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Think For The Future — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
I know this under post count but he doesn't have much to say or do..

The flurry of words from both alphas was taken lightly. Vali didn't truly belong here so he had nothing to do with their doings. Of course he, trying to kiss ass and be nice, offered a light smile to Namid after her godawful speech. Something about family and being mighty. The older man wanted to snort his laugh in all of these wolves faces but knew better than to do that. Especially at a pack meeting with all of these mutts around. Who knew what would happen if he tried to cause an uproar.

Of course the fleeing of his ivory mistress had him awfully upset. Where did she think she was going? Her rather bold and sudden actions had the healer interested. It seemed there was a chance that the pale woman wasn't like the rest of these mutts. While he was tempted to dance right after her he figured it would be in his own best interest to stick around. Didn't want to give off the wrong vibe to these wolves when this was his first time meeting over half of them.

Sighing softly Vali looked at Vesper with a smile. "I wish you good travels. Also if you see anything in bloom do let me know. Best to start stocking supplies the moment I can."

i guess i can’t blame you
but i hate you all the same
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Congrats everyone we finished our first pack meeting

If he wasn't before the entire pack in that moment the agouti king would have snorted in Hexamora's face at her statement of there being a possible alliance with yet another pack. The idea was preposterous! How could a wolf like her manage to pull something like that off? Not a second worth of time was given for Vespertio to pursue that conversation further as the white coated woman was quick to speak and high tail it out of the meeting to return to whatever it was she did during the daylight hours. At this a single brow of his rose before brushing it off. The meeting was dwindling down to a close anyways so it was no use in trying to keep her there any longer. Let the poor woman do her thing. For now. Shortly he would be talking to her again about her work, or lack of to be correct. A paw would be put down more solidly now for her. Either she would start to pull her weight around here or be asked to leave and Vesper would not mind chasing her off his territory.  

But her time on his mind had come and gone as the rest of the meeting continued. Anthem, the pack second standing to voice that he would be joining him on the trip in the early hours of the new day. Crap. The tawny man had been so wrapped up in things as of late that he had momentarily forgotten his pact with the larger male in taking a sidekick to aid him should things go sour. Which Vespertio mentally hoped wouldn't. Nodding his head the golden pools of his optics nestled on the stormy coated fur. Ebony lips forming a soft smile. "I'd be honored to have you along with me, Anthem." Slowly the rest of the wolves began their own departures from the meeting circle. Another nod of his head offered to the aging man whom spoke of them keeping an eye out for things in bloom. The Vuesain knew nothing of the herbal teachings, but if he did manage to see anything of possible use he would keep a mental note to pass on to the herbalist.

Finally the last of the Cove wolves had traversed off, leaving only the reigning pair behind. A heavy sigh of relief and a slumping of his body into a neutral stance followed suit. The meeting had gone without a hiccup and for this he was pleased. Now he could spend some time with the star dancer. His moon gazer. Already Namid had began to make her own stage exit, leaving the man to follow quietly in her paw steps. A smug smirk settling on the inky lips as his eyes helplessly watched the swaying of her hips as she walked. He was a man after all. But damn did she have a fine rear.
