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bwp: quarrelings
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Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The delicate flesh of the belly ripped open like wrapping paper at Christmas, spilling festive treats all over the snow. Wolves struck from all sides, and the slaughter was quick and without harm caused on their side. @Greer had skipped out of the way of the boar's lumbering attack and that one move had caused it all to be over - the pig was torn apart and done for.

@Morganna nudged him once the beast was dead, Craw still toothdeep in its intestines, and he pulled away from it slowly as the others did the same, retreating to shake and calm and otherwise celebrate a very bountiful and successful pair of kills. Licking his lips of the warm, fresh blood which coated his face, Craw turned to see Wraith leaping at him, excitement in his growl. Still very much riled up from the high-stakes fight, Craw welcomed the brief brawl, meeting the large man's momentum with his own, taking those few moments to wrestle with @Wraith and let his adrenaline ebb in a more controlled, safe manner.

As the highest ranking male present - and indeed the highest ranking after Morganna in general - Craw took his fill from the larger corpse after the leader was done. Having chosen a comfortable spot near to Morganna after he, too, was thoroughly sated, Craw took to leisurely cleansing the thick blood spatters from his forelimbs, an ear held lazily forwards as he enjoyed the sounds of others eating and the general easy camaraderie of a feast. Though there was one non-willow wolf present, she had contributed, and if Morganna was content with her presence then Craw did not contest it. When Morganna spoke up to offer Wraith instructions for the smaller corpse, the pale wolf paused, glancing between Wraith, 'his friend' and finally Morganna. "I will help them," he said gruffly, intrigued at an opportunity to learn a little more about their neighbours - a topic he had been neglecting, for the willow pack held enough distractions for ten lifetimes. Besides, boars were not light creatures, and even less so when stone dead. The woman was from that pack in the forest which the Archers had some quarrel with, if Craw knew it right. That Morganna was sending such a gift was a significant gesture.

Unless his offer was contested or refuted, he would continue his idle grooming, preparing himself for aiding Wraith and the woman drag the sow to their neighbour.


becu, let me know if Morg would've said no, (same to Vet and Melorama) and I can just pp it into this post so you don't have to post again.
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]