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Nothing like first-hand evidence — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben

Titan had gotten away somehow without getting any other nips around his rear end. His dark form partly limped mostly ran from the Archer female towards the southern lands. He hadn't realized where he was going until the youth looked back to see that no one was following him. Then he noticed how badly his leg hurt and that he had gone in the completely wrong direction while fleeing. Taking a moment to slow down and gather his wits Titan spots a clearing just before the woods thickened up to a deep forest. He angles himself towards the forest limping along. The mountains rose to the left of him telling Titan that he was far closer to east than he wanted to be. His steps slowed until Titan was limping on three legs while lifting up the back leg Morganna had wounded. He scanned the area behind him ever watchful for any pursuing Archers, but by the heavens he seemed to have gotten away. The last thing he wanted was for any of the other Archer-Lyalls or gods forbid Elettra and Angier themselves to come after him. Titan was sure that he wouldn't get a word in with them how things had just happened with Morganna.

A dying black hawthorn tree made itself visible as Titan found himself wandering deeper into the forest at the base of the mountains. He paused at the base of the tree sniffing it in curiosity. The brisk scent reminded him of the trees name and uses. It was one of the trees somebody in the past had told him about. A tree that would help with muscle aches and tendons. Titan glanced around him one more to look and smell for danger, and only then did he look back and down at his bum leg. Numerous sniffing couldn't tell him anything but the fact that Morganna hadn't left too many scratches there. The problem was inside of his leg. It hurt a lot, and Titan wasn't sure if it was broken or not. It even hurt just to try and stand on it now. The dark youth had not experienced a sprained or broken leg before, so he had no knowledge on how either of those wounds would feel. At best he could guess that it was broken and wait for it to heal with treatment.

...but I can't get treatment out here... Unless, I do it myself. He thought quietly before jerking his head up again and sniffing the air for danger. A coyote was nearby, but so was the scent of rabbit. He hoped the coyote would go for the rabbit and leave him be. Then he began tugging at the hawthorn bark trying to get good sized pieces to take with him. He would have to find a safe place to stay for a while if he was going to keep out of sight from the ridge wolves. Titan needed to heal up so that he would run like crazy when they found him.

(Fade for the thread :D )

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...