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The Silver Dagger — Nomads Pass 
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Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout

Moments before Asta had the chance to relax and for Sagacity to have a chance at getting to know the new female in the pack- finally, she was not the only one!- Mapplethorpe, who had apparently been hiding under the cover nearby, interrupted them in a rush. It surprised Sagacity to see him without having been able to smell him, even with the wind so still. It was unusual and almost unnatural, the way he'd been able to conceal himself and spy on the two of them; Sagacity was not pleased by this trickery but showed no sign of spite, even though she suspected he'd simply been waiting and watching to see what she'd say to Asta. Did he have that little faith in her? They had been so civil the last time they'd met. The authority with which he held himself now suggested to Sagacity that he'd been poisoned by the power he'd been given. While she had respected him at a lower rank before, she found her admiration for the male dwindling with every moment.

She was chastized, something she did not appreciate but she bore with silence and patience. Her ears flicked back and, recognizing that he was now ranked above her- or at least he acted as though it was so- she lowered her head to show respect. Had the Mapplethorpe she'd known before been promoted she would have been quite pleased. Now, however, this brute who stood before her, growling a spiteful question at her did not impress her whatsoever. Nor did she appreciate the way he snarled at Asta; if he'd listened a moment ago, which she suspected he had, he would've heard her ask Asta to rise and be relaxed in a much more dignified manner. Her eyes glanced to Asta to see what she thought of this- had she even known the kind, clever Mapplethorpe which had been the wise advisor not so long ago? Or had she only known this snarling badger?

She was about to speak when yet another familiar- and definitely more revered and respected- face came forth. The calmness with which she approached suggested that she'd heard the conversation's progress, indicating that she too had been listening in. So Naira too possessed this unnatural ability to listen in on conversations and appear from thin air- it put a sour taste in Sagacity's mouth, though in truth she took on a feeling of relief when she saw the alpha female. At last someone who had two cents to rub together in their brain. She lowered herself to show respect to the woman she respected most, and the surprise on her features was replaced with a look of relief- she was glad to see that Naira looked well after having whelped.

"My queen," She greeted, speaking first to the wolf who had first been her superior, before she answered Mapplethorpe's questions. To him, she gave the title "Sir," spoken with respect and reverence she assumed she owed, though the entire truth about the situation she had yet to hear. Naira positioned herself in such a way to allow Mapplethorpe's inquiry to be seen as the first to be dealt with- whether this was because she wished her to answer him before she had her own questions or that she was hinting of Mapplethorpe's true rank Sagacity could not tell. So she decided not to assume and step that dreaded step, calling him 'my lord' before she knew for sure that Rhysis was no longer the alpha male. Oddly, she did not want to make that assumption not because she cared for Rhysis, but because she did not want to insult Naira, nor did she want to hear that something bad had happened between Naira and Rhysis.

"I went on my second scouting mission on April 21st with the intention of returning within two weeks, which had been discussed before I left." She said. It took time to travel from here to there, and any less then that period of time wouldn't have allowed her much travel, fleet as she was. "Those I met along the way were mainly lone wolves who have been scouting out packs. I learned from them what I could about the packs they'd visited, though there was little to be learned from them. I've seen no new trace of diseased wildlife, though there is a fen, thick with trees and fireflies, where I saw more foxes in a short space of time than I have ever seen in my life. I would avoid the place when the Summer months come. If the disease makes it to the fen, it will spread like wildfire through those vermin." She said. She hoped this would be of some "A female named Enoki told me she had been to Willow Ridge and had met the alpha female, Elettra Archer. I also met a wolf named Faol- a loner I'd met before I joined Nomad's Pass- though he had little news to offer. I did not tell him that I was in a pack, though I believe he is looking for one to join and that he would be an asset to Nomad's Pass." She admitted. He was level-headed, reasonable, smart and could survive quite well on his own, meaning he was a good hunter and had a good head on his shoulders. "I met another loner named Chetan, who helped me when I was on my way back with this pup. He helped hunt for me when I could not." She said. Perhaps another good recruit for the pack, she thought, so long as he would keep the secret.

