A shiver danced down his spine, causing the thin healer to shake uncontrollably against the snow. His body curled up tighter, desperately seeking warmth as the snow continued to fall unforgivingly. The ghost was relieved that Karpos was here – alive and safe – and that the mountain had spared the former Pitch Pine heir. If it had allowed the small pup to live surely it would allow his blue-eyed companion to survive as well? Positive, you have to remain positive, he kept telling himself, the words repeating themselves feverishly within his skull. The more negativity that fuelled him the deeper he would spiral into this depression that had its hold around the yearling’s throat.
As the silenced settled the skeleton’s pale, yellow-green orbs searched for the shadow prince’s muddy gaze, his ears pinned flat against the back of his skull. Letters and syllables struggled to form together on the tip of his tongue as his dark lips remained drawn shut. He desperately wanted to fill the void between them with something, anything, but nothing would. The boy was at a loss for words.
Another shiver rattled the bag of bones as he adjusted his long legs, pointed shoulders hunched as he desperately sought out the remaining warmth within his body. It was at that particular, uncomfortable moment that the scent of meat reached his nostrils once more – this time, from a new source. Blinking slowly the ghost pointed his muzzle toward the scent, his deer-like legs shuffling awkwardly to push his fragile body into a stand. Without warning his knees buckled beneath him, causing the boy to collapse once more upon the ground. A groan managed to slip it’s way past his lips as he motioned toward the elk carcass with his maw, hoping that the sound would grab Karpos’ attention.
![[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]](https://orig00.deviantart.net/b328/f/2018/044/7/8/ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png)
stick with those who stick with you

Karpos had just fallen apart before his uncles eyes. The boy whom had lost yet another family member. He supposed he should be use to it by then, but he wasn't. He had lost his sister to the fate of Pitch Pine Trail, his uncle Ace going with her. He had lost his mother and his father, both of whom loved him. His father died loving him but his mother left, proving her hatred for the boy. He had now lost his Adoptive Mother, no, his true mother. They weren't blood but she was his mum. He blocked everything out, even the food despite the harsh climate. His uncle was just a distant figure as he broke out into a racket of sobs and shrieks.
Not now. Not another one gone. The numbers kept adding up and he only hoped he had not lost his Auntie Pella to the fierce winter either. His muzzle was agape as if he was going to say something but no words came out. It was pure shock, loss, pain. The Hollowheart wolf didn't know what to do. He couldn't stand that he lost every damn wolf he ever cared about. He had only three wolves left that cared about him. One of them was his uncle who seemed to be trying to get him to react or move in some way and his Auntie Pella who sought out his Uncle Lach and Mum. Would she feel the pain when she found out about Ana?
How could he be so selfish? It wasn’t just him who was affected by the loss of Anastasia. Aside from Astra, who had sensed the blue-eyed dove’s distain toward her, Lachesis had not known a wolf that did not like Ana. She was a rarity among wolves – others gravitated to her, even if they didn’t understand why. The pale siren only had the purest of intentions, her words, although softly spoken, were honest and came from the heart. She had always given strangers the benefit of the doubt, and searched for the good in wolves even when others were in doubt.How had he been so blind to the pain of others? They had cared for and loved Anastasia nearly as much as he had – and they missed her just as much. Guilt burned deep within his stomach, nearly causing the slender yearling to double over as he struggled with what to do. As much as he wanted to run away from the situation and hide away in his den XIX needed to be there for his nephew. This child remained Shade’s only lasting tie to the land after Pitch Pine disbanded; Lachesis would not let anything happen to Karpos, even if they now belonged to different packs. Without a second thought, the yearling shuffled to the espresso-coloured pup’s side, his long legs curling beneath his body. Resting his muzzle atop the pup’s warm spine Lachesis pulled the youth in closer. Karpos had lost someone important to him as well – Anastasia had been a mother to him when his birth mother had abandoned him. She had saved him and his sister, Adsila, and cared for them as if they had been her own.
Tears ran freely down his cheeks as he embraced the pup, his eyes drawn tightly shut as he attempted to drown out the rest of their surroundings. At this point, not even food mattered. He needed to be there for Karpos; he needed to be strong – or at least attempt to be.
The pain that resided deep within the walls of his heart still throbbed – his heart had broken, and XIX wasn’t sure if it would ever mend. The wolf who had given him so much to live for was gone, swept away in the snow that tormented the mountains. He had to believe that she would survive; that she would return to him. If he accepted that she was gone, forever, XIX was worried he would forget about her. He couldn’t forget about her. He wouldn’t. She was safe… she had to be. She had to come back to him.
He wouldn’t be able to survive much longer without her.
![[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]](https://orig00.deviantart.net/b328/f/2018/044/7/8/ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png)
stick with those who stick with you

Karpos stared at the ground, his eyes wide and full of fear as to what was actually out in the world. The mountain had swallowed Ana. It hurt him even more when he realized that his mother had been up there searching for him when she became lost. He was the reason she might be dead. How could he forgive himself for that? He let the tears roll down his cheek as he felt his uncles head rest on his spine. The pain they both felt evident in the tension of the surroundings. At least they still had each other to look too. Though Karp had to admit that he worried that the pack Lach belonged too and the pack he belonged to might not always get along.
Karpos continued to sob, not saying a word but thinking about what he could possibly say as an apology to his uncle. Still, no words managed to find their way out of his mind and so he continued to think until he slowly drifted off to sleep, the tears slowing until his breathing slowed slightly. The pup would have good dreams despite the news he had just received.
He remained where he was, doing his best to embrace and comfort his distraught nephew. His blue-eyed china doll had been more of a mother to Karpos and his sister than their real mother, who was frequently absent; XIX should have expected this kind of reaction. It was remarkable to think of how many lives Ana had touched before her disappearance. Although she held the delicacy of a feather, she managed to captivate those around her – her pure, distinct personality was a rarity and instantly likable. It was impossible to hate a wolf as selfless and caring as Anastasia. Regardless of whom the wolf was she would always see the best in them until they gave her reason not to.And now she was gone.
Pulling the espresso-coloured pup in closer XIX rested his chin against Karpos’ back, his pear-coloured eyes slowly blinking shut. His nephew’s own breathing had slowed, the sobbing slowly ceasing as sleep took over. They had found each other and, at this moment, it was all that mattered. XIX was just glad that the former prince of Pitch Pine was safe – he had found his own pack to call home; he would find a new family within them. Allowing those comforting thoughts to consume him Nineteen soon gave into sleep as well. When he and Karpos awoke Lachesis would return the pup to his new pack before heading back to Cut Rock – he knew Capella would worry about his absence, but he also knew she would understand when he explained it to her.
![[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]](https://orig00.deviantart.net/b328/f/2018/044/7/8/ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png)
stick with those who stick with you