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west coast smoker — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">
The thought of an unknown sickness left the yearling feeling uncomfortable — he was positive he would be able to scent a sick wolf if they were nearby, and so would Anastasia. It just meant that they were going to have to be cautious while exploring the lands of Relic Lore. Like Hollow said, hopefully this disease was gone and the dynamic duo would have nothing to worry about. He just wanted to keep moving and searching for somewhere to call home — XIX knew that his partner was getting weary with their traveling. Luckily they had each other, so it had increased their odds of survival as lone wolves, but there was only so long they could last without the support of a pack.
Lachesis liked the sound of Secret Woodlands and he couldn't wait to tell his blue-eyed friend about what he had learned. He knew that she would be proud of him for scouting out a pack by himself and using the skills that she had taught him. The idea of joining a family was appealing to the youth, and hopefully Ana would feel the same. There was still more to see of the land, and more pack wolves to bump into, but this was a start. And a very good one. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">"If I r-return with my f-friend, w-who should I call f-for?"
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
The look on Nineteen's face told Hollow that he was thinking very seriously about the threat of sickness in the area and what it would mean for him and his friend. There was also a hint of pride in the young wolf's gaze as he thought, which Hollow assumed was due to his thorough inquiry about the pack and lands. It was refreshing for Hollow, to see a wolf so innocent as this. Almost as if he were still a pup, it brought a touch of happiness into the dark male's own strange gaze. He must not have been away from his home for long, or he may have lived a rather sheltered life.

Hollow's thoughts became interrupted by the next question from the yearling, "If you return, call for Nina, and Koda Reneier and myself, so that I may explain to them how you came to know of our location and pack." He did neglect to tell the young male of the pups, and the extra protective emotions running through the pack due to it, merely because he had not met Nineteen's friend. There was no Malicious intent behind it and his face remained friendly, his tail gave a few wags before he spoke once more. "It was good to meet you, Nineteen, I hope to see you at our borders soon, with your friend, though now I must get back and check on things." With that he turned and his black shape moved swiftly through the fields, and back to the woodlands, where his pelt would appear to morph and fade into the shadows of the territory.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">
you're a doll, you are flawless
but i just can't wait for love to destroy us
After acquiring the information he needed from the Woodlands wolf Lachesis wondered how Ana would feel about joining this particular pack. If Hollow's description that they were a family spoke true, and the rest of the wolves within the pack were just as nice as the black wolf before him, XIX could see himself seeking acceptance within their ranks. The only issue the boy had — other than Anastasia possibly not wanting to be part of this pack — was 'Woodlands'. Did that mean they were going to be situated in a forest? Lachesis had been so happy to escape the cover of trees by escaping into the open fields, but he knew that almost all of the packs within the region would seek refuge in a forest. It was safer that way, much to the yearling's dismay. He couldn't be picky, though. He and Anastasia needed a pack — and soon.
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">"Thank you, Hollow," he replied after the dark male answered his question while he gave a single swish of his tail. Once the words had stained the air, the pear-eyed boy realized that it had been the first sentence he had spoken to the Woodlands wolf without stuttering. Masking his happiness, the lanky loner bowed his head as Hollow stated that he needed to be going. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">"It was n-nice to meet you, as well. Thank you, again — h-hopefully we'll be seeing you soon." And with that, Lachesis turned away at the same time Hollow did and headed back in the direction that he had come from. Finally, he had some information to give to Anastasia!
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you