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Over the River and Through the Woods — Willow Ridge 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/230/6/f/6fdf36f22e24f95e36c07739cb8591a2-d5bkwky.jpg) bottom center no-repeat #003377; outline: 5px solid #003377; border: 1px solid #fff;" valign="top">
As the female started laughing in front of her Narimé failed to see what exactly was so funny about the situation. However after a few seconds she realized that Nina was still laughing (if a bit too much) at Nari's comment about how many herbs Nina was taking.

The girl relaxed a bit from her tense position. What if she really is.. Koda's mate. I guess Elettra would know since she allowed her to come here. But how does that work out? The silvery yearling shook her head ridding herself of the questions. At this point Narimé was fairly sure that either what Nina was saying was completely false, or...that she had no mind at the moment and would not realize what secrets and information she might be giving away. Umm.. Maybe I shouldn't ask her too many questions about stuff. If anything though I have to ask Elettra about this later. She smiled at her companion who seemed to be having too much fun just sitting there with nothing to do.

When Nina brought up a comment about knowing Koda very well the young she wolf definately put it on her agenda to speak with the alpha's sometime later when they had the time to hear her. Even so Narimé didn't want Nina to tell too many secrets about herself. Quickly the young wolf tried to change the topic.

<b style="color:#FFFFFF">"That's enough of that talk! So do you know anything about the herbs in here?" Narimé chuckled while waving her tail pointing to the crevices within the den. The herbs smell soured the air from their hidden spots within the earthy cave.
code by bryony

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">She then took several deep breathes, trying to calm her nerves down to the best of her abilities. Her jaws parted in a small yawn, the full effects of the herbs finally kicking into her system. For awhile she had been quite surprised by her outburst, before she did remember the effects of the medicine she was given. Her ears twitched at the words that escaped Narimé’s mouth. Did she know the herbs? Of course she did. . .she was a healer herself. Her jaws opened again, to speak but instead a long yawn escaped her small little jaws. She soon got out the words she had been looking for, "Quite familiar with them. I am a Healer myself."

Her good eye drooped slightly, telling her that it was time for her to get some sleep. Though she didn’t want to be rude to the young girl in front of her, she gave her a small fleeting look, apologizing for her tiredness. Otherwise, Nina closed her eye and was glad to dip into a short pace of sleep. For she was not sure if later in the night, she would have another night scare or not.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Ending it. :) Nighty night Nina!

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/230/6/f/6fdf36f22e24f95e36c07739cb8591a2-d5bkwky.jpg) bottom center no-repeat #003377; outline: 5px solid #003377; border: 1px solid #fff;" valign="top">
The young woman saw tiredness growing in Nina. Obviously that previous outburst of laughter had taken the energy from her body. The womans eye lids grew heavy while she talked and Narimé wanted to tell her not to speak anymore. Just to sleep.

"Hey It's okay just rest some. I think you've had enough of a stupid yearling bugging you especially when you are supposed to be healing. Rest Nina." She smiled and wagged her tail. Then looked over her shoulder at the den. She could sweep out that pile of fresh dug earth really quick. However the rest of the den cleanup could wait until after a talk with Elettra.

A few minutes later and the den was cleaned up. Narimé was near the mouth of the den looking back on her new friend. She hoped that next time she spoke with Nina that she would be... more herself.

"I'm glad to have met you Nina." She smiled but wasn't sure if the injured healer had heard him. She might have already been too far asleep. "Good night my friend." Narimé spoke kindly.(Exit)
code by bryony