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Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
Divvy the points 2 for Sage and Couth, 6 for the pack.

She wouldn't have expected anything else from Couth- not in the meantime, anyway, not while she was distraught and frustrated. His offer to help spurred her into motion and she nodded, moving into a walk. She didn't want him to see her as being weak; she was wrecked from the loss, but it certainly didn't mean she'd given up. It had been the worst time in her life for her to suffer from a cold- as immediately after the hunt, she'd found herself plugged up and sneezy. Now she could track better, but hunger and distress made her distracted. Couth was an extra set of eyes, ears and a nose, so surely he could be of some help- and in that way, she found herself coming around to having him there with him.

"Help me," She said, and nodded. "And I'll get you into the pack." She said. She looked at him then, and rubbed her cheeks on a forelimb to clear her eyes. "Early February. During a hunt- but too many wolves show up, we were all split up." She said. "I worry if they kidnapped him." She admitted. She moved with her nose not far above the snow's surface, and her eyes brightened when she caught the scent of a kill; something dead and frozen. She licked her lips and quickened her pace until she could clearly see a hoof sticking up out of the snow. "Food," She said hungrily and made a beeline toward it. She scuffled at the snow around it with her paws, but before either of them could set in and begin to eat it, she lifted her head. "You have to bring some of this back with you." She said. "And it was your idea. We found it, You urged me to eat some, and...And I said you could have some, but you insisted it was for the pack, to let you in." She said, and she grabbed a part of the deer's open ribs, and with a few strong yanks, dislocated a set of them, and without another word, she set them before him.

"That's yours," She said. "Not for the pack, for you. Eat." She said. She went back to the kill and did the same for another small portion of the ribs. She would need to eat too- but the large amount of the carcass would be dragged back, between the two of them, for the rest of the pack. She lay down and took the ribs she's pulled off for herself between her forelegs. It pained her to think Mercy might not be so lucky- but she had to keep her strength up, to find him. "My pack's....They don't like strangers. We only take in the strong, or those with something to offer." She said, by way of explaining the plan she'd set out before him earlier. "I...I can't have them turn you away." The Couth she remembered had very few skills to his name. His hunting was dodgy, he had no sense of direction, and he wasn't exactly the most obedient. She hoped he'd have some new skills he could claim, but then again, she'd lost him for two years- who could tell what he'd been up to.

(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2014, 04:45 PM by Sagacity.)
Played by Hero who has 36 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
I always get the urge of wanting to spree when you post lol, and sounds good to me!

She jumped to her feet almost instantly at his offer to help, and he quickly followed suit to trail closely behind her, all the while keeping his eyes and ears trained to his surroundings. He grew into his natural ability to track and hunt later than so many around his age, only because before he'd never had a real reason to divert his attention to a single task. So many had taken the time to mold and shape him into a fully functional wolf that they would eventually grow tired of his screw ups and simply do the task for him, and Couth would often have all the patience in the world to commit to this dysfunctional circle of events that it made him weak, and useless.

Only when he'd gotten himself separated from Saga, and kicked out of more packs than he could count, did he begin to take the time to learn particular useful crafts. Thus, he'd turned into a decent hunter, tracker and healer, although his sense of direction would probably never get better and he was beginning to accept that. It was what made him unique. He trailed behind Saga in silence, occasionally lowering his head to the ground as he listened to her tidbits of information about the son she'd lost some time back, "Poor fella, he probably thinks you're not looking for him either, I'm sure he'll be shocked and surprised when we finally find him." a smile crossed his mouth at this thought that flattened when he caught whiff of prey.

He allowed Saga to lead him to the deer, as he witnessed the carcass that had previously been savaged by some kind of cat lay frozen in the snow. It was unfortunate for the prey but a heaven sent for the traveling carnivores and thus he took the time to obey Saga's orders while she instructed him in a hushed voice. When she threw him a scraps of meat for his own pleasure he felt his tail thump the ground around him, as he dived into the ribs without word, only allowing his eyes to glance at her while she explained her reason for giving him the credit. "I appreciate you doing all that for me Saga, I won't let you down. I'm sure they'll love this deer," almost as much as he was as the crack of bones filled the air. Inhaling the bone marrow and bits of meat within minutes, he looked to Saga once more before producing a most satisfying burp, "that definitely hit the spot." and licked his black lined lips. He waited next for his companion to finish before they continued on their search to find her poor lost son.
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2014, 05:10 PM by Couth.)
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
I have a to-do list a mile long....BUT MAYBE HERO REPLIED OF YES HERO DID NYAHAHAHA!!!
...I get the same feeling :D

"He'll know. He'll be looking too." She said softly when Couth spoke. He had the kind of optimism that made her really dread the fact that they might not find them; it would be a disappointment to both of them. But she knew that Couth would be an asset, not only for the pack but for her- she didn't intend to have him go out looking for Mercy on his own (for fear he'd get lost yet again) but she intended to bring him along, in her scouting party. Both Mercy and Aponi had to be found, and the more wolves they had looking, the better. Naira would have to understand, and take him in.

He fell upon the bones in a grateful, hungry way, and Sagacity did the same with hers, making sure that no tiny bits were missed or left to waste. Part of her felt sorry she could not leave some behind for Mercy- but she knew the likelihood of him finding this, rather than another wolf, was very slim. And if he as this close to the packland, he'd be able to find his way home. Grimly, Sagacity knew that they only way to find him would be to go further, to lands where she could not spot the mountain. Thick forests and through gnarly undergrowths- she knew her boy had the sense to follow the mountain, so he must have been outside the mountain's view.

"Let's go," She said, unable to hide a tiny smile when Couth burped. She saw a small shard of bone on his chest and moved forward to pick it off- there couldn't be any suspicion that Couth had had anything to eat, so she erased what little evidence there was. She briefly touched his nose to his, hesitating only a moment to show her appreciation. "Let's touch base with home and head out again." She said. She wanted to have Couth officially accepted in the pack- to touch base with either of the alphas there, and hen set off again once the two of them were ready and able to do so.

Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Hero who has 36 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

Like his friend, he hoped the young male was somewhere safe and warm, though he knew the odds were stacked against him, well all of them. He had been one of the lucky ones to make it to see his third year as a loner but he was also an adult with the skills and logic to get himself into packs. He wasn't too sure what kind of skills a pup could offer a neighboring pack without needing a guardian and access to the pack reserves--and maybe strangers didn't take kindly to scavengers. Sighing deeply, as the negativity had begun to get to him, he shook his narrow skull to dismiss thoughts of Mercy never coming home, he knew the pack would be devastated that he was missing and grieve if he could not be found.

Occupying himself with his kill, he brought his mouth to his paws in search of tidbits of food and ate them accordingly, only when he felt that everything within his sight was gone did he lift to his paws and shake away debris from his coat. When Saga had finished her meal some time after him he felt his tail wag behind him as he happily came to her side, nipping her shoulder with affection. "Lead me where you want miss Sagacity." and he licked her cheek to console the roller coaster of feelings she was harboring since Mercy's departure. Glancing toward the remains of the kill, and picking it up to situated it comfortably in his jaws, he trailed behind her as they walked toward the place he was so anxious to call home.
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2014, 02:07 PM by Couth.)