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They're Gone — Copper Rock Creek 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
OOC: I will post and then archive!! <3

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;"> His small head perched on her shoulders. . .her green eye watching the gathered. Durai stayed silent through her speech, while she was greeted with more questions and responds to her own message. She felt warm inside to see that Sloane would be traveling with her, she knew that he was a loyal member and she had long since trusted him with her well being. Her tail wagged behind her in an easing gesture as she returned the butt from her shoulder with one of her own. His ears twitched at the response from Ashanti, a small smile growing on her face for the young girl’s wisdom.

It reminded her of the younger her. . .though in the future she was going to make sure she compared none of her members to herself. The young girl would prove to be a wonderful addition to the new pack once it came into action, for it was much like her to look ahead, much like she was doing right now. The brown beauty nodded her head, strong words echoing out of them, "I do have a place in mind. . .but that will be for another time. Until then, my friend." She dipped her head and started towards where the herbal sanctuary was, going to her own heaven for a small time before she had to put more of her plans into actions. She silently waved her tail, giving them the okay to come with her if they wished.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.