She drew in a breath to answer the question about the pup. Her eyes flickered to Naira- she still wished to know how Naira's whelping had gone, but now was not the time. "I was delayed while on my return voyage when I found a lone female who'd given birth to three pups but had suffered during the whelping. I do not know her situation, but she'd perished by the time I'd caught something for her to eat." She said. "I knew I had a duty to the pack, to you, Naira, especially in this time. But nor could I allow myself to walk away from three mewling babes. I did what I could for them, but didn't have the milk for some time. It was slow going, trying to travel with three of them; two perished from malnutrition." She said, her voice lowering. There'd been nothing she could have done for them- she hadn't had the milk supply to feed three pups.

"I tried to do right by the pack and by my instincts; I know I have displeased you, but I beg for mercy- not for me, but for him. By your mercy I beg that his life be spared and that he remain in my care. In the interest of bettering myself, please tell me what I ought to have done." She said, testing the waters to see if she'd actually done the right thing, or if she was to be reprimanded for making the wrong choice.

Table by Tyrant <3
(This post was last modified: May 22, 2013, 02:58 AM by Sagacity.)
Avatars by Arla!

Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
It was with appreciative ears that Mapplethorpe took in Sagacity's greeting towards Naira but it did not excuse her from answering his questions. When she did bring to light just exactly how long it has been, even if the grizzled man could have cared less about dates and the coming and going of her ventures, he listened with utmost attention. She had mingled with others, lone wolves to be exact, dodged the presence of sickly creatures (like the coyote they had found several weeks ago), been through new terrain (which sounded like the lands he traveled through to find Datura and Taima) and reported that there had been a sudden influx of red foxes in the area... something that he, too, had noticed. When the names of wolves were doled out, his eyes went to Naira's face. Though he ought to have addressed her, acknowledged her arrival, he kept in place; he would not allow these two females to read into any interaction between him and the Queen they all served. If anything at all, he respectfully took a step back to bring his shoulder to hers and lowered his tail to show both Sagacity and Asta that Naira now had the floor and spotlight.

His gaze briefly flickered to the Scout's face and the cub she had saved during her journey back to the Pass. At least the silvery woman had chosen the right words to say, that she knew her duty and that she had tried to do what was right. In that moment, he could think of a list of several things that Sagacity ought to have done, but as it stood, Naira ultimately had jurisdiction over the present circumstance. After all, despite his ceaseless admiration towards the fact that he was loyal to her, that he adored and cared for her, the cubs subject to such a change in acquiring an age-mate were not his. "In all fairness," he mused, morphing back into the more familiar Mapplethorpe the Scout had first met, "I think you've done quite an honorable thing." He turned to let his eyes fall upon his equal, his tone smoother and calmer now that she was at his side, "Though, I believe it is not exactly my place to tell you what you should have done or decide what should become of the cub... My Lady, what do you think?"

Being allowed to get as close to Naira as he had been in the past few months, he knew deep down that the monarch did have, underneath her steely and {sometimes} lawless nature, a heart of gold. But, with the two princesses in question in relation to this new outsider, the only surviving son of some unidentified dame, he wanted to make sure Naira had her mind invested in her best interests as well as her family's. "Is it honorable enough for your Scout to exercise such selflessness? The girls, I'm sure, could benefit from having a playmate." The notion of having Naira raise the boy as an Aquila danced across his mind for a split-second, "Of course, only if you would allow it and can spare such resources to accomodate him; though, I'm sure Fleetfoot here would be willing to assist if need be." Somewhere in mid-sentence, a smile had tugged at his ivory maw and his tail, now relaxed at his heels, wagged, "If not, I will be glad to dispose of him myself..."

In this world, only winter is certain.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

Quid est nostra capimus
We take what is ours

She thought she might have seen a hint of momentary frustration on Sagacity’s face at her own sudden, and somewhat secretive approach (although it could just as easily been contributed to Mapplethorpe’s abrasive comments and prying questions). Internally she grinned, knowing as well as any that the scout was just as capable of materializing from thin air as she seemingly had. It was one of the advantages of the Pass, not only that, but their own inbuilt nature as predators. After all, she had no idea who it was she was approaching, she would have done the same regardless of who it was she had been called to meet. Now that she once again had young children to care for, she was less likely to run head long into just any situation.

