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From Cherries to Blackberries — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats

Firefly smiled jubilantly as Minka shared the Downs scent with Luz. It was official, Luz was now her pack mate. As Minka stepped back and excused herself, Fly frowned for a moment. She wished she could spend more time with Minka; Fly really liked and respected the older she wolf. But Fly also knew that she was very busy and now she had a new friend. Quickly forgoing any disappointment about Minka leaving for excitement about Luz being accepted, Fly bounced over to her new friend and gave her an affectionate lick on the cheek.

"Congratulations!" Fly cheered, voice reaching a higher pitch than usual. Tail wagging a mile a minute, Fly nodded to the direction Minka had gone, but slightly to the right."I know a great place where we can practice fishing if you want to go now." Fly offered cheerfully. "Come on! I'll race you!" With that Fly lowered her body slightly, preparing to launch herself in the direction she had indicated. She spared a quick glance back at her friend, but within the same moment she was off, paws quickly turning over the land and sending her flying across the ground. After all, Luz was pretty fast so she couldn't risk letting the girl get a head start. Delighted and gleeful, Fly raced towards the fishing spot, not a doubt in her mind that her new friend would follow.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
Luz listened intently to Minka's words and nodded in understanding. Everyone needed to pitch in and help otherwise the might not survive winter's grasp. It was understandable. If no one pulled their own weight and then some the pack wouldn't make it and neither would the pups. The pale girl held perfectly still as her new Queen moved forward to each of her sides and marked her with her scent as one of the pack. Luz almost couldn't believe it. She was actually accepted into the pack and was an official member. She watched her leader leave after telling them that Fly was going to give her a tour of Black Thorns Down pack territory.

Her companions congratulations echoed in her cinnamon ears. She looked up a smile growing on her face tail begging to wag almost as fast as Fly's. In the next moment she was invited to go fishing and her russet companion was racing away. For a moment all she could do was looked shocked but then she was racing after her friend. Her paws seemed to fly over the ground as she moved swiftly trying to make up the distance between them. Laughing the pale girl glided right up to Fly before falling in step. She didn't know were this fishing spot was but she was eager to find out.

She was eager to see every inch of her new home and she knew that with time she might be the one to give a tour of the blackberry fields.