find him and lost interest. Disgrunted she refrained from making conversation with Athena, and instead resorted to taking a drink from the Lake before reclining on its bank, legs splayed before her while she half-assedly watchded for his arrival. The white wolf had not given him a simple task - it was hours before he would show up back at the base of the mountain. It was nearly sundown, but not quite. And as he approached Athena and graciously laid his gift down before her she held in a sigh - it appeared as though he had passed.

Ava glanced briefly at Athena, her tail-tip twitching. She would've called for Rhysis herself, but it was Athena's official approval that would warrant the howl. Shrugging, she laid her moody gaze upon the disheveled flowers and awaited his judgment.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Sorry for how short it is. I have no idea what to write.../: I'm kind of in a whatthehelldoido mood

As the wolf came back from her challenge she was surprised to see he had a bundle of flowers instead of just one like she asked. Going above and beyond could help you and in this case it did. A couple did lose some of their petals, but the rest all had their petals intact. Looking back up at the male, she observe his respectful bow and nodded in approval. She looked towards Ava to see what she thought.

She was about to call for Rhysis and Naira, but she remembered Rhysis was off looking for Naira. She had disappeared with her trail going towards the rise. Turning back towards Ash, "I'm sorry. I just remembered that my leaders are off on some business. They should be back soon. You've passed my challenge and I will indeed let them know of that, but if you could come back in a few days, that will be appreciated." She said, looking to Ava briefly. Before turning back to Ash to see what he says.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Light green eyes shot up to the white female in front of him as she nodded her head and spoke. He quickly realized that he had never caught her name but knew that soon enough her name would be known. Her words brought a sense of pride to him and he refused to let the small smile take over his features. He would have to remain serious. . .and serious he was. Blinking his eyes he once more dipped his head in respect to this female, "Thank you, Milady. I shall return in a few days. Perhaps then everything will remain settled." Hesitance was making its way into Ash's bones but before he could change his mind he approached the female cautiously giving Athena and Ava both quick licks under their chins as a sign of submission and thanks. 

Before leaving he nuzzled two of the flowers that had stayed in tact. One towards Athena and one towards Ava. Respect held in his eyes and he dipped his head one last time and turning to leave the females be. He knew he wouldn't stray far though. His paws would have to get used to the rocky mountains if he were in fact to stay here if this would be his new home. And it wouldn't even hurt to have the experience. It was time to start a climb. 
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Ava blinked calmly as she heeded Athena's words, carelessly failing to register what she had said and only catching on that Ash would have to return soon to face their leaders' judgement. Had Naira ran off again? She did seem prone to do that - the thought of which caused a tiny grin to crack against her bored facade. Despite his dismissal, Ash would lean forward to lick the undersides of the Poisoned females' chins, which she accepted graciously. <i>Hm.</i> Perhaps his actions were showing more promise than his words. For a wolf who hadn't a clue what he would bring of use to their pack, no, their <i>family</i>, he was certainly good about the manners part of the job. Ava shrugged slightly and lifted herself on to her four, preparing to take back to her den and take a nap, quite exhausted with the day's duties. Yet before she could do so, the large male inched the flowers their way before turning heel toward the mountains.

Oh, <i>flattery.</i> What a wonder that had done the man. Still she would not say she was certain of him, and absolutely would he have to prove himself to her in a manner different than a trivial pursuit... and yet what girl did not appreciate a flower? Curiously she watched him go, then sniffed the pink petals of the flower. It had no medicinal properties and was, in essence, quite useless... yet the female parted her dark jaws and scooped up the stalk of it tenderly. Ava spared him the parting glance and merely turned toward the packlands. As she trotted away a small smile would seize her dark lips and she shook her head. Perhaps next time she would be easier on him, then.

(Ava out!)