Her face remained blank as the scout reported, noting that perhaps the silver wolf was becoming a little defensive towards the end, but as she allowed her eyes to graze over the small bundle she could well understand why. It was obvious she had gone above and beyond what was required of her to get him this far, and deep down, she was pleased. For a while she had begun to question the calibre of the wolves she had gathered to form her pack, but collectively, Mapplethorpe, @Rais their young hunter and the scout before her had proven that at least in their instances, she had no need to fear for the future of their pack.

She held her tongue as Mapplethorpe stepped back to stand at her side and voiced his thoughts on the matter. “That won’t be necessary.” she said in response to her advisors offer before allowing herself a moment to process it all. Naira knew the stretch of silence would grow uncomfortable for those gathered but this was also not a decision that should be rushed. “It is fortunate that my own litter this year was much smaller than the last.” she finally broke the silence, allowing her eyes to settle once more on the pup who seemed to be staring at her through half cracked blue eyes. With her own dark bundles warm back in her birthing den, it was hard to restrain herself. He so easily could have been one of hers.

“You did the right thing.” she finally deigned, dragging her eyes off the dark bundle and back to his silvered protector. “I am sure between all of us, we can work something out...” After all, it took a pack to raise a litter, and with the latest addition, it would mean more work all round, but long term she was sure he would be able to earn his keep along with the rest. Her tone called a close to the matter. She had more to discuss with the scout and much to catch her up on that had transpired during her absence, including a mention of their latest additions, some more trustworthy than others, and a rather urgent message she required to be delivered just as soon as her scout had recovered.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
Sagacity had expected a backlash for what she'd done, gauging by the greeting she'd received by Mapplethorpe. He hadn't seemed pleased to see her return to the pack whatsoever, and the wind was nearly knocked out of her lungs when he gave his opinion. The surprise which showed on Sagacity's features was mild, though she was actually quite stricken by the change in his demeanour. She wondered, then, if perhaps his rough greeting had been tempered by Naira's arrival, or if it was simply because he had to make sure she knew he was the boss and that she couldn't get away with a scout mission if she hadn't returned with good information. Whatever the cause for the change, she made note of the fact that thin ice could quickly turn thick, and the same vice versa. She chose, then, to tread very lightly when around Mapplethorpe.

She bowed her head in thanks for his comments, and then turned her eyes to Naira. While his posture stated that he was equal in rank to Naira, Mapplethorpe allowed her to make the decision about the boy's life. Sagacity's ears trembled lightly when Mapplethorpe offered to kill the child and instinctively her hackles lifted, if only slightly. She wasn't entirely sure if she could let him do it, and if she did, she wasn't sure she could live on knowing she'd brought this innocent life into the world only to suffer the consequence of death because of her judgement. When Naira spoke, Sagacity's throat clenched but relaxed as soon as she said the words- bless her, Sagacity thought, for getting straight to the point. Mapplethorpe had mentioned the girls, so Sagacity assumed, then, that Naira had given birth to at least two daughters. But when she said that her litter was smaller than last year Sagacity assumed, then, that there might be only two, possibly three, if her litter the year before had been either three or four pups. She could not see Naira being so reasonable about it all if she'd had three or four pups to take care of on her own.

And it was in that moment that she was struck by an odd realization; her son was the only prince born into the pack- though no one, not even the child himself, would ever know. For his own safety, he would be a bastard, born to a female who had likely committed some crime and had been forced to give birth on her own. And Sagacity would have to live in fear that his extended family might come looking. Of course, it would never happen- but she'd have to act as though it might.

Asta was offered as a help for Sagacity and she glanced to the female, to see if she was in agreement with such a thing. Sagacity was an independent woman and did not like the idea of having someone else help take care of the boy- but she could be of use as a puppysitter when Sagacity went out to hunt. Other than that, she would be the boy's mother. "Thank you, my lady, sir," She said, extending her thanks to Mapplethorpe as well. 'I will raise him as though he were my own and teach him the values we hold here in Nomad's Pass." She said. "I would like for his name to be Mercy, in your honour." She added, even though the name had come to her some time ago.

The tone of Naira's voice indicated that the meeting was over; Naira had her daughters to go home to and surely Mapplethorpe must have been a very busy man. Still, she kept her head bowed to show her respect and thanks and waited to see if anything else was asked of her.

Table by Tyrant <3
Avatars by Arla!

