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Another Way to Die — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>The tearing of his right ear was unexpected but instead of a yelp he unleashed a growl. He was quite fond of his ears, and one now missing a small chunk at the tip was not something he was looking forward to seeing in his reflection. Although it would make for an interesting story the next time he went wooing. Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad thing.

Stepping backwards with the useless limb still grasped in his jaws, he couldn’t help but admire the way this wolf was taking the pain. Jerking forwards and backwards a few times for good measure he dropped the limb again and charged forward. The other wolf would struggle to flee quickly enough, so with blood running down his face from his freshly mangled ear, he made for the other wolfs throat. They both knew the only possible outcome unless Valiant had a flash of mercy, and it didn’t look like it would be readily coming any time soon.
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd was what could only be described in one word- exhausted. He continued to huff, pink tongue lolling from his mouth as his ears flattened. Jaws now snapping shut, he embraced the tugging of his limb as best as he could. But then, Valiant made a sudden change in where he was targeting. The creature charged towards him once more, his jaws wide, beckoning for Jedd's flesh. What could he do? Nothing.

Jedd opened his own jaws, ivory fangs exposed to the hot air in the marshlands. He snapped at Valiant's face before he felt the sudden hold of the man's jaws around his throat. Jedd wobbled for a moment, but prevented himself from falling over. If he had done so, Valiant would most definitely tear into his throat. His brows remained furrowed as he attempted to steady his breathing, unable to struggle.
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote> He had him. Finally. And the other wolf seemed to realise there was no escape. He almost seemed to go limp under the silver males jaws and he simply held the other wolfs throat for a moment, which felt like a lifetime. When the other male still made no move he began to exert pressure. If he didn’t pierce the skin and hit an artery, he would crush the other wolfs windpipe.

All of the rage had left his system now and this wasn’t a malicious act. It was a necessary kindness. The other wolf wouldn’t be able to walk or hunt, he wouldn’t be able to return to the Hollow. It was either a quick death now at the jaws of an opponent or the painful death of slow starvation. If he put up a fight, and showed the will to live, the silvery brute may just let go, but for now, he had shut down the emotional side of his brain and was functioning on instincts alone. He had to end this.</blockquote>
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd was just too tired. His leg was in terrible pain...words could not describe the stinging and pangs of hurt that shot through it. He struggled to breathe now as Valiant closed his jaws upon him; pressure forcing down upon his windpipe. There was a terrible pop, and the sudden rush of blood. Jedd knew that the wolf had pierced a main artery of blood flow, and now there was no stopping this rush of the liquid of life.

Breathe....breathe...no. Stop. There was no point now. He realized that if he was to be let loose, he would die a slow and horrible death. This wolf was ending it quickly. His eyes were wide now, and he looked down to Valiant. With gurgled words, he said "Hope you're happy..." His breaths were now short, and his head grew light. Eyes rolled back now, and he was looking at the sky. It was a marvelous blue, with barely a cloud in the sky. It was a shame that he would not see it anymore.

The blood ran down his neck, and he released his last breath. His lungs begged for air, but he could not provide them with such. What a disappointment. Lids lowered slowly, and he settled into the darkness that grasped at him, obeying the calling of death. Jedd passed on.
