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rummaging for answers in the pages — Swallow Swallet 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
It didn't matter how savagely she struck, all but blinded by pain and fury. Nothing stuck, nothing tore but her own flesh and she was given entirely to her instincts. Her jaws clacked and snarled as she was pulled this and way that by two unbelievably strong desires: getting out of his grasp, and hurting him in any way possible. She'd thought it had hurt before when his teeth first pierced her flesh, but by now it was all but unbearable. Nineva wanted to scream, to yelp, to cry, to curse but she wouldn't do any of it, wouldn't allow him the satisfaction.

Still, he was winning.

When he finally released her and pushed her away, she had nothing to show for all of her effort. He was whole and gloating, his wretched, troglodyte face grinning back at her. Blood poured from her wounds, and her throat ached with whines she was holding back with nothing more than her will power.

She couldn't continue this; it would be suicide to launch another strike, she knew that. But dammit, it wasn't over.

Her posture became defensive, chin tucking as she began to back away. Her eyes glared dangerously, irises encircled with white as they remained wide with her rage.

"I'm going to kill you," she promised, chest heaving with steady but deep breaths. "Mark my fucking words."
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

Fenrir, take him, she was beautiful. A sane wolf would have backed away. Would have known better than to poke a furious female. No one ever accused Zerxes of being sane aside from himself. And damn if he didn't want to bite her ass just to get himself going again. His breath panted out hot and fast, pupils dilated with further proof of his arousal. Z let his tongue slide slowly over his teeth and lips as he admired her from afar. Fucking. Beautiful. And those eyes. He'd never get enough of them.

That tucked chin, that steady glare. It wasn't submission, but close enough for his tastes. He'd kill any wolf that crossed his path just to see her submitting to him. Not today, but some day. Some day, she would bow. Those eyes would look down and cave to his will and their power would become his own.

Nineva's hateful promise only widened his smile. "Not today," he told her, laughing at his own private joke. Perhaps one day she would. But not before he had her. Not before he had his way with her and tore her down as far as a wolf could go. Not before those gravewalking eyes were dull with loss and sorrow and defeat. "But darling," he drawled out, venomous gaze lingering. "I look forward to the day you give it another try."

Satisfied with a job well done, Zerxes turned with exaggerated slowness and ambled back the way he'd come, tail waving slowly behind him as he went.

Z's exit. Feel free to archive or make a closing post if you want. <3
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health