Played by Amritha who has 48 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Asta Fleetfoot

It was not Asta's place to interrupt (not that it ever was), and she certainly would not do so here. She remained silent throughout the scout's explanation, and thought she did fairly well masking her personal opinions. Everything the scout said seemed to add up: she'd gone scouting, found a dying mother, pitied the pups and... well, they slowed her down. This wolf, fierce and compassionate, was the beta? Okay by Asta. Still, she wasn't quite sure she was over the... well, shame of her insubordination, however it came by. It couldn't be called unintentional. But she'd never have done it under other circumstances. Hearing her name, Asta's eyes broke from Sagacity to look at Mapplethorpe briefly, ears perked.

Yellow eyes widened the slightest bit. Well... she might've slipped away for shame before that. But she supposed she could... make up for what she had done. And besides, she'd helped watch the girls too! They were darling! ...even when they chewed on her. A touch of the familiar Asta-eagerness slid into her eyes as she looked back toward the silver scout, her tail giving a low, well-meaning wave. She didn't speak, but her willingness was clear enough... even if initial impressions seemed otherwise. Inwardly she shrank as Mapplethorpe continued however. She didn't see his face - her eyes were on Sagacity again - but his willingness to do in such an innocent life irked the young wolf the slightest bit. But she supposed if the child had been ordered abandoned it would've meant the same in the end... but how could he be so ruthless? Maybe it was because he was a male? He wasn't inclined toward the same, tender instincts as woman might be, after all. She tried to let the thought roll off her in any case and instead pondered the situation she was witnessing and the details she was catching pieces of.

As a whole, Asta found the situation odd. At least she suspected this had been a good reason to call on her superiors... she'd done that correctly she supposed. She also thought most packs wouldn't want the little stray. Indeed, Naira's mercy was impressive to Asta. How appropriate the child be called "Mercy." A faint smile tugged at her lips. This meeting was over - undoubtedly little more would need to be said concerning the situation. Casting a glance to her leaders - each in their turn - and one to Sagacity, Asta made to leave, her face falling as she turned. She'd have some things to think on now, some uncertainties to smooth out again. She certainly hoped there weren't any other missing wolves she didn't know about...

Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
The bristled fur at his shoulders and the back of his neck smoothed out slightly upon hearing that he would not have to get rid of the child. Her words bit at his eardrums and both his stance and facial expression changed into those of a neutral aspect. The smile, however twisted it had been, evened out and left his black-lined lips in a hard line as he listened to both Naira and Sagacity, his stark yellow eyes staring at Mercy as he kept close to his guardian's limbs. He allowed himself one airy snort as their little meeting came to an end, initiated by both his Queen's tone of voice and Asta's departure.

Finally tearing his eyes from the pup's blue irises, he let out brief and gruff growl, not out of disappointment, but rather out of satisfaction that the situation Asta had presented them with had been efficiently taken care of. He gave a curt nod to Sagacity, then took the chance to press his nose to Naira's chin before respectfully skimming his rough tongue over her ivory fur. Once he had slowly withdrawn himself from Naira's side, he took a few steps towards the gravelly slope he had descended then stopped in his tracks. He directed his gaze over his shoulder and to his Queen in silent hopes that she would follow him back to the depths of the Pass or along the territory edges he was itching to traverse and pick over for any gaps between his scent-coated markers.

In this world, only winter is certain.
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
-and zee finishes-

None seemed to object to the child's name and so it was let be- the dark, sooty boy would be called Mercy and he would be under her care; eventually, she knew, she could call him her son, and would have him call her his mother, though he could never know the truth. The child would be fed lies from the moment he could understand them and as much as this pained Sagacity, now that she knew he would live, she did not feel sorry for the decision to make up these lies. They'd been believed truly and completely, and she'd told them to herself so often that they'd almost become the truth. If she kept speaking them to herself, she knew that eventually she would forget the truth. And that would make her life so much easier- to grieve no longer for her lover or for the son they shared.

Mapplethorpe and Naira took their leave and she glanced once to Asta, offering her a small woof of thanks before she turned to the little child at her feet. She licked his neck and back to soothe him before he picked him up with savage teeth made gentle for his comfort and safety. She carried him further into their pack lands until she found the way to her den. Once there, she regretted not having been able to prepare and missed the comfort of her birthing den, but she would manage. Soon enough her den would be fit for a pup, and he would grow to want nothing.

Avatars by Arla!