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A New Legacy — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Ghoff who has 83 posts.
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Simaea Nite
Simaea listened intently to what her leaders had to say, she would not be one to challenge anything that was spoken by them. In the yearling's eyes their word was law and would be treated as such. The more the leaders spoke the more she began to feel like she belonged. They did not snarl the rules, they did not say them with anything but good intentions and a stern tone when need be. She would find no forceful brutality in this pack. She wondered what her role in the pack would be seeing as she was certainly an avid hunter but at the same time she was a lightly trained healer, and Simaea really liked helping other wolves, it went well with her timid and loving nature. The yearling certainly had no desire to be a guardian like Hollow was aspiring to be. She knew her mental weakness and utter fear of anger and violence would never let her be a guardian.

Then they began to discuss mates and that brought the sadness creeping back into her gaze, She recalled when they had made it to the border and she had met her brother at last there had been a female scent that was lightly laced through his fur. She was certainly smart enough to tell that they weren't mates but they would be in the future, while it made Simaea happy for her brother, it made her gaze darken. She knew how life worked and if a male could see past her scars, her voice would be another affair entirely. Her sigh was audible and by the look that Narime had cast her she was sure it would be something she would have to talk about.

Then Sloane made the request she had been waiting excitedly for, light shown wildly in her eyes and her excitement was almost totally transparent. It was her first chance to show how much this meant to her. Yes oh yes Narime, Sloane, I would follow you off the end of the earth, there are no other two wolves that I would follow! Her mind was screaming her pledge and making a ruckus but she did not follow suit instead she calmly walked forward and set her stance next to Kieth, submissive but proud to be under these two. Her words echoed oddly around the cavern, they were rough as the rocks she lived among and twice as strong, the conviction they left her muzzle with startled even her. "I would follow both of you anywhere, you have given me a home, you brought me to my dear brother, You have both shown me that good still exists in this world. You will have my loyalty until my last breath." The amount of heart the young female spoke with was almost enough to shake the ground, it was almost as if the inner strength in her was so great that it was what had caused her physical strength to be so little.

(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2013, 03:00 PM by Simaea.)
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina
Trying to fade it out to them heading into the cave.

Narimé was so glad to see their new brother and sister come up and speak their ties to the pack. The dark and gray wolves loyalty made her tail wag and she knew that as long as the four of them worked together they would be just fine. Even with all the dangers that they might face in all of the land, the pack would stay strong. The future was bright for them, especially with Narimé's ability to always see the silver lining in troubling times.

"Next up is this cavern. It would be perfect as long as we somehow seal off the lower half of the cave. There are more dangerous places down there including deep crevices and rushing waters. There are four main tunnels I would like to seal off to keep you, and whatever family we will have in the future safe." She looked behind her into the darkness and wondered if the pups would be too afraid of the dark in the first place to go any deeper than the first big room.

"Simeae already knows a few of these tunnels. So Kieth, it's about time you see them too. " She turned her body facing the dark and just peered down the tunnel letting her eyes adjust. Flicking Sloane with her finely scented tail Nari looked over her shoulder wondering if he would lead them down. He should know the paths for the most part.

Sloane can end? Or everyone else can go and Simaea can end? Doesn't matter to me.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane felt pride well up in him as their two newest members fervently proclaimed their allegiance to himself and Narime'. Their heartfelt pledges left no doubt that they were where they wanted to be and proud to be under the two young leaders. Although he had led before with Nina, the fierce loyalty burning in his own heart now was ten-fold. This was his mate by his side. These were their pack mates come what may. This was no temporary post. This was the beginning of a new legacy here in the Lore and though they might be small in number, he felt sure that their bonds would grow strong and eventually they would grow in both number and strength.

For now, he would protect with Keith as his right hand man and Simeae would help Narime' with the hunting, with each pair assisting the other wherever needed. Hollow's sister also claimed some knowledge of healing. That would surely come in handy. Perhaps she could even train with Nina or one of her students at some later date to further her knowledge. That thought appealed to him and he would seek Narime' and her thoughts on the matter at a later date.

Right now, as Narime' stated, the cave must be dealt with. He nodded gravely to the two wolves before them, accepting their pledges of fealty before turning with Narime' towards the cave as she spoke. Taking her cue, he moved forward to lead the small group into the cave that was now their home. Together, they would make it safe and livable for everyone here and all of those to come. Pausing for a moment, he looked over his shoulder and said, "Welcome to Whisper Caverns!"

(Fade to Black)
Knight of